
17 Stories

Intel CEO to Step Down
 Intel CEO to Step Down 

Intel CEO to Step Down

After 40 years with the company, Peter Otellini retires

(Newser) - Intel CEO Paul Otellini will retire in May, ending a nearly 40-year stint at the company, including what will be eight years in the top job, the chip maker announced today. "It's time to move on and transfer Intel's helm to a new generation," the 62-year-old...

New Intel Chips Will Block Would-Be Pirates

'Intel Insider' designed to bring better HD content from studios

(Newser) - Intel has added a surprise new feature to its next generation of Core microprocessors—an anti-piracy feature that it hopes will convince studios to stream true 1080p videos. Until now, studios have offered “HD” streaming content, but they’ve held back on the true 1080p resolution out of fear...

FTC Hits Intel With Antitrust Lawsuit

Chip maker accused of using threats, rewards to shut out competitors

(Newser) - The Federal Trade Commission sued Intel today, looking to block tactics it says the world's biggest chip maker has used to snuff out competition. The FTC said Intel, which makes the microprocessors that run personal computers, has used both rewards and threats to discourage computer makers from buying competitors' chips...

Apple Builds New Team of Chip Gurus
Apple Builds New Team of
Chip Gurus

Apple Builds New Team of Chip Gurus

Hires hint that company is plotting to create its own, secret circuits

(Newser) - Apple has been steadily assembling a team of experts with the capability to design the company's own brand of chips, the Wall Street Journal reports. Insiders say the move—a major shift in strategy—will help Apple design new, exclusive features for its gadgets, and will eliminate the need for...

Transistors May Migrate to Paper
May Migrate
to Paper

Transistors May Migrate to Paper

Circuit-carrying cellulose undercuts silicon on price

(Newser) - The future of electronics may be etched on paper, reports the Economist. Researchers have found a cheaper, easier way to make transistors using cellulose, paper’s key ingredient. Paper could soon replace silicon as a surface on which to mount transistors, which control the flow of electric currents and power...

FTC Opens Antitrust Investigation of Intel

Smaller rival AMD has long accused it of unfair practices

(Newser) - The FTC has opened a formal investigation of Intel over allegations of monopolistic business practices, the Wall Street Journal reports. The world's biggest semiconductor company, which denies any wrongdoing, received a subpoena this week. Intel also learned that it faces a $25.4 million antitrust fine from South Korea, even...

Intel, Microsoft Fund Multicore Research

Future products call for chips with many more microprocessors

(Newser) - Intel and Microsoft will fund researchers at two universities working on new programming techniques for multicore chips, sources told the Wall Street Journal. The companies will reportedly provide $2 million annually for five years, to speed the development of chips that can contain dozens—or even hundreds—of microprocessors of...

Intel Testifies in EU Antitrust Hearings

CEO jets in to defend practices in Brussells

(Newser) - Intel officials testified before an EU antitrust commission yesterday in Brussels; the chipmaker is suspected of unfairly dominating the European market. Competitor Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and consumer groups are testifying today, reports the Wall Street Journal. The commission will consider whether rebates Intel offered to retailers that didn’t...

Intel Pushes 'Atom' Chips
Intel Pushes 'Atom' Chips

Intel Pushes 'Atom' Chips

Tiny microprocessors are intended for mobile Internet devices and low-end computers

(Newser) - Intel will push its tinest new chips behind the brand name Atom in an effort to create demand for two emerging types of computing devices. The Atom line includes chips already announced by the company, reports the Wall Street Journal. One, formerly known as Silverthorne, is aimed at cellphone-sized devices...

Intel Makes Smaller, Cheaper Chip
Intel Makes Smaller, Cheaper Chip

Intel Makes Smaller, Cheaper Chip

Processor targeted at very low-end computers

(Newser) - Intel is working on a tiny, inexpensive microprocessor aimed at very low-end computers. Code-named Diamondville, the chip is for computers priced under $250, especially portable ones that Intel calls Netbooks. Manufacturers are creating such machines for emerging markets, as well as for industrialized countries, where they’re often bought as...

EU Raids Intel's German Offices
EU Raids Intel's German Offices

EU Raids Intel's German Offices

World's biggest chip maker may face new antitrust allegations

(Newser) - EU investigators raided Intel’s German office today, searching for evidence that the chip maker has broken antitrust laws, the BBC reports. The European Commission has already opened a case against Intel for monopolistic business practices, but officials said the surprise raid was the first step in its investigation, signaling...

AMD Gets Closer to Profitable
AMD Gets Closer to Profitable

AMD Gets Closer to Profitable

Investors relieved despite chip maker's big loss

(Newser) - Advanced Micro Devices pleased investors with its fourth-quarter financial report yesterday, as it neared profitability despite a big loss that included its acquisition of graphics chip maker ATI Technologies. AMD execs said they expect to break even early in the second half of 2008, reports the New York Times. AMD...

Programmers Can't Keep Up With Ever-Faster Chips

Manycore chips could revolutionize computing -- if only software wasn't lagging behind

(Newser) - Fast new microprocessor chips are outstripping the computer industry's ability to build software to take advantage of them. Some industry planners believe that software designed for new chips with many processors could make certain computing tasks 100 times faster. The problem: computer scientists haven't found an easy way to program...

Could the Silicon Chip Max Out?
Could the Silicon Chip Max Out?

Could the Silicon Chip Max Out?

The transistor revolutionized the world, but it's starting to show its age

(Newser) - It’s been 60 years since three Bell Lab scientists invented the transistor, launching an electronics revolution that changed the way we live. Engineers have miniaturized the powerful on-off switches—eventually integrated onto silicon chips—about as far as they can. Now, companies are pouring billions of dollars into research...

Breakthrough Speeds Up, Shrinks Chips

Huge supercomputers may be reduced to the size of laptops

(Newser) - IBM scientists have reached a “significant milestone” in chip technology, using optical signals to speed up and shrink the largest multicore processors. The breakthrough controls light pulses with a device called a wave-guide, a wire-like structure on the chip that communicates among processors; hybrid electronic-optic chips could reduce refrigerator-sized...

Math Flub Could Doom Online Safety
Math Flub
Could Doom Online Safety

Math Flub Could Doom Online Safety

Simple error might give hackers private data, expert warns

(Newser) - A small glitch in a computer chip—hypothetical so far—could allow hackers to steal private information from millions of PCs, a renowned cryptographer warns colleagues. Adi Shamir, an Israeli professor who helped design software guarding e-commerce transactions, wrote that a simple math mistake could cause a computer’s security...

Chip Maker AMD Gets Emirate Cash
Chip Maker AMD Gets
Emirate Cash

Chip Maker AMD Gets Emirate Cash

Abu Dhabi buys 8.1% stake in Intel rival for $622 million

(Newser) - The government of Abu Dhabi, through its investment arm, bought an 8.1% stake in Advanced Micro Devices for $622 million. It will receive 49 million newly-issued AMD shares, but won't get any board representation. The computer chip maker desperately needs the cash after a $396 million loss during the...

17 Stories
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