Republican presidential primaries

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Rick Santorum Announces Presidential Run

'I'm in it to win,' he says

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's big day has arrived: And yep, he’s running for president. Santorum will hold a rally near a Pennsylvania coal mine later today to formally declare his candidacy, but he let the cat out of the bag early on Good Morning America . “We’re ready to...

GOP Dream Team? Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann
 GOP Dream Team? 

Huntsman/Bachmann: GOP Dream Team?

He's a great candidate, but can't reach the party base like her

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is quite the candidate; he’s a moderate, cerebral, urbane internationalist with tons of experience. “In other words, he is ‘toast’ in today’s Republican Party, and he has very little chance to be the 2012 nominee,” writes ex-Reagan and Bush staffer Ed Rogers in...

Romney Launching Bid in NH Next Week

GOP front-runner making 2012 run official

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is making his run for the White House official next week. The former Massachusetts governor—who is the GOP's front-runner in the latest Gallup poll —plans to formally announce his candidacy at a barbecue hosted by Republican stalwarts in New Hampshire next Thursday, the Union-Leader reports.

New Hampshire Republican Primary Voters 87% Undecided: Poll
 87% of New Hampshire 
 GOP Voters Undecided 

87% of New Hampshire GOP Voters Undecided

43% not happy with current choices

(Newser) - New Hampshire's Republican voters aren't too impressed by the party's current crop of candidates for 2012, according to the latest CNN poll. Some 87% of likely primary voters say they have no idea who they'll be voting for early next year, with only 9% leaning toward...

Tim Pawlenty to Declare 2012 Bid

Announcement to come Monday, aide says

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty will make the obvious official on Monday: He is indeed running for president. An aide tells Politico that Pawlenty will announce his bid alongside his wife at a town hall in Des Moines. Pawlenty was the first candidate to launch an exploratory committee two months ago, making his...

GOP Elites Beg Daniels to Run

Republicans see Indiana governor as their 'savior' in 2012: Politico

(Newser) - When it comes to the 2012 presidential election, Republicans are “depressed,” says one integral GOP member. Lobbyists tell Politico that instead of asking, “Who do you like?” they ask each other, “Who do we back?” Top Republicans, in fact, believe President Obama will be reelected if...

Jonah Goldberg: Republican Race Won't Be a Repeat of 2012 Campaign
 GOP Race Won't Be 
 a Rerun of 2008 
Jonah Goldberg

GOP Race Won't Be a Rerun of 2008

Candidates already look sharper than the last pack: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - Now that The Donald and Mike Huckabee have gone home, the 2012 GOP field looks a lot clearer—and Jonah Goldberg likes what he sees. Over the past few weeks, candidates have broken the “policy logjam,” trying out positions that broke from party orthodoxy, Goldberg observes in the...

Newt Gingrich to Announce 2012 Run on Facebook

He'll make it official on Wednesday

(Newser) - It is (more or less) official: Newt Gingrich is running for president. The former House speaker will make the not-exactly-unexpected announcement on Facebook and Twitter Wednesday, spokesman Rick Tyler tells the AP . The announcement comes ahead of an address to the Georgia Republican Party Convention on Friday. Gingrich has made...

Marco Rubio: No Way I'm Running in 2012

But the president 'isn't leading' and anybody's 'beatable'

(Newser) - The GOP may be desperately searching for somebody—anybody!—to jazz up its current slate of presidential candidates, but Marco Rubio says it can keep right on looking. The 39-year-old Florida senator is a Tea Party favorite who also would attract Latinos, but says in no uncertain terms that...

Romney Quiet, Waits for His Moment

Romney ignoring news cycle for now, concentrating on Obama

(Newser) - Four years ago, Mitt Romney was everywhere. But as the former Massachusetts governor again guns for the White House, he's one of the quietest frontrunners ever—and that's a good thing, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post .. "This year, he runs as if he couldn’t...

With Limp 2012 Field, GOP Seeks New Blood

Mitch Daniels among names being highly touted

(Newser) - Surveying an underwhelming field of presidential candidates, GOP party elders are scrambling to entice stronger politicians into the race, reports the New York Times . “The race needs more responsible adults who can actually do the job,” says a party official from New Hampshire. The first debate is Thursday,...

Donald Trump Ties for 2nd in Poll of Republican Primary Voters
 Trump Ties for 2nd in GOP Poll 

Trump Ties for 2nd in GOP Poll

Mitt Romney grabs first place among 2012 possibilities

(Newser) - Donald Trump has been putting himself out there over the last few weeks, and Republican voters are liking what they see. The Donald is tied with Mike Huckabee for second place in a field of nine possible contenders in a new Wall Street Journal /NBC poll of Republican primary voters....

Don't Underestimate the Republican Field

If the economy's weak, it might not matter who the nominee is

(Newser) - The conventional wisdom seems to be that the GOP presidential field is hopelessly flawed and probably doomed. But don’t write these guys off just yet, warns Steve Kornacki on Salon . Remember, in late 1991 and early 1992, everybody thought the Democratic field was a pack of losers, too, and...

States Weigh Delaying Primaries to Save Cash

Some consider switching to caucuses

(Newser) - With money tight, some states may push their presidential primaries later, or even cancel them and hold party-run caucuses instead, skipping out on the race for visitors and media attention. Resigned to the influence of states like New Hampshire and Iowa, some lawmakers are making financial concerns their priority, Politico...

Rick Santorum: No Room for Sharia Here

Ex-senator in New Hampshire courting the right

(Newser) - Rick Santorum was in New Hampshire yesterday, reports Politico, tacking deliberately to the right. "Jihadism is evil," he told a Republican crowd. “We need to define it and say what it is. And it is evil. Sharia law is incompatible with American jurisprudence and our Constitution.”...

In GOP Race, Smart Money Is on Tim Pawlenty

Opinion: He's the leading contender, at least for now

(Newser) - As of now, Tim Pawlenty is the "leading contender" to win the GOP nomination, writes Jonathan Chait in the New Republic . He gets there through the process of elimination: The winner will have to appeal both to the party's base and its elites, which rules out Palin, Gingrich, and...

Obama Takes on Romney, Huntsman, Etc., With Love
Obama Trying to Kill
Romney & Co. With Love
Election 2012

Obama Trying to Kill Romney & Co. With Love

Administration praising Huntsman's China service, Romney's health care work

(Newser) - President Obama has a funny way of taking down his potential 2012 challengers: he’s praising them every chance he gets. The president has been furiously lauding Mitt Romney’s health care work in Massachusetts, and Jon Huntsman’s work for the administration in China, Politico observes, in what looks...

GOP Candidates Too Loud or Too Boring

Party needs someone who's both a fighter, fixer: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty took a daring step towards explosive rhetoric recently: he declared the country’s mounting debt a “pile of poo.” Try not to look too offended. “Clearly, the guy running the bleep button for the GOP primary debates isn’t worried about Tim Pawlenty,” quips...

Huckabee: Why I Might Not Run
 Why I Might 
 Not Run 


Huckabee: Why I Might Not Run

Potential candidate bad-mouths Tea Party, calls Obama formidable opponent

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee has looked good in early presidential primary polling , but the Fox host isn’t so sure he wants to run. “I’m not one who thinks the future of the world is depending on whether I run for president,” he tells the Washington Post . “It...

Bachmann: Tax Code Is a WMD

Also, Obama makes Carter 'look like Rambo'

(Newser) - Michelle Bachmann labeled the US tax code as a “weapon of mass destruction," calling for “a radically different system” in a speech to GOP activists in South Carolina. The congresswoman slammed President Obama’s handling of protests in Egypt and Iran, saying he’s “making Jimmy...

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