
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

McDonald's Makes Even Oatmeal Bad for You
 Makes Even 
 Bad for You 

in case you missed it

McDonald's Makes Even Oatmeal Bad for You

Mark Bittman: It's jam-packed with sugar and 'weird ingredients'

(Newser) - This is remarkable even by McDonald's standards, writes foodie Mark Bittman in the New York Times : The chain has taken oatmeal—one of the world's most simple, inexpensive, and nutritious foods—and turned it into a pricey concoction with more sugar than a Snicker's bar and about the same number...

Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama's a Big, Fat Hypocrite

First lady slammed for eating ribs for dinner

(Newser) - Michelle Obama needs to stick to lettuce salads, according to Rush Limbaugh. The radio host labeled the first lady a hypocrite yesterday for promoting healthy eating and then having short ribs for dinner while on vacation in Colorado, the New York Daily News reports. "The problem is—and dare...

Mark Bittman: FDA Makes Us 'Guinea Pigs' With Frankenfood
 FDA Makes Us 
 'Guinea Pigs' 
 With Frankenfood 
mark bittman

FDA Makes Us 'Guinea Pigs' With Frankenfood

Mark Bittman: Feds don't think we need labels for genetically engineered food

(Newser) - Had anything to eat today? Congratulations, you're a "guinea pig" in the brave new world of genetically modified food, writes Mark Bittman. What's more, you've got no say in the matter. Lots of our food products already contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and more are on the way, but...

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

 Here's Your Acronym 
 for a Healthier Diet: ERF 

mark bittman

Here's Your Acronym for a Healthier Diet: ERF

As in Eat Real Food, writes Mark Bittman

(Newser) - America's taking baby steps toward eating a diet of real food, writes Mark Bittman in the New York Times. He rounds up a trio developments—the USDA urging people to eat less , Michelle Obama teaming up with Walmart , and Oprah challenging her staff to go vegan for a week. All...

Michelle Obama's Next Target: Restaurant Industry
Next on Michelle's Hit List:
Restaurant Industry

Next on Michelle's Hit List: Restaurant Industry

First lady to prod restaurateurs for smaller portions

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is taking her next shot at obesity, calling on the National Restaurant Association to enact nutrition reforms similar to those she has worked out with Walmart and the nation's schools, the New York Times reports. The first lady is pushing for restaurants to serve smaller portions and make...

Here's a 'Food Manifesto' for the Nation
Here's a 'Food Manifesto'
for the Nation
mark bittman

Here's a 'Food Manifesto' for the Nation

Mark Bittman: It includes better food education for children

(Newser) - The US needs a modern version of old-school home ec classes, writes foodie Mark Bittman. "When people cook their own food, they make better choices," he writes in the New York Times . Let's provide food education for kids and cooking classes for any adults who want them, Bittman...

Dear America, Eat Less. Sincerely, Feds

New federal guidelines urge limits on salt, saturated fat

(Newser) - Not only are the feds picking on how many Twinkies vs. how many carrots you eat, but the New York Times reports that now they're picking on how much you eat, period. The newest federal nutrition guidelines, revised every five years, predictably admonish Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables...

Obama Signs Nutrition Bill Into Law
Obama Signs
Nutrition Bill Into Law

Obama Signs Nutrition Bill Into Law

Law imposes nutritional requirements, expands school lunches

(Newser) - Thousands more children would eat at school and all school food would become more nutritious under a bill President Obama signed into law today, part of an administration-wide effort to combat childhood obesity. "At a very basic level, this act is about doing what's right for our children,"...

SF Happy Meal Ban Survives Mayoral Veto

Kids' eating should be up to parents, says Mayor Gavin Newsom

(Newser) - A McDonald's Happy Meal ban is still on in San Francisco, despite efforts by the mayor to veto the measure. The Board of Supervisors out-voted the veto and saved the law barring all fast-food restaurants from handing out toys with meals—unless they reduce fat and sugar. Mayor Gavin Newsom...

Oprah, Your Health Gurus Are Quacks
 Oprah, Your Health 
 Gurus Are Quacks 

Oprah, Your Health Gurus Are Quacks

Time to learn to love exercise

(Newser) - It’s obvious why Oprah has so many unconventional health “experts” on her show. “Sensationalism sells,” writes conditioning specialist James Fell in the LA Times . “Stuff that stands up to scientific scrutiny often lacks the pizazz that makes for scintillating television.” But it’s time...

Professor Loses 27 Lbs on Twinkie Diet
 Loses 27 Lbs 
 on Twinkie Diet 

Professor Loses 27 Lbs on Twinkie Diet

Calorie count is king, even if you're eating junk

(Newser) - The nutrition professor who spent 10 weeks eating almost exclusively junk food is done—and he’s lost 27 pounds. As a class project, Mark Haub set out to prove that calorie count was king when it came to dieting, so he subsisted on 1,800 calories worth of Twinkies,...

Dieting Wastes Your Time and Money

 Dieting Wastes Your 
 Time and Money 


Dieting Wastes Your Time and Money

Essay: It's more important to focus on kids' healthy habits

(Newser) - Adults should give up on the charade of dieting, writes sociologist Amitai Etzioni. The body we have when we reach adulthood is pretty much the one we're going to keep. We may take off weight here or there, but it always comes back. Think of anyone you know, famous or...

Palin 'Cookie Bombs' School to Protest Health Push

Alaskan blasts 'nanny state' nutrition debate in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Who knew nutrition guidelines were a Tea Party bugaboo? Sarah Palin's post-election focus on the issues has gone from monetary policy to ... cookies. The Alaskan brought cookies to a Pennsylvania elementary school yesterday to slam government interference pressing for healthier eating, ABC News reports. Pennsylvania is a "nanny state...

US Pushes Cheese While Warning About Fat

NYT: USDA sends decidedly mixed messages

(Newser) - The New York Times cries foul on the Department of Agriculture for being two-faced on cheese. On the one hand, the department warns people to cut down on saturated fats, like those found in dairy products. On the other, one of the department's very own marketing arms, called Dairy Management,...

San Francisco Bans Happy Meals

A new day in for the city: No legal pot, no unhealthy kid meals

(Newser) - Indulgences, begone! California voters last night rejected legal pot , and San Francisco just voted to do the same to McDonald's Happy Meals. The city's board of supervisors yesterday passed the ordinance with such a hefty majority—8-3—that it will survive a threatened veto by Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Our Food Labels Need to Tell Us the Bad News

...says a new report that wants calories, fat listed on the front of packages

(Newser) - It's time for food manufacturers to come clean about what's in their products, a new report on food labeling suggests. In addition to trumpeting the good (high fiber!) food labels should fess up to the bad ('high sodium!') on the front of the package, argue experts from the...

Nutrition Professor Goes on Junk Food Diet
 Nutrition Professor 
 Goes on Junk Food Diet 

Nutrition Professor Goes on Junk Food Diet

...and he's losing weight

(Newser) - A college nutrition professor is using his own diet and body to upend notions of what is healthy. This month, he's eating almost only high-calorie junk food—Twinkies, powdered donuts, sticky buns—and still shedding pounds. "Is it truly weight we should be concerned with or should it be...

At One School, Better Food = Better Behavior

Finding bolsters argument for healthier food choices in schools

(Newser) - Providing healthier food in schools is already becoming a trend —but educators might soon find a reason other than obesity to get rid of those vending machines. A school district in Wisconsin started replacing soda with water and junk food with fruits and vegetables 13 years ago, and something...

Didn't Run a Marathon? You Don't Need Gatorade
Didn't Run a Marathon? You Don't Need Gatorade
in case you missed it

Didn't Run a Marathon? You Don't Need Gatorade

Sports drinks overkill for casual exercisers

(Newser) - Sports drinks like Gatorade, PowerAde, and Pure Sport are advertised as revitalizing thirst-quenchers for professional athletes, graciously made available to casual exercisers like you. But most desk jockeys don't need anything the drinks provide except water, new analysis suggests. Exercise does deplete both electrolytes and carbohydrates, but the average American...

For Some, Veganism Hides an Eating Disorder

Those who undertake diet to lose weight are at risk

(Newser) - For most vegans, their diet is a way to avoid animal products, but for some, it’s become a way to avoid food—period. Veganism is becoming more popular in America, where 5% of the population follows the no-animal-products diet. Most of those people are making a healthy choice, writes...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>