flu shot

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Women May Get More Out of Flu Shots

Research suggests they may have stronger immune systems in general

(Newser) - Women react more strongly to flu vaccination than men, a new study has demonstrated, meaning they might be more protected against getting sick. Researchers examined the inflammatory responses of 53 women and 34 men after they got their flu shots, and found that men, particularly men with high testosterone, exhibited...

Flu Shot May Help Your Heart, Too
 Flu Shot May Help 
 Your Heart, Too 
study says

Flu Shot May Help Your Heart, Too

Study sees reduced risk of cardiovascular trouble

(Newser) - This year's public service announcements urging people to get a flu shot might have just gotten some extra ammo: New research suggests the shots not only help ward off the flu but protect the heart as well, reports the LA Times . An analysis of previous studies found that 3%...

Why Everyone Should Get Random Flu Shots

May hit disease at weak point, increase chance of random extinction event

(Newser) - If you missed getting your flu shot, it's not the end of the world. In fact, random treatment times may actually help manage a disease outbreak in the long run. New research suggests that when treatments are given twice a year, six months apart, a disease has time to...

This Year's Flu Shot Isn't Protecting Seniors

It helps in just 9% of cases, says CDC

(Newser) - Senior citizens who got the flu shot this year needn't have bothered, reports USA Today . For those ages 65 and older, this year's vaccine helped in just 9% of cases against the predominant strain, a percentage deemed to be statistically insignificant by the CDC. Factoring in all ages,...

Flu Season So Bad, Vaccine a Hot Commodity

In some places, people having trouble finding the shot

(Newser) - How bad is this year's flu outbreak? So bad that some places are running low on flu vaccine. USA Today has reports from around the country of people having difficulty finding the shot. One Las Vegas woman reports trying six locations before finding a grocery store drug center that...

This Flu Season Is a Doozy
 This Flu Season Is a Doozy 

This Flu Season Is a Doozy

Across the country, many are under the weather

(Newser) - As predicted , this year's flu season is already a doozy: It features a more severe strain, it started earlier, it's hitting more people, and it has affected a wider swath of the country than usual, USA Today reports. Flu season started earlier this year than it has...

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women
Autism Linked to Fever, Flu
in Pregnant Women
study says

Autism Linked to Fever, Flu in Pregnant Women

Pregnant woman who suffered from either were at higher risk

(Newser) - A new study finds a link between illness during pregnancy and autism, but experts are already urging caution when interpreting the results. Danish researchers found that expecting mothers who suffered from the flu were twice as likely to have a child who developed an autism spectrum disorder, while those who...

Delta In-Flight Ad Causes Stir
 Delta In-Flight Ad Causes Stir 

Delta In-Flight Ad Causes Stir

Pediatricians object to ad that advises asking questions about flu shots

(Newser) - Delta Airlines has announced that it will change its approval process for in-flight ads, after a PSA from the National Vaccine Information Center, a group that is often critical of vaccines, caused an uproar, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports. The ad , which will keep running through the end of November...

Coming Soon: Universal Flu Vaccine

Drug is successfully tested on humans for the first time

(Newser) - Soon, you may be able to forget about getting a flu shot each year—because just one jab could cover you for all strains of the illness. Oxford University scientists tested a universal flu vaccine on humans for the first time, and found it to be successful, the Guardian reports....

Swine Flu Vaccine Could Cure All Flu for Life

Those who've been hit with virus seem immune to other flus

(Newser) - Swine flu might hold the key to an all-purpose vaccine that could, with a single injection, protect patients from all flus for the rest of their lives. Researchers in Chicago and Atlanta are set to publish a study finding that those who develop antibodies against swine flu appear to be...

Flu Shot May Ward Off Heart Attacks
Flu Shot May Ward Off Heart Attacks

Flu Shot May Ward Off Heart Attacks

Study suggests the shot can reduce risk for first heart attack

(Newser) - The flu shot may be good for you in more ways than one. A new study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found that adults who took the flu vaccine were less likely to experience their first heart attack in the following year, CNN reports. Researchers looked at the...

Fears Trigger Rush on Liquid Tamiflu for Kids
Fears Trigger Rush on
Liquid Tamiflu for Kids
h1n1 outbreak

Fears Trigger Rush on Liquid Tamiflu for Kids

Sporadic shortages reported around the country

(Newser) - Parents are scrambling in parts of the country to find liquid Tamiflu for their kids. It's selling out so quickly in drug stores that federal officials have given pharmacists a back-up plan: They can mix syrup with the powdery adult capsules—the precise ratio is determined by a child's weight—...

If Swine Flu Is a Test, America Is Failing
If Swine Flu Is a Test,
America Is Failing

If Swine Flu Is a Test, America Is Failing

States' herky-jerky responses show problems with system

(Newser) - Take a good look at how states are dispensing swine flu shots—if they're dispensing them at all yet—and there's no escaping one conclusion: What a mess. Despite federal guidelines, each state seems to have its own ideas on who should get them first, and when—yet another example...

Seasonal Flu Shot May Boost H1N1 Risk

WHO asks other countries to verify Canadian study

(Newser) - The WHO has asked researchers around the world if their findings back up a Canadian study that shows people who received seasonal flu vaccines are more likely to contract swine flu. So far, the results haven't been repeated. “None have been able to find anything like that,” the...

Parents Leery About H1N1 Vaccine

'Uncertainty' dominates as families mull shot

(Newser) - Concerned over unforeseen effects and unconvinced that the H1N1 virus is really anything worse than a case of the sniffles, some parents are leaning away from vaccinating their kids against it, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It's a different brand of flu, but it is still the flu,”...

Swine Flu Shots Will Start Next Month: Sebelius

US 'on track' to have plenty of vaccine by flu season

(Newser) - The nation's first round of swine flu shots could begin sooner than expected, with some vaccine available as early as the first week of October, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said today. Sebelius said she is confident the vaccine will be available early enough to beat the peak...

Flu Shots Decrease Use of Antibiotics

Doctors prescribe them less when the shots are available

(Newser) - Providing flu shots to the public decreases the prescription of antibiotics, say Canadian researchers. The results of a 10-year study in Ontario will be good news to public health officials who worry that over-prescription of antibiotics is creating more resistant bacteria, reports Miller-McCune. Researchers found that doctors prescribed 64% fewer...

Snags Threaten Massive Vaccination Drive

Cost, confusion with seasonal flu could mar government's efforts

(Newser) - US health officials are readying an unprecedented swine flu vaccination campaign for this fall, but the initiative is already dogged by experts' doubts and a raft of unknowns, the Washington Post reports. Only a third of the expected vaccine supply will arrive by October, and officials fear confusing the public...

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet
Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Taitz shares theories on Obama (he's gay), conspiracies, flu shots

(Newser) - President Obama or one of his operatives has tried to kill birther leader Orly Taitz many times—according to Taitz. The lawyer/dentist/real estate agent gives Gabriel Winant of Salon an earful of accusations, including:
  • Obama may have had his gay lovers killed. Taitz says a few homosexuals from Obama’s

Swiss Pharma Won't Donate Swine Flu Vaccine to Poor

Novartis defies WHO calls to give free doses to poor

(Newser) - Swiss pharma giant Novartis is defying the World Health Organization by refusing to donate swine flu vaccines to the world's poor, despite the designation of H1N1 as the first pandemic in 40 years, reports the Financial Times. Last week the WHO's director general called on drug companies to show "...

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