
20 Stories

Priest, Officers Killed in Attacks on Churches, Synagogue

Russia opens terrorism investigation after what appears to be a coordinated operation in Dagestan

(Newser) - Gunmen opened fire on Sunday in a synagogue, at least two churches, and at a police post in the southern republic of Dagestan, Russia reported, killing a priest, several civilians, and more than 15 police officers. The attacks appeared to be coordinated and took place in the cities of Derbent...

Hundreds Storm Russia Airport to Protest Flight From Israel

Some were chanting antisemitic slogans, officials say

(Newser) - Hundreds of people stormed into the main airport in Russia's Dagestan region and onto the landing field Sunday, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, Russian news agencies and social media reported. Russian news reports said the crowd surrounded the airliner, which...

Massive Explosion at Russian Gas Station Kills 35

Authorities have begun criminal investigation in Dagestan

(Newser) - A massive explosion at a gas station in Russia's southern republic of Dagestan killed 35 people and injured scores more, Russian officials said Tuesday. Russia's Health Ministry said 115 people were injured in the blast and subsequent fire, and 35 of them died, including three children, per the...

On Russia's Caspian Coast, a Grisly Find

A Russian official said hypoxia was likely the cause

(Newser) - About 2,500 Caspian seals have been found dead on the Caspian Sea coast in southern Russia, officials said Sunday. Authorities in the Russian province of Dagestan initially said it was unclear why the mass die-off happened, but a top Russian environmental official on Monday said the cause of death...

Tsarnaev Warning Missed Because of ... Spelling?

Russia warned US about Chechen brothers

(Newser) - Could better spelling have prevented the Boston Marathon bombing? A soon-to-be released congressional report finds that the US missed multiple chances to detain Tamerlan Tsarnaev after receiving warnings from Russian authorities, NBC reports. In July 2012, less than a year before the bombing, Tsarnaev returned to the US from Dagestan,...

Rough Day for Russia: 2 Brushes With Terror

Bombing kills 3 in Dagestan, terror plot averted in Moscow

(Newser) - A powerful explosion killed three people and wounded 40 more today in Dagestan, the region that was once home to Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, reports Reuters . Police had found a bomb in a car outside a law enforcement building in the region's capital city of...

Report Warned About Marathon Finish Line

Cited threat of 'small-scale bombings'

(Newser) - An 18-page report that emerged days before the Boston Marathon proved chillingly accurate in its warning: It said the race's finish line was an "area of increased vulnerability," noting a threat of "small-scale bombings" by extremists, the Los Angeles Times reports. But the report, from the...

Tamerlan 'Disappeared' After Jihadist Was Killed: Report

Russian official reveals agents lost track of Tsarnaev 2 days after death

(Newser) - More details are trickling out about Tamerlan Tsarnaev's possible ties to William Plotnikov , a 23-year-old killed in a shootout with Russian counterterror forces in 2012. The AP spoke to an unnamed official with Russia's Anti-Extremism Center who confirms that Tsarnaev "disappeared" just two days after the jihadist'...

Is Dead 23-Year-Old a Boston Bombing Clue?

FBI investigates whether Tsarnaev met William Plotnikov

(Newser) - As the FBI investigates Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Russian contacts, one name in particular is drawing attention: that of William Plotnikov, a 23-year-old killed in a shootout with Russian counterterror forces in 2012. Within days of Plotnikov's July 14 death, Tsarnaev returned to the US in what Time terms "...

Tsarnaev Dad Says He's 'Really Sick'

...so he's postponing his US trip

(Newser) - The father of the two Boston bombing suspects said today that he has postponed a trip to the United States because of poor health. "I am really sick," said Anzor Tsarnaev, 46, adding that his blood pressure had spiked to dangerous levels. Tsarnaev said Thursday that he planned...

Yet Another Tsarnaev Warning Went Ignored

Customs official told of Russia trip may not have informed FBI

(Newser) - Yet another warning about Tamerlan Tsarnaev was apparently issued to US officials, this one just nine months before the Boston bombings. The alert that Tsarnaev had returned to the US after a seven-month-long trip to Russia was sent to a US Customs and Border Protection officer working on Boston's...

Why Russia Warned the FBI About Tsarnaev

... and why the FBI didn't investigate aggressively

(Newser) - The Russian tip to the FBI about Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years before the Boston bombings was a result of his frequent visits to a mosque in Dagestan known for producing extremists, Time reports. Tsarnaev came to the attention of Russian security forces after becoming a regular at the Salafist mosque...

Tsarnaev's 6 Months in Dagestan Are an Enigma

No sign of extremist in the making: family

(Newser) - When Tamerlan Tsarnaev went to Dagestan for six months, a period of time the FBI is scrutinizing in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, he didn't seem like an extremist looking for guidance. Rather, according to people who spent time with him there, he seemed like a young...

As Police Chased Him, Suspect Called Mom

Mother says she pushed eldest son to be a more devout, and strict, Muslim

(Newser) - In the years before the Boston Marathon bombing, the Tsarnaev family was ripped apart as eldest son Tamerlan and his mother, Zubeidat, embraced a stricter version of Islam, the Wall Street Journal finds. Zubeidat says she pushed Tamerlan to embrace Islam during a period of personal turmoil that included a...

Russian Women Bombed for Wearing Bikinis

Life's a beach on the Caspian Sea

(Newser) - Russian women have become the target of bombers because they're ... wearing bikinis. While men show off their muscles and wrestle on the beaches of the Caspian Sea, women in the increasingly fundamentalist Islamic region of Dagestan have been blown up as a warning that they must cover up, reports...

Rebel's Widow Likely One of Moscow Bombers
 Rebel's Widow Likely 
 One of Moscow Bombers 
she was just 17

Rebel's Widow Likely One of Moscow Bombers

Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova's husband was killed late last year

(Newser) - Russian police believe that one of the suicide bombers who attacked Moscow Monday and left 39 dead is the very definition of a “black widow,” having lost her Caucasian Islamist militant husband to Russian security forces at the end of 2009. Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, from Dagestan, was just 17....

Medvedev Pledges 'Harsher, Crueler' Terror Crackdown

'We will find them all and punish them'

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev yesterday told security forces to use "harsher, crueler" tactics to fight the "scum" responsible for terrorist attacks. The comments, made during a surprise visit to Dagestan, where suicide bombers killed 12 Wednesday, evoked his ally Vladimir Putin's tough talk on terror, notes the Wall ...

12 Killed in New Russian Double Suicide Blast

1 of 2 North Caucasus bombers dressed as cop

(Newser) - Two suicide bombers—one of them impersonating a police officer—killed at least 12 people and injured 18 others in the southern Russian province of Dagestan today. Nine police officers were among the dead. The blasts in the North Caucasus region came two days after a twin suicide bombing tore...

2 Journalists Killed in Russia
 2 Journalists Killed in Russia 

2 Journalists Killed in Russia

TV reporters killed in Moscow, Dagestan

(Newser) - Two journalists have been killed in separate incidents in Russia, AFP reports. A reporter for state-run television was found strangled and stabbed in his Moscow apartment. Only hours earlier he had written a blog post saying "Now I'm a dissident!" The man had worked in Dagestan and elsewhere...

Police Raid Kills 8 As Chechen Violence Spreads

Spillover violence from neighboring Chechnya

(Newser) - In the latest incident of Chechen violence spreading to bordering regions, Russian police killed at least 8 militants in a house raid in neighboring republic of Dagestan today, the AP reports. Police, who were acting on a tip about an armed gang in the capital Makhachkala, are still searching for...

20 Stories