New Delhi

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Juvenile Convicted in India Gang Rape

Teen gets 3 years in reform school over fatal assault

(Newser) - The first conviction has come down in the fatal gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi, but the result will do little to satisfy the victim's supporters: The teen assailant is guilty of rape and murder, but he'll be free after three years in reform school,...

Journalist, 23, Gang-Raped During Mumbai Photo Shoot

India protests latest brutal sex assault

(Newser) - As India continues to grapple with the fallout from a string of widely reported sex assaults , including a gang-rape in New Delhi , another horrific attack has occurred, this time in Mumbai. Police say a 23-year-old photojournalist was gang-raped while on the job by five men last night; one arrest has...

India Gang-Rape Suspect's Food Poisoned: Lawyer

Vinay Sharma rushed to hospital in 'critical condition'

(Newser) - One of the suspected attackers in the December gang-rape that rocked India has been poisoned and then assaulted in jail, his lawyer says. Vinay Sharma was taken to a New Delhi hospital yesterday with chest injuries after he was "beaten up and thrashed" by other inmates, his lawyer says;...

New Delhi Subway Riders Must Pass Breathalyzer

Critics worry new crackdown will put more drunks on roads

(Newser) - The New Delhi subway is so tired of drunken passengers starting fights at night that it's setting up breathalyzers at all its stations, reports the Hindustan Times . Those who blow over the limit can't board a metro rail car. It's believed to be a worldwide first for...

Delhi Rape Suspect Found Dead in Cell

Alleged ringleader in bus attack hanged himself, police say

(Newser) - The alleged ringleader in the gang-rape case that sparked protests across India has been found hanged in his cell. Police say Ram Singh, who allegedly drove the bus on which 23-year-old physiotherapist Jyoti Singh Pandey was raped and fatally injured, hanged himself with his own clothes in New Delhi's...

India Gang-Rape Suspect to Face Just 3 Years

Court declares him a juvenile

(Newser) - A suspect in the fatal gang-rape of a young woman in New Delhi last month was a juvenile at the time of the attack, a court ruled today. A magistrate reportedly announced the decision after going over school documents that showed him to have been born on June 4, 1995—...

Delhi Rape Lawyer: Police Sodomized My Clients

And he declares that victims are to blame

(Newser) - A lawyer for three of the defendants in the New Delhi gang-rape case is coming out swinging: Manohar Lal Sharma says not only were his clients tortured into confession, but ultimately it's the victims who are at fault. "Until today I have not seen a single incident of...

Boyfriend of India Victim: 'She Tried to Save Me'

He gives first interviews after gang rape

(Newser) - The 28-year-old boyfriend of the gang-rape victim in India has given his first interviews after the attack, and he says both he and his girlfriend tried and failed to fight off their six attackers:
  • "We tried to resist them. Even my friend fought with them; she tried to save

India Rape Victim Cremated
 India Rape Victim Cremated 

India Rape Victim Cremated

As nation mourns amid protests, a new rape-murder occurs

(Newser) - Amid a national outpouring of rage and grief, the body of India's 23-year-old gang rape victim was quietly cremated today in a private ceremony, reports the AP . The unnamed victim was flown back to India from Singapore, where she died yesterday while receiving treatment for her injuries. Prime Minister...

Delhi Gang-Rape Victim Takes Turn for the Worse

Her vital signs have deteriorated

(Newser) - The victim of a gang-rape in New Delhi continues to fight for her life at a Singapore hospital , but things are looking increasingly grim. By late today, the young woman's condition had "taken a turn for the worse" and her vital signs had deteriorated with indications of severe...

Delhi Gang-Rape Victim Suffered Brain Injury

Police fired after ignoring another allegation

(Newser) - The New Delhi woman whose rape set off huge protests is now "fighting for her life" in a Singapore hospital , its chief executive says. "In addition to her prior cardiac arrest, she also had infection of her lungs and abdomen, as well as significant brain injury." She...

Delhi Gang-Rape Victim May Need Organ Transplant

23-year-old now in Singapore for treatment

(Newser) - The woman who was gang-raped on a New Delhi bus has been flown to Singapore for treatment. The 23-year-old remains in 'extremely critical condition,' says a hospital rep, and she may need an organ transplant. India's government fears that continuing protests —which have already seen the...

New Delhi on Lockdown in Face of Rape Protests

Police shut roads, public transportation

(Newser) - The situation continues to be a tense one in New Delhi, where police today closed off roads leading to the India Gate and ceased public transportation in an effort to stamp out the protests that have rocked the city following the gang-rape of a 23-year-old woman . India's Prime Minister...

Tibet's New Hero: Man Who Set Self on Fire in India

Unlike self-immolations in China, Jamphel Yeshi's action was well documented

(Newser) - At least 29 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in various Tibetan regions of China in the last year—but a man who self-immolated in India on Monday and died today is being seen as the new face of the cause. That's because images of Jamphel Yeshi's flaming...

5.2 Quake Scares New Delhi
 5.2 Quake Scares New Delhi 

5.2 Quake Scares New Delhi

No injuries reported

(Newser) - Terrifying seconds of a 5.2-magnitude earthquake today panicked some New Delhi residents, who rushed into the streets for protection, reports the BBC . Several office workers reported strong shaking, and a school roof collapsed, but there have been no reports of injuries after the quake hit some 30 miles west...

Israel Blames Iran for Dual Car Bombs

2 injured in New Delhi blast near Israeli embassy

(Newser) - An Israeli diplomat's car was battered by an explosion in New Delhi today, wounding the driver and the wife of a diplomat, the AP reports. Meanwhile, in Georgia, a driver for Israel's embassy found a package attached to his car ; police in Tbilisi discovered a grenade inside and...

New Delhi Sees Deadliest Attack in 3 Years

Bomb was hidden in briefcase; blast killed 10

(Newser) - A bomb apparently hidden in a briefcase exploded today as people lined up outside a top court in New Delhi, killing 10 people and wounding scores more in the deadliest attack in India's capital in nearly three years. The blast near a gate at the High Court, the second...

World's Worst Commutes
 World's Worst Commutes 

World's Worst Commutes

Beijing and Mexico City lead the way

(Newser) - IBM surveyed drivers in 20 of the world's biggest cities to find the worst commutes. The bottom 5 (based on a slew of factors including time stuck in traffic and stress) in the commuter pain index are:
  1. Beijing (99 on a scale of 100)
  2. Mexico City (99)
  3. Johannesburg (97)
  4. Moscow

Indian Couple Electrocuted for Cross-Caste Love

Woman's family arrested for Delhi 'honor killing'

(Newser) - The well-to-do family of a 19-year-old Delhi woman who fell in love with a taxi driver from a lower caste responded to the couple's desire to marry by torturing them to death. Police say the woman and her boyfriend, 21, were bound, beaten and electrocuted, the Independent reports.

Pilot, Crew Slug It Out on Air India Plane

Fisticuffs erupt over sex harassment complaint by flight attendant

(Newser) - Pilots and crew members on an Air India jet came to blows mid-flight in an argument about sex harassment. Stunned passengers watched grappling staffers spill out of the cockpit into a galley. The fight erupted when a flight attendant complained about harassment by the pilots en route from Pakistan to...

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