food poisoning

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Label-Free Tainted Tomatoes Tough to Trace

Months later, FDA still tracking salmonella-tainted food

(Newser) - Two months after salmonella-tainted tomatoes entered the food supply, the FDA has still not tracked down the source. Blame the label-free tomato with no bar codes to help investigators, reports AP. The FDA has had to rely on the fickle memories of victims, who are having trouble recalling if they...

New E. coli Strains Could Spell Epidemic

Drug-resistant bacteria may rival MRSA threat, researchers warn

(Newser) - New drug-resistant strains of E. coli have doctors worried that the mutant bacteria could become a superbug to rival MRSA, the drug-resistant form of staphylococcus that kills hundreds hospital patients each year, the Daily Telegraph reports. The spread of the new E.coli strains must be carefully tracked to avoid...

Gulf Fish Cause Food Poisoning
Gulf Fish Cause Food Poisoning

Gulf Fish Cause Food Poisoning

FDA says outbreaks linked to algae toxin in fish high on the foodchain

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration has confirmed outbreaks of food poisoning among people eating fish from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ciguatera poisoning is caused by toxins from poisonous algae that have accumulated in the tissue of large fish. The higher the fish is on the food chain, the more...

Food Poisoning Can Mean Long-Term Trouble

Health effects can resurface years later, doctors say

(Newser) - People who catch food-borne illnesses such as salmonella and E. coli can suffer related health problems years later, the AP reports. The numbers are small, and the research still growing, but doctors and health advocates are beginning to sound the alarm. "Folks often assume once you're over the acute...

Ban Chinese Ingredients? Easier Said Than Done

They're in virtually all processed foods. Six or more in the the Twinkie alone.

(Newser) - In the wake of the pet-food poisoning scandal, some of the biggest U.S. food manufacturers—Tyson and Mission Foods—have banned Chinese ingredients. But since China is the world's biggest supplier of the flavorings, vitamins and preservatives that are used in virtually all processed foods, the bans may be...

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