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She Survived Days in Colorado Wild Thanks to Reality TV

Gina Chase built shelter, filtered water after seeing people do it on television

(Newser) - Who says watching reality television is a waste of time? Not Keeping Up With the Kardashians—think Alive and Naked and Afraid, two of the programs that Gina Chase now credits for helping to keep her alive. The 53-year-old Canadian went missing for nearly four days during a spiritual retreat...

Woman Found 'Emaciated,' After 12 Days in Wilderness

24-year-old went missing after telling fellow campers she wanted to go home

(Newser) - Esmeralda Marie Pineda was camping with three friends in the Northern California wilderness on Aug. 25 when she told them she wanted to go home to Sacramento. She was gone when they woke up the next morning, NBC News reports. "So, her friends went searching for her during that...

Hikers, Brace Yourselves for a New Poop Protocol
Hikers, Brace Yourselves
for a New Poop Protocol
in case you missed it

Hikers, Brace Yourselves for a New Poop Protocol

Sentiment is growing that it's time to start packing it out instead of burying it

(Newser) - For a long time, the standard protocol for hikers and campers who had to poop in the woods was to bury it in what's known as a "cat hole," writes Krista Langlois at Outside . But with more people than ever on the trails, a new sentiment is...

Child Doesn't Survive After 3 Are Stranded in Wilderness

Vehicle carrying woman and two daughters became stuck in snow and mud

(Newser) - A woman and her children stranded for two nights in the northwestern Colorado wilderness were found Thursday by aircraft after the 1-year-old daughter died, authorities said. The three were found about a mile away from their vehicle as the mother was walking among sagebrush and not close to any road,...

A Father-Son Outing Turns Deadly, Randomly

California doctor Ari Gershman was shot dead by a 'random gunman'

(Newser) - A California doctor was shot dead on Friday while off-roading in a new four-wheel drive Jeep with his 15-year-old son—who fled the gunman and survived a more than 30-hour ordeal in the Tahoe National Forest. Ari Gershman, a 45-year-old pulmonary doctor from Danville, was shot by a "random...

Senate Passes Sweeping Conservation Package

Bipartisan effort to protect wilderness, national parks being called most wide-ranging in 10 years

(Newser) - The Washington Post calls it a "paradoxical win," but that's not stopping members of the US Senate from high-fiving on their latest bill: a bipartisan conservation effort that protects 1.3 million acres of wilderness, creates or expands 10 national parks (including Joshua Tree and Death Valley),...

This Story of a Lost 6-Year-Old Ended Differently
This Story of a Lost
6-Year-Old Ended Differently

This Story of a Lost 6-Year-Old Ended Differently

Cody Sheehy saved himself in 1986

(Newser) - In 1986, a 6-year-old got lost in the Oregon woods. He was found 18 hours later. On the surface, that doesn't seem like much of a story (compared to, say, this ), but what makes Cody Sheehy's ordeal different is that "he saved himself," as Emma...

Rabid Bobcat Attacks Woman. She Throttles It to Death

A Georgia grandmother fought and killed the animal after it lunged at her

(Newser) - It’s not every day that a grandmother kills a rabid bobcat with her bare hands. DeDe Phillips walked out to her front yard in Hart County, Ga., around dinnertime intending to take a picture of a new bumper sticker on her truck, reports the Athens Banner-Herald and the Hartwell ...

After Canoe Crash in Canada, Tourists Walked for 11 Days

German pair love the country 'much more now'

(Newser) - It's a good thing Wolf Wagner and John Hoentsch had planned to spend three weeks in the Canadian wilderness. After crashing their canoe on rapids in Manitoba's Hayes River just 11 days into a planned trip to Hudson Bay, it took the German tourists another 11 days to...

Cast Emerges From Isolation, Discovers TV Show Got Cut

Only a few hours of footage aired after an entire year of filming in the wilderness

(Newser) - After surviving a full year in the harsh Scottish wilderness, the 10 remaining contestants of the reality series Eden emerged from their imposed isolation to discover that no one had been watching their journey. Outside of four one-hour episodes aired in the summer of 2016, t he BBC reports that...

'Hermit' on His 27 Years of Isolation: 'It's a Mystery'

Christopher Knight became known among locals for being the neatest burglar ever

(Newser) - When he was 20 years old, an introverted young man named Christopher Knight hopped in his car with a tent and backpack, drove into the most remote reaches of Maine, and, "without knowing where he was going, with no particular place in mind, he stepped into the trees and...

Abandoned Horse Emerges From Wintry Wilderness

Valentine is OK, but there's now a Wyoming state investigation

(Newser) - Men working for an excursion outfitter in Wyoming were forced to leave behind a 6-year-old horse last fall after a 16-mile trek when she suddenly seemed deathly ill and couldn't move. They left Valentine to get the other animals to safety, and when they went back for her the...

Deal Creates World's Biggest Marine Protected Zone

24 countries, EU finally reached agreement

(Newser) - The countries that decide the fate of Antarctica reached a historic agreement on Friday to create the world's largest marine protected area in the ocean next to the frozen continent. The agreement comes after years of diplomatic wrangling and high-level talks between the US and Russia, which has rejected...

Toddler Wanders Into Bear-Filled Forest, Survives for Days

'Mowgli' slept under a tree to escape frost

(Newser) - A 3-year-old boy in Siberia has been given the nickname Mowgli after he survived three days in a bear-infested forest as temperatures neared 32 degrees. Tserin Dopchut had been playing with dogs near his home in the village of Khut when he wandered into the forest on Sunday, possibly while...

10% of World's Wilderness Wiped Out in 20 Years
10% of World's
Wilderness Wiped
Out in 20 Years

10% of World's Wilderness Wiped Out in 20 Years

And it could all be gone within a century if we don't turn things around, scientists say

(Newser) - Call it "where the wild things aren't." The Amazon and Central Africa have lost an immense amount of wilderness over the past 20 years or so, but scientists say those regions aren't the only ones in trouble: Nearly 10% of the world's wildlands have succumbed...

Inside an Adventurer's Search for Son Lost in Jungle

'National Geographic' set to air a 6-week series on the dad's search in central America

(Newser) - In early 2014, the son of a biologist and legendary Alaskan adventurer took time off of school for an an epic trip into the depths of Central America. In July, after scuba diving with whale sharks, climbing Guatemala's 14,000-foot Tajumulco, and surfing in Nicaragua, 27-year-old Cody Roman Dial...

Man Emerges After 6 Months Alone in the Wild
 Man Emerges 
 After 6 Months 
 Alone in the Wild 


Man Emerges After 6 Months Alone in the Wild

Kristoffer Glestad lived out his childhood dream in Northwest Territories

(Newser) - "People aren't meant to be alone." That's Kristoffer Glestad's revelation after spending six months in isolation in the Canadian wilderness. Living off the land with a few hundred pounds of gear probably sounds like a nightmare to some, but it was Glestad's childhood dream....

Partying on the Appalachian Trail Raises Ire

Trash, graffiti, and all-night parties become a concern

(Newser) - When Jackson Spencer set out to tackle the Appalachian Trail, he anticipated the solitude that only wilderness can bring—not a rolling, monthslong frat party. Shelters where he thought he could catch a good night's sleep while listening to the sounds of nature were instead filled with trash, graffiti,...

University Prez Survives 4 Days Lost in Swamp

Missing Colombian prof Francisco Piedrahita rescued in Louisiana

(Newser) - A distinguished Colombian academic "became Rambo" to survive 4 days lost in Louisiana swamps, his sister-in-law says. Francisco Piedrahita, 65, a university president and renowned humanitarian, became lost during what was supposed to be a brief birdwatching jaunt in the vast Jean Lafitte National Park. Piedrahita, who had nothing...

In Piling On Palin, Liberals Make Fools of Themselves

...and legitimize her as a true rogue

(Newser) - Watching liberals vilify Sarah Palin all over again bothers Lee Siegel. He finds her terrifying as a political prospect—"some of her positions, like her religious opposition to health-care reform and her opposition to stem-cell research, strike me as just shy of sociopathic"—but as an American story,...

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