Election 2000

17 Stories

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount
 9 Lessons for the 
 Inevitable Recount  
midterm elections

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount

First of all, if you don't have a lawyer ready ... it's too late

(Newser) - With at least six Senate races too close to call, and even more in the House, at least one recount is inevitable this Election Day. In the Washington Post , Jay Weiner offers up nine lessons from the high-profile recounts of 2000 (Bush-Gore) and 2008 (Franken-Coleman):
  • Lawyer up—yesterday: Al Franken

Gore's Divorce: Blame Bush?
 Gores' Divorce: Blame Bush?  

Gores' Divorce: Blame Bush?

Family friend Sally Quinn says they 'never got over' 2000

(Newser) - How to explain the unexpected divorce of Al and Tipper Gore? Here's the No. 1 theory: George W. Bush did it. Family friend Sally Quinn tells CBS News that the couple simply never recovered from losing the 2000 election. “He's obviously suffered a lot,” Quinn said. “He'll...

How Paul Krugman Became a Liberal

New York Times economist wasn't always political

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Paul Krugman once worked for Ronald Reagan. It’s not that Krugman was conservative; it’s that he just wasn’t political. He was an academic, and only vaguely aware of the growing right-left divide. “I feel now like I was sleepwalking through the twenty...

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
aughts in Review

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'

Bush put US on path to banana republic status

(Newser) - The 2000s were dominated by George W. Bush and the new American oligarchy he represents, writes Juan Cole. He lists hit 10 lowest points of an awful decade:
  • “The constitutional coup of 2000,” in which “ugly racial and other low tricks” and a “far right-wing Supreme

Forget GOP, Full Speed Ahead on Health Reform: Clinton

It's OK Obama's 'jamming a lot of change down the system'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has a hopeful exhortation for Congressional Democrats trying to push through health care reform. “The president's doing the right thing. It is both morally and politically right,” Clinton tells Esquire. “I wouldn't even worry about the Republicans,” who are just “sitting around waiting...

Hillary Compares Nigeria Democracy to Florida 2000

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told an audience of Nigerians yesterday that while their country's democracy is deeply flawed, the Florida presidential race recount shows America's isn't perfect either, the Guardian reports. "Our democracy is still evolving," Clinton said. "We had some problems in some of our presidential elections. In...

How McCain Became a Senate Power
How McCain Became a Senate Power

How McCain Became a Senate Power

After 2000 defeat, he remade himself as master dealmaker

(Newser) - Prior to his 2000 bid for the White House, John McCain spent more time mocking his fellow senators than compromising with them. But after his defeat, the Arizona legislator returned to the Senate with a softened demeanor and got down to the business of legislation. The New York Times looks...

Bush and McCain: A Rocky Road, With Switchbacks
Bush and McCain: A Rocky Road, With Switchbacks

Bush and McCain: A Rocky Road, With Switchbacks

The two men have hated, helped each other

(Newser) - When George Bush denied involvement in infamous smears that ended John McCain's 2000 presidential bid, the feisty senator barked, “Don’t give me that shit. And take your hands off me.” But just 4 years later he gave the somber president a pre-debate pep talk: “You’re...

What Early July Says About Early November

Independence Day poll numbers send mixed signals for 2008 race

(Newser) - Barack Obama currently leads John McCain 47% to 43%, but does that mean anything this early? Yes and no. Early July Gallup polls have correctly predicted the eventual popular vote winner in 10 of the last 15 elections, but they missed the mark in four of the last five. Politico...

Bush v. Gore 's Lessons for 2008
 Bush v. Gore's Lessons for 2008 

Bush v. Gore's Lessons for 2008

2000 election mess colors Obama-Clinton contest

(Newser) - Memorial Day dates from the Civil War, but this week, thanks to HBO’s Recount, a different internecine conflict will be in the air: the 2000 election. The generally factual portrayal of the Florida snafu gets Hendrik Hertzberg of the New Yorker thinking about another hairsplitting debate over vote counting....

HBO's Recount Scathing But Fair
 HBO's Recount 
 Scathing But Fair 

HBO's Recount Scathing But Fair

Film doesn't 'play it safe' politically

(Newser) - "Recount," HBO’s “first-rate” docudrama about the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, takes the bold step of showing the harsh truth of the story, instead of “playing it safe,” writes Gary Kamiya for Salon. Leading players on both sides approved the script—surprising, Kamiya...

McCain Denies Lobbyist Scandal, Attacks Times

Candidate slams article, 'smear campaign'

(Newser) - John McCain’s camp came out swinging at the New York Times last night, calling a “hit and run smear campaign” a report alleging that the senator had been involved in an improper and possibly romantic relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman eight years ago. “The New York Times...

Bush Rallies Base for McCain...
Bush Rallies Base for McCain...

Bush Rallies Base for McCain...

...Without actually mentioning his former nemesis by name

(Newser) - George W. Bush never mentioned John McCain by name this morning, but he nonetheless sought to give the presumptive GOP nominee a boost among the party's conservative base, the Washington Post reports. "Soon, we will have a nominee who will carry a conservative banner into this election and beyond,...

NH Turnout Shatters Records
NH Turnout Shatters Records

NH Turnout Shatters Records

Warm weather, tight races draw new voters by the thousands

(Newser) - Unseasonably fair weather and a crowded, competitive field of both Republicans and Democrats drew a record number of voters to the polls in New Hampshire yesterday, the AP reports. With 88% of ballots counted, some 453,000 people had voted, besting the previous record of 396,385 votes cast in...

Gore Blasts Climate Inaction in Nobel Speech

Laureate singles out US, China as biggest offenders

(Newser) - Al Gore collected his Nobel Peace Prize today in Oslo and blasted the US and China for blaming each other rather than addressing climate change. "Both countries should stop using each other's behavior as an excuse for stalemate," he said. Gore also called his 2000 presidential defeat a...

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner
Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Bush Invites Gore, Nobel Winner

Political opponents never reconciled after bitter 2000 election

(Newser) - Bush recently invited US Nobel laureates to their annual White House photo op, but he personally called Peace Prize winner and bitter presidential loser Al Gore—and moved the event to November 26 to accommodate Gore's schedule. “It’s unusual, that’s for sure,” said one Gore advisor....

Lights, Camera, Chads!

Lights, Camera, Chads!

Set your TiVo for Gore v. Bush, the HBO movie

(Newser) - If you enjoyed the disputed 2000 election in real life, you get to experience it all over again by watching Recount, an HBO movie that will tell the story of intrigue among the butterfly ballots and hanging chads. The movie is now being filmed in Tallahassee, though some insiders sniff...

17 Stories
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