
6 Stories

Blogger Blames Kremlin for Twitter Meltdown

(Newser) - The Georgian blogger who was taken offline in the cyberattack that shut down Twitter on Thursday believes Moscow is the culprit, he tells the Guardian. The economics professor, who goes by the online name Cyxymu, says he believes Russian authorities targeted him with the denial-of-service attack because of his persistent...

Twitter's Meltdown: Blame the Russians?

(Newser) - So why did Tweets fall silent for much of today? One leading theory traces the problem to the unlikeliest of places—the conflict between Russia and Georgia, CNET reports. It goes like this: A pro-Georgia blogger with accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and the other sites affected by today's slowdown attracted...

LiveJournal on Life Support After Job Cuts
LiveJournal on Life Support After Job Cuts

LiveJournal on Life Support After Job Cuts

Russian company realizes it bought high on weirdo site

(Newser) - That sound you’re hearing is the social networking bubble officially bursting. Sup, the Russian Internet company that owns LiveJournal, has laid off 12 of the site’s 28 employees, without severance, sources tell ValleyWag's Owen Thomas. All of LiveJournal’s product managers and engineers are departing, leaving a skeleton...

Online Spaces Snub Free Speech That Offends

'Good corporate citizens' send blogs, photos, videos to the trashbin

(Newser) - A variety of websites are deleting postings that could offend, and with full legal protection—sparking debate about whether free speech exists online. Case in point: an image of a young smoker posted on Yahoo's photo service. It was cut for promoting underage smoking, but the photographer calls it a...

Pioneer Blog Site Popular in Russia Sold

LiveJournal's new owners plan to add cash, expand globally

(Newser) - A free blog site that pioneered personal web publishing among Russia’s intellectuals has been sold to a pair of entrepreneurs who promise to add cash and expand it globally, Reuters reports. Six Apart said it sold LiveJournal, which claims 14.3 million blog accounts and 20 million visitors a...

Kremlin May Forge a Separate 2.0 Peace

Moscow mulling the creation of a Russian-only computer network

(Newser) - The Kremlin is going 2.0 by extending its reach into cyberspace, where dissidents have found refuge from the government’s tight censorship. While Putin allies mount pro-government websites and snatch up existing independent outlets, Moscow is considering the creation of a separate Russian network. “The attractiveness of the...

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