Guantanamo prisoners

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Gitmo Prisoner: US Is Now 'Starving Me to Death'

Disturbing column comes amid reports officials have stopped force-feeding hunger-strikers

(Newser) - Multiple sources tell the New York Times that officials at Guantanamo Bay have started waiting longer before force-feeding hunger-striking prisoners, allowing their physical condition to deteriorate past the point that previously would have resulted in intervention. Per information received from detainees' lawyers, the Times says the change was implemented around...

Canada to Pay Millions to Former Gitmo Detainee

Country will offer apology to Omar Khadr

(Newser) - The Canadian government is going to apologize and give millions to a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who pleaded guilty to killing a US soldier in Afghanistan when he was 15, with Canada's Supreme Court later ruling that officials had interrogated him under "oppressive circumstances." An official familiar...

Gitmo 'Guinea Pig' to Describe 'Unspeakable Torture'

Abu Zubaydah expected to testify next week

(Newser) - The Guantanamo detainee known as the CIA's "guinea pig" for its post-9/11 interrogation program is going to testify on his brutal treatment for the first time later this month, his lawyer says. Abu Zubaydah, an alleged al-Qaeda member who was captured in Pakistan in 2002 but has never...

4 More Gitmo Inmates Released
4 More Gitmo Inmates Released

4 More Gitmo Inmates Released

'Final push' continues despite Trump plea

(Newser) - The Pentagon says four Guantanamo prisoners have been released and sent to Saudi Arabia, part of a final push by President Obama to reduce the population at the detention center in the final weeks of his administration. The four are from Yemen, and each had been held at Guantanamo for...

Obama's Single Largest Gitmo Release Just Happened

15 prisoners transferred to the UAE

(Newser) - Fifteen prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention center were sent to the United Arab Emirates in the single largest release of detainees during the Obama administration, the Pentagon announced Monday. The transfer of 12 Yemeni nationals and three Afghans to the UAE comes amid a renewed push to whittle down...

Missing Former Gitmo Prisoner Resurfaces

He doesn't want to go back to Uruguay

(Newser) - A resettled former Guantanamo prisoner who disappeared last month in Uruguay , setting off alarm bells in neighboring countries and recriminations in Washington, has reappeared in Venezuela, the Uruguayan government says. Foreign Minister Rodolfo Nin Novoa tells the AP that Syrian native Abu Wa'el Dhiab showed up at Uruguay's...

South America Can't Find Ex-Gitmo Detainee

Syrian native Abu Wa'el Dhiab, who had been resettled in Uruguay, goes missing

(Newser) - A South American airline is asking its employees to be on the lookout for a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was resettled in Uruguay after being freed by US authorities, the AP reports. The alert about Syrian native Abu Wa'el Dhiab adds to a growing mystery about his whereabouts....

12 Freed Gitmo Inmates Linked to US Deaths

Sources say former detainees have killed at least 6 in Afghanistan

(Newser) - Information about former Guantanamo Bay detainees who returned to militancy is very slowly leaking out—and it will give ammunition to those fighting to keep the detention center open. Sources tell the Washington Post that around 12 released Gitmo prisoners—all of them freed during the George W. Bush administration—...

Pentagon Releases 9 Guantanamo Inmates

The men had been held for approximately 14 years without charges

(Newser) - Nine prisoners have been released from Guantanamo and sent to Saudi Arabia, dropping the inmate population at the infamous prison to 80, Reuters reports. The release was announced Saturday by the Pentagon. All nine prisoners were Yemeni men captured during the war in Afghanistan, according the New York Times . They...

Oldest Gitmo Prisoner Loses Bid for Freedom

Saifullah Paracha, 68, considered too dangerous for release

(Newser) - Guantanamo's oldest prisoner won't soon return to Pakistan or the US as he had hoped: The Guantanamo parole board has ruled that 68-year-old Saifullah Paracha will remain in custody as "a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States." The Pakistani businessman has been...

Obama's New Plan to Close Gitmo: Move 56 Inmates to US

Plan would see 35 detainees moved to other countries

(Newser) - The White House responded to Congress' request for a blueprint for the closure of Guantanamo Bay on Tuesday—though NPR reports that President Obama's proposed plan is "not expected to go very far." It would see 35 of Guantanamo's 91 inmates transferred to other countries by...

Prisoner Leaves Gitmo, but Freedom Eludes Him

Inside the case of Younis Shokuri

(Newser) - Younis Shokuri spent 14 years imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. He got out in September only to be held again, and the New York Times reports on his "legal limbo." Repatriated to his native Morocco, Shokuri now is in the custody of that country's government, despite its assurances...

Freed Gitmo Prisoner Refuses to Leave

Lawyer says Yemeni man is too 'frightened' to leave the familiarity of Guantanamo

(Newser) - A Guantanamo Bay inmate who remained in the prison for nearly 14 years finally had his shot at freedom this week—and he turned it down. While two other Gitmo prisoners boarded a plane out of Cuba Wednesday morning, Yemen native Mohammed Ali Abdullah Bwazir—who Fox News says is...

Wrong Guy Has Been Held at Gitmo for 13 Years

Yemeni national was mistaken for al-Qaeda honcho

(Newser) - A 37-year-old man named Mustafa Abd-al-Qawi Abd-al-Aziz al-Shamiri has spent most of his adult life as a Guantanamo prisoner because of some confusion over his name, US authorities have admitted. A Defense Department review , which calls the Yemeni national "YM-434," states that he was initially thought to be...

5 Men Freed From Gitmo After 13 Years

Population now down to 107

(Newser) - Five Guantanamo Bay inmates who had been held without charge for almost 14 years have been transferred to the United Arab Emirates, the Defense Department announced Sunday, marking the first time that the Gulf nation has accepted Guantanamo inmates from other countries. The men, who had been designated as enemy...

Feds Eye Colorado for Gitmo Transfers

State lawmakers don't want 'world's worst terrorists' in their backyard

(Newser) - The Unabomber may be about to get some new neighbors. Department of Defense officials plan to visit Colorado to assess whether facilities including a medium-security prison adjacent to the ADX Florence "Supermax" prison could hold prisoners now at Guantanamo Bay, which the administration wants to close, the Denver Post...

Hearing for Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Called Off Again

Judge cites 'unresolved issues' in case of 5 Gitmo inmates

(Newser) - After more than 12 years in American custody, the day of reckoning doesn't seem to be getting much closer for alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The US military has called off an impending pretrial hearing for Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators being held at Guantanamo Bay, reports Reuters...

No More Big Macs for Gitmo Inmates in Lawyer Meetings

Food during Guantanamo legal consults forbidden for 'health,' 'safety' reasons

(Newser) - Guantanamo Bay inmates accustomed to snacking on falafel, hummus, and kebabs—as well as fare from the on-base Pizza Hut or Mickey D's—brought in by their legal teams during visits will now have to confer on an empty stomach. In a "procedural modification" to existing rules about...

Taliban We Traded for Bergdahl Can Soon Travel

They might be able to move about freely as soon as Monday

(Newser) - A one-year travel ban is expiring for five senior Taliban leaders who were held in US detention at Guantanamo Bay until they were released last year in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, raising the possibility that the five can move freely around the world as early as Monday. Under terms...

'Middle Class' Gitmo Inmates Struggle in New Home

They're not 'humble people of the desert,' Uruguay prez says

(Newser) - Controversy is flaring over the six Guantanamo detainees taken in by Uruguay for resettlement , with even the man who pushed through the plan, President Jose Mujica, seeming to criticize them for lacking a work ethic. The men were locked up for more than a dozen years at the US base...

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