Republican presidential primaries

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Obama Insider 'Queasy' Over '12 Challenge From Utah Gov.

(Newser) - President Obama’s campaign manager says he’s a “wee bit queasy” about a possible election challenge from Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman in 2012, Salt Lake City’s KTVX-TV reports. “I think he’s really out there speaking a lot of truth about the direction of the party,...

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way
2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

Huckabee, Jindal among possible GOP candidates hitting trail in Iowa, elsewhere

(Newser) - Likely candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination are playing it cool, but their feet tell a different story, Jonathan Martin writes for Politico. Mike Huckabee, for example, says 2012 is “way too far away” to think about, but his book tour has lots of stops in Iowa and...

McCain's Men: The Team Behind the Turnaround

'Sedona Five' crack team of loyalists revamped battle

(Newser) - John McCain's back-from-the-dead presidential bid can attribute its triumph to a number of factors: the successes of the Iraq surge, the rise of Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani's concession in New Hampshire. But before any of those game-changing events, the McCain comeback was engineered by a small, crack team of loyalists...

McCain '08: Difficult But Doable
McCain '08: Difficult But Doable

McCain '08: Difficult But Doable

Conservative pundit outlines path to White House for Arizona senator

(Newser) - A few months ago a Democratic victory in the presidential election seemed assured—but then again, Rudy Giuliani seemed unstoppable too. As John McCain solidifies his claim to the GOP nomination, Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes details how the Arizona senator can win the White House. He needs to seduce...

McCain Wins Virginia, Maryland, DC Primaries
McCain Wins Virginia, Maryland, DC Primaries

McCain Wins Virginia, Maryland, DC Primaries

He survives close contest in conservative Virginia with Huckabee

(Newser) - John McCain won the GOP primaries in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC, tonight. The Arizona senator enjoyed comfortable wins in Maryland and DC, but he got a run for his money in Virginia from Mike Huckabee. The former Arkansas governor made it a tight race with enthusiastic backing from conservatives...

Paul Turns Attention to State Race
Paul Turns Attention to State Race

Paul Turns Attention to State Race

Hopeful plans to trim prez campaign and focus on reelection

(Newser) - Ron Paul posted a blog last night saying that he's pivoting away from the presidential race, Politico reports. He plans to focus on running for Congressional re-election in Texas and wrote that he will not stump as a third-party federal candidate. He is also trimming his national campaign staff, the...

McCain Dominates But Doesn't Clinch Party Base

Solidifies frontrunner status, shows weakness with the party's right

(Newser) - With twice as many delegates as Huckabee and Romney combined, John McCain emerged last night as the unquestioned leader in the GOP race. “Tonight I think we must get used to the idea that we are the Republican party frontrunner," he told supporters gleefully. But his losses to...

Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise
Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Kennedy, Kerry endorsements can't help Obama overcome ad blitz

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton topped Barack Obama in the Massachusetts primary today, overcoming his fervent endorsements by Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, MSNBC reports. Clinton did benefit from backing by state lawmakers like the senate president, Therese Murray, who implied Clinton lost the big endorsements because she is a woman, the AP...

Arnold Will Back McCain
Arnold Will Back McCain

Arnold Will Back McCain

With Giuliani gone, Schwarzenegger prepares to terminate his neutrality

(Newser) - With his friend Rudy Giuliani now out of the race, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to endorse John McCain tomorrow, the Los Angeles Times reports. The governor promised recently not to take sides, but aides say things have changed now that Giuliani has dropped out. Schwarzenegger considers both men close...

McCain Grabs Frontrunner Crown With Florida Win

Momentum shadowed by some concerns

(Newser) - GOP hopeful John McCain won in Florida last night by pulling together the same coalition that worked for him in New Hampshire and South Carolina: moderates, voters concerned about the economy, and those most disenchanted with Bush. Romney campaigned on "fixing Washington" but McCain is the candidate with a...

Romney Lets Guard Down, Boosts Appeal

Geeky CEO shines through matinee idol package on Fla. trail

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's inner nerd is showing, and allowing voters to see it may make him seem likable enough to get elected, Time reports. The candidate's conservative attack dog persona flooded airwaves for months but didn't play well outside of Michigan; now, the tired candidate is letting his dweeby, number-crunching, spreadsheet-loving...

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout
Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Wonks Ponder Thompson Fallout

Romney, Huckabee likely to benefit, unless he endorses McCain

(Newser) - Pollsters are placing bets on who disbanded Thompsonites will turn to in Florida. With most calling themselves "very conservative" evangelicals, they will likely support Huckabee or Romney, one pollster says. But Thompson could throw a curve and endorse John McCain, his old Senate buddy, the Washington Post reports.

Duncan Drops Out of GOP Race
Drops Out
of GOP Race

Duncan Drops Out of GOP Race

California lawmaker pushed immigration in longshot bid

(Newser) - California Rep. Duncan Hunter pulled out of the GOP presidential race today after winning only 2% of votes in the Nevada caucuses, CNN reports. The San Diego-area lawmaker said that failing to "gain traction in conservative states of Nevada and South Carolina" proved it was time to quit. A...

Rain Turns Out for GOP SC Primary, Too

Bland candidates, not weather, may keep voters at home

(Newser) - Today's forecast for parts of South Carolina calls for up to 3 inches of snow, but analysts say if turnout is low in today’s GOP primary, it’ll be because of the candidates, not the weather. Times have changed: “People would have walked through broken glass in their...

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance
Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

After SC, ex-preacher must reach beyond evangelical base

(Newser) - As he looks beyond South Carolina, Mike Huckabee strives to balance his evangelicalism with a more secular image, hoping to win support across the spectrum, the New York Times reports. Though a Christian vote even bigger than Iowa's could carry him in today's primary, the ex-preacher will soon face voters...

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls
McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

McCain Leads in 2 SC Polls

Three new studies give berth to Arizona senator

(Newser) - John McCain leads the pack in the GOP race for South Carolina, two new polls show, with Mike Huckabee in second place, the State reports. A Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll updated today gives McCain 29% of voters to Huckabee's 22%; Fred Thompson follows with 14% and Mitt Romney 12%. Clemson University also...

McCain Holds Narrow Edge in Mich.
McCain Holds Narrow Edge
in Mich.

McCain Holds Narrow Edge in Mich.

Independents, Dems power revitalized senator over Romney

(Newser) - John McCain holds a slim lead over Mitt Romney going into tomorrow’s primary in Michigan, according to the latest Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll. The Arizona senator leads Romney 27% to 24%, within the poll’s margin of error. “It’s very close, and it’s been very close every day...

GOP Headliners Blitz Michigan Ahead of Vote

Romney, on familiar ground, makes last stand; McCain upbeat

(Newser) - Its primary set for Tuesday, the Republican presidential front-runners have been rallying in Michigan, where economic issues are taking center stage. John McCain proposed a training program for workers whose jobs have been eliminated. Mitt Romney is playing up family connections in the state his father once governed; wife Ann...

Thompson Aims for Gun Owners' Support in SC

But Huckabee, McCain have own in-roads with 2nd Amendment crew

(Newser) - Fred Thompson is banking on the support of South Carolina gun advocates in a last-ditch effort to save his Republican presidential campaign, Politico reports—and those Second Amendment supporters are hungry for a candidate who will represent their interests in Washington as well as President Bush has. For many, the...

Wounded Romney Vows Fight
Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Supporters crest-fallen, candidate faces critical Michigan hurdle

(Newser) - Rushing through a 7-minute concession speech last night after he came in a disappointing second again, Mitt Romney turned immediately to Michigan, which looks like make-or-break for the former governor. Aides blamed the loss on the mauling Romney got in anti-endorsements in New Hampshire newspapers, and “authenticity” issues they...

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