
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Muslims Quickly Raise Money for Synagogue Victims

The total has surpassed $100K

(Newser) - In the immediate aftermath of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, two Muslim nonprofit groups set out to raise $25,000 for victims on the crowdfunding site LaunchGood . They passed that goal within six hours, reports the Times of Israel . In fact, as of Monday morning, the groups CelebrateMercy and MPower...

US May Make Rare Move Against China
US May Make
Rare Move
Against China

US May Make Rare Move Against China

White House considers penalties over human rights issue, the treatment of Uighur Muslims

(Newser) - President Trump has been quick to go after China on trade issues , but the New York Times reports his administration is poised to penalize Beijing on a human rights issue for perhaps the first time. The administration is considering sanctions in response to China's crackdown on minority Muslims, specifically...

Cops: Man Told Muslims at McDonald's to 'Get Out of My Country'

John Jay Smith arrested after allegedly trying to stun-gun Egyptian exchange students

(Newser) - A 60-year-old Florida man has been arrested after cops say he verbally and physically attacked two Muslim men outside a St. Augustine McDonald's. First Coast News and CBS News report John Jay Smith is accused of approaching the pair, who were chowing down on hamburgers in the eatery's...

Suit: While in Custody, Deputies Ripped Off My Hijab

Jennifer Hyatt says Ventura County officers yanked off her hijab while she was in custody

(Newser) - What started out as a husband-wife incident has led to a federal lawsuit against the sheriff's office in California's Ventura County after the wife says deputies forcibly removed her head scarf while in custody. The Los Angeles Times reports on the case of nurse Jennifer Hyatt, 44, who...

2 Days Before the Massacre, Soldiers Bought Vats of Acid

The AP reports on what it says was an Aug. 27 massacre of Rohingya, mass graves

(Newser) - The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets. Noor Kadir finally recognized his friends only by the colors of their shorts. Kadir and 14 others, all Rohingya Muslims in the Myanmar village of Gu Dar Pyin, had been...

'Staggering' Numbers From MSF on Rohingya Killings

Aid group's field survey finds at least 6.7K were killed between August and September in Myanmar

(Newser) - Doctors Without Borders' field survey has found at least 6,700 Rohingya Muslims were killed between August and September in a crackdown by Myanmar's security forces, reports the AP . The group, known by its French acronym MSF, said Thursday that it conducted the survey in refugee camps in Bangladesh....

&#39;Almost Genocidal&#39;: Hundreds Dead in Myanmar Clashes
'Almost Genocidal':
Hundreds Dead in
Myanmar Clashes

'Almost Genocidal': Hundreds Dead in Myanmar Clashes

UN agencies barred from providing aid

(Newser) - The United Nations is warning about a possible humanitarian crisis after increased violence against a Muslim ethnic minority in Myanmar. With the government claiming the Rohingya people are migrants from Bangladesh with no citizenship rights, security forces in the country have killed hundreds and destroyed their villages, reports the New ...

'Unprecedented' Step Taken by Imams on UK Terrorists

More than 130 Muslim religious leaders pen letter slamming 'reprehensible actions'

(Newser) - As England continues to flesh out the details of two terror attacks there over the past two weeks, one group has taken what BuzzFeed calls an "unprecedented" stand against the perpetrators. More than 130 imams and other Muslim religious leaders from "diverse" backgrounds across the UK have penned...

2 Fatally Stabbed in Portland After Anti-Muslim Slurs

Good Samaritans who stepped in to protect 2 Muslim females are killed, say police

(Newser) - Two men were stabbed to death on a train in Portland, Ore., Friday afternoon when they tried to protect two Muslim females from a man's rants, say police. A third man also was stabbed, but he is expected to survive, reports the Oregonian . Police say the events unfolded when...

Indian Top Court to Rule on Muslim Divorce With 3 Words

Men have to say 'talaq' 3 times and they're officially free; women say that's discriminatory

(Newser) - Although the Koran spells out how a Muslim couple's divorce should be handled—Islamic experts say it's to be spread out over three months so the couple can gauge if it's really the best decision—a more modern-day divorce tactic is now being examined by India's...

Trump's Own Remarks on Travel Ban May Doom It

Judges bring up 'total shutdown' pledge

(Newser) - President Trump's own words have once again come back to haunt attempts to implement his policies. On Monday, a federal appeals court debated whether comments Trump has made about Muslims before and after his election should be considered when ruling on the latest version of his travel ban, NBC...

Germany: Bus Bomber Motivated by Greed

He bought options to sell 15K shares in soccer team

(Newser) - A 28-year-old German-Russian citizen was arrested Friday in Germany on suspicion of bombing the bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund soccer team in an attack last week that prosecutors allege was motivated by financial greed. A Dortmund player and a policeman were injured in the triple blasts last week as the...

Muslim Transit Worker Shoved Down Stairs at Grand Central

NYPD says hate crimes on the rise

(Newser) - A Muslim transit worker was called a "terrorist" and pushed down a flight of stairs in New York City on Monday, two days after police say a man threatened to slit the throat of a Muslim NYPD officer. Soha Salama, 45, suffered a twisted knee and swollen ankle. She...

Letter Sent to Mosques Promises Genocide of Muslims

California mosques are hoping for greater police protection

(Newser) - "Your day of reckoning has arrived,” reads a letter sent to at least three California mosques this week. “There’s a new sheriff in town—President Donald Trump. He’s going to cleanse America and make it shine again. And, he’s going to start with you...

Post-9/11 Muslim Registry May Return Under Trump

Adviser Kris Kobach, who helped write it for President Bush, floats idea

(Newser) - How might Donald Trump translate his calls for restrictions on Muslim immigration into policy? One possibility is the reinstatement of a national registry of visitors from high-risk countries. The revelation comes from a Reuters interview of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is known for his anti-immigration views within...

Why Food Vendors in Malaysia Have to Rename Hot Dogs

Government tells Auntie Anne's that 'dog' can't be in product name if it wants halal certification

(Newser) - What's in a name? In Malaysia, a heck of a lot when it comes to hot dogs. Per the BBC , the country's Islamic Development Department has told food vendors in the mostly Muslim nation that if they want a halal designation (meaning food items have been given the...

French High Court Rules on Town's Burkini Ban

Council of State says women on resort's beaches can wear full-body swimsuit if they want

(Newser) - France's tussle with the burkini was just dealt a strong blow by the country's top administrative court, which on Friday overturned one resort town's ban against the full-body beachwear, the AP reports. The ruling from the Council of State comes during a summer of high-profile cases along...

Police Forces in 2 Countries Embrace the Hijab

Mounties, Scottish police want more Muslim women to join up

(Newser) - While cops in France crack down on burkinis , police forces in two other countries have decided to embrace the hijab. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have decided to allow female officers to wear a hijab while on duty in a bid to encourage diversity among the Mounties, the Independent reports....

Burkini Inventor: Who's Worse, Taliban or French Politicians?

Aheda Zanetti says she invented the burkini to give women freedom

(Newser) - The inventor of the burkini believes France and others who want to ban it have fundamentally "misunderstood" what the garment is all about. Aheda Zanetti, writing in the Guardian , says she invented the burkini in 2004 after watching her niece try to play netball in a makeshift skin-covering athletic...

Leaked Documents Expose Ignorance of ISIS Recruits
Leaked Documents
Expose Ignorance
of ISIS Recruits

Leaked Documents Expose Ignorance of ISIS Recruits

Some had to buy 'Islam for Dummies' before joining: AP

(Newser) - The Islamic State isn't exactly choosy about who gets to enter its ranks, based on an examination by the AP of thousands of leaked ISIS documents that show recruits often had very little, if any, religious knowledge to back up their desire to join—with a couple of British...

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