semiconductor chip

6 Stories

Despite Export Ban, Top Chinese Nuke Lab Uses US Chips

It's 'insanely difficult to enforce' restrictions on sales overseas, former trade official says

(Newser) - The China Academy of Engineering Physics, the country's top nuclear weapons research and development facility, was one of the first institutions put on a US export blacklist in 1997—but it doesn't seem to have had much trouble acquiring restricted items. According to a Wall Street Journal analysis...

GM Will Idle Most Plants in North America

Chip shortage will force a slowdown of at least a week at almost all factories

(Newser) - Some GM trucks are being partially built and stored, and some just aren’t getting built at all. The chip shortage that has been affecting electronics of all sorts since the beginning of the year is affecting auto production again, with GM announcing that it will idle almost all of...

U-Hauls Suddenly Popular in Hawaii. Not Why You Think
U-Hauls Suddenly Popular
in Hawaii. Not Why You Think
in case you missed it

U-Hauls Suddenly Popular in Hawaii. Not Why You Think

Rental cars are super expensive these days, but moving trucks are not

(Newser) - What do U-Hauls in Hawaii and the semiconductor chip shortage have in common? A pandemic. Now that Americans are getting vaccinated, they’re ready to travel again, and there just aren’t enough rental cars to go around, Hawaii News Now reports. With car rental prices rising as a result,...

Calls for a New 'Moonshot,' This Time for an Earthly Worry

Intel CEO says the US needs to reclaim its leadership on semiconductors

(Newser) - The world is facing a shortage of semiconductor chips, and the ramifications can be seen in the temporary closing of several US auto plants around the country, reports NPR . The chips are crucial to more than automobiles, however, and the supply crunch threatens to slow economic recovery from the pandemic....

Pragmatism Dictates China's Religious Policy

Strategic chip firm given leeway for Christian worship

(Newser) - China officially sanctions religious worship only at state facilities, but the Christian Science Monitor finds that plenty of wiggle room exists in the business world. It profiles one company whose Christian CEO is allowed to put up a church at every worksite. Why such accommodation in a formally atheist state?...

IBM Scrapes Silicon Scraps
IBM Scrapes Silicon Scraps

IBM Scrapes Silicon Scraps

Water-based abrasion technique avoids chemicals; recycles silicon for solar panels

(Newser) - IBM has developed an eco-friendly way of recycling silicon for eco-friendly solar panels. Semiconductor chipmakers often sell used silicon too thin for computing to solar panel manufacturers. Until now, they’ve used abrasive chemicals or a spray of glass beads to erase circuits from the chips. IBM plans to share...

6 Stories
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