Republican presidential primaries

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Romney&#39;s In for a Long, Messy Fight

 Romney's In 
 for a Long, 
 Messy Fight 
Nate Silver

Romney's In for a Long, Messy Fight

Nate Silver on Mitt's horrific night in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri

(Newser) - Even after last night, Mitt Romney will probably win the Republican nomination, but "it should be acknowledged that he had about the worst results conceivable," writes Nate Silver of the New York Times . He didn't win a single county in Minnesota, finishing 27 points behind Rick Santorum....

Key GOP Blogger Endorses 'Sweet Meteor of Death'

Erick Erickson says all the GOP candidates are terrible

(Newser) - editor Erick Erickson has finally endorsed a presidential candidate: The Sweet Meteor of Death, a joke candidate put forward by political blog Ace of Spades HQ . "You could presume that being a conservative of course I would choose something like a great fireball coming from the sky...

Santorum Could Grab Wins, Momentum Today
 Santorum Could Grab 
 Wins, Momentum Today 
Primary Preview

Santorum Could Grab Wins, Momentum Today

Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri all weigh in on Republican primary field

(Newser) - Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri will all get a chance to weigh in on the Republican presidential nomination today, in a day that might just change the momentum for Rick Santorum's campaign. Here's what to watch for:
  • Santorum's surge: If Santorum is going to make a move, now'

Negative Attacks Souring Colorado Voters on GOP

'Anybody but Obama' not enough for crucial independents in swing states

(Newser) - The bruising, highly negative Republican presidential nomination fight appears to be creating a new casualty as the race moves into swing states like Colorado—independent voters, reports the Los Angeles Times . President Obama may have disappointed many voters over the past three years, but the GOP candidates' continuing bashing of...

Gingrich Billionaire Pal's Plan B: Romney

Sheldon Adelson's focus on beating Obama, whoever wins nomination

(Newser) - Billionaire Sheldon Adelson has kept Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign afloat, giving $10 million to a pro-Gingrich super PAC , but the former speaker of the House shouldn't get too comfortable—Adelson says he will give even more generously to Mitt Romney, should Romney win the Republican nomination, reports the...

Gingrich: I&#39;m Staying In
 I'm Staying In 

Gingrich: I'm Staying In

Newt unfazed by distant second-place finish in Nevada

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lost overwhelmingly last night in Nevada , coming in a distant second with 26% to Mitt Romney's 42.6%, but the former House speaker immediately reaffirmed at a press conference that he's soldiering on, reports the Wall Street Journal . "I am a candidate for President of...

They Sure Love Ron Paul in Rural Nevada

Pahrump residents turn out for Republican candidate

(Newser) - Battling for second place in the Nevada caucuses, Ron Paul has discovered a place where he definitely comes in first. Paul visited a rural district 60 miles west of Las Vegas yesterday and bathed in the adulation of hundreds who gathered at a roller rink, some carrying sidearms, the Las ...

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida
 How Newt 
 Can Rebound 
 From Florida 

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida

Politico, strategists discuss what speaker must do

(Newser) - Newton Leroy Gingrich got drubbed pretty soundly in Florida, and it'll be nearly a month before the next major primaries. What's an ex-speaker to do? Politico weighs in:
  • Have a big idea: Newt's message was all over the place in Florida. "When he wasn’t calling

Romney-Paul Alliance Brewing
 Romney-Paul Alliance Brewing 

Romney-Paul Alliance Brewing

Mitt and Ron have reportedly become pretty close friends

(Newser) - The Republican primary has gotten pretty vicious, but two competitors have pretty much never attacked each other: Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. That's because Romney and Paul are actually pretty good friends, having become close after their unsuccessful 2008 bids, the Washington Post reports. Wives Ann Romney and Carol...

Romney Poised for Decisive Victory

 Romney Poised for 
 Decisive Victory 
Florida Primary Preview

Romney Poised for Decisive Victory

Florida primary polls looking good for Mitt, but there are subplots

(Newser) - Voters will be casting ballots in Florida today, and if polls are any indication, they'll be voting for Mitt Romney. But as always, there are other subplots to watch, too. Here's a rundown of what the pundits are saying:
  • Based on dozens of polls, Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight

Florida Winner Must Appeal to &#39;5 States&#39;

 Florida Winner 
 Must Appeal 
 to '5 States' 
Tue: primary day

Florida Winner Must Appeal to '5 States'

Florida primary a 'microcosm' of US politics: experts

(Newser) - All eyes will settle on Florida tomorrow as the Republican candidates battle to win the state—or, quips Politico , the "five states of Florida." The state is so diverse in its positions that "it's as good a microcosm of the country as you’re gonna find...

GOP Hands 2012 to Obama With Loser Lineup

Voters don't want Barack, but they really don't want these guys: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - President Obama is going to win the election in November, and the Republicans only have themselves to thank. "That's what happens when you run with losers," notes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal . Forget Obama's wealth of policy troubles: "It doesn't matter that...

Is Newt Gingrich the Next Barry Goldwater?
 Is Gingrich 
 the Next 


Is Gingrich the Next Goldwater?

If party elites can't stop Newt, it could be disastrous for GOP: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - If Newt Gingrich manages to defy party elites and score the nomination, it's pretty much "suicide" for Republicans: "Everything about Newt Gingrich screams 'general election disaster,'" writes Steve Kornacki in Salon , from his "personal and ethical baggage" to his "arrogance." Indeed,...

Flush Romney Camp Rules Fla. Airwaves

Florida ads expensive, Mitt rivals low on funds

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination may suddenly be more competitive than experts predicted, but in the next big primary state, Florida, Mitt Romney has the airwaves pretty much all to himself, reports the Los Angeles Times . Florida is one of the more expensive ad markets in the nation, and...

What Mitt&#39;s Loss (and Newt&#39;s Win) Mean
 What Mitt's Loss 
 (and Newt's Win) Mean 
Reaction Roundup

What Mitt's Loss (and Newt's Win) Mean

GOP voters angry, stuck with bad candidates, say pundits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's big win in South Carolina has the Republican establishment squirming and political experts churning, trying to explain what the results mean:
  • GOP base in revolt. "People are mad as hell they are about to be stuck with another boring, moderate, uninspiring choice that has at best

5 Keys to South Carolina Primary

Gingrich could make it a two-man GOP primary race

(Newser) - With Newt Gingrich surging and Mitt Romney admitting he could lose South Carolina, Huffington Post offers five keys to the primary that has picked every Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan:
  1. Newt vs. Mitt: If Romney wins, he will be treated as the future GOP nominee. If Gingrich wins, the media

Why Newt Gingrich's Marriages Are Fair Game: Ariel Levy
 Why Newt's 
 Marriages Are 
 Fair Game 


Why Newt's Marriages Are Fair Game

To reject questions about them as 'trash' is hypocritical: Ariel Levy

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich may have been "frankly astounded" at John King's "trash" question last night about his ex-wife—but that's "pretty rich" coming from him, notes Ariel Levy in the New Yorker . Indeed, "I am frankly astounded that Gingrich hasn’t been asked more about...

Newt Gaining on Mitt in SC
 Newt Surges— 
 Does SC Upset Loom?  

Newt Surges— Does SC Upset Loom?

Latest polls show 2-man race in South Carolina

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is so close to Mitt Romney in South Carolina that an upset win is within the realm of possibility, according to a couple of new polls. Politico's numbers have Romney still leading the field with 37%, but Gingrich is close behind at 30%. Both are well ahead...

Gingrich: If I Win SC, I Win the Nom

Speaker is swinging relentlessly in bid to unite conservative vote

(Newser) - With little more than three days left before the polls close in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich is continuing a verbal onslaught that seems not to require oxygen: "If I carry this state on Saturday, I will be the Republican nominee," he vowed last night, telling his audience that...

GOP Played Fast, Loose With Truth in Debate

Fact Checkers point out inaccurate attacks

(Newser) - The air was thick with half-truths and distortions at last night's combative Republican debate. Here's how fact-checkers score the bout:
  • Nearly every fact-checker blasted Mitt Romney for asserting that President Obama "has opened up no new markets for American goods around the world." Actually, Obama has

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