
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Target Hackers Got PINs, Too

But Target thinks they're safely encrypted

(Newser) - Ever since news broke of Target's massive security breach , the retailer has said that customers' PIN and debit card data hadn't been stolen. Today, it admitted that actually, it had been—which, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune , makes the stolen cards significantly more likely to be fraudulently...

Target Breach Proves It: Time for Chip Cards
Target Breach Proves It:
Time for Chip Cards

Target Breach Proves It: Time for Chip Cards

Sacramento Bee says magnetic stripe is too vulnerable to thieves

(Newser) - The 40 million Target shoppers whose credit cards were compromised in a holiday breach might find themselves nodding along to this editorial in the Sacramento Bee : It's high time that the US payments industry did away with the decades-old magnetic stripe on credit cards and adopted microchip-based cards instead,...

Target Woos Shoppers With 10% Discount

Sale is on tomorrow and Sunday after credit card breach

(Newser) - Target is trying to counter all the bad press over its massive credit card breach with a mea culpa 10% discount for shoppers this weekend, reports CNNMoney . All shoppers at brick-and-mortar stores will get the discount tomorrow and Sunday, the last shopping weekend before Christmas. "We recognize this has...

Stolen Target Credit Cards Selling for $20 to $100

Many of the 40M are already being sold on black markets: report

(Newser) - As you might expect, credit card hackers move fast. Many of the 40 million cards compromised in the recent Target breach are up for sale (or already scooped up) on the black market, reports Krebs on Security . Reporter Brian Krebs gets into the nitty gritty of how these underground "...

Target: Up to 40M Hit by Credit-Card Hack

Company had massive breach around Black Friday, through as late as Sunday

(Newser) - Attention, Target shoppers: That Black Friday bargain you scored might have some serious strings attached. Target today confirmed that some 40 million credit and debit card accounts may have been affected by a data breach, after Krebs on Security and the Wall Street Journal yesterday reported the chain was investigating...

What Stores Are Doing to Prevent Black Friday Freakouts

Tickets, Segways, live bands aim to keep shoppers calm

(Newser) - Ever since a Walmart worker was trampled to death five years ago on Black Friday, the chain has increased its efforts to ensure safe shopping. Now, a range of top retailers are trying everything from live music to off-duty police hires to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy. Among their...

Woman, 95, Retires From Target ... After 45 Years

Jeanne Brouillet says she'll miss the customers

(Newser) - On Oct. 28, 1968, Jeanne Brouillet started work as a cashier at the Target in Bloomington, Minn. Monday, exactly 45 years later, she retired from the company at the age of 95, WCCO reports. Since 1973, she's been working at the nearby Edina location, where she has performed various...

Target Dabbling With Its Own Netflix Competitor

Employees currently testing streaming service

(Newser) - When you think "streaming video," Target is probably not the first name you think of—or the fiftieth. But the retail giant is hoping to change all that; it's currently beta testing a Netflix-esque service that, the Target Ticket site proclaims, provides "instant access to 15,...

McDonald's Is Most Visited Business in America

Nearly half of US consumers visited at least once last month, says study

(Newser) - Just how popular are the golden arches? So popular that nearly half of US consumers visited them last month, according to a new study spotted by the Consumerist . The study, from the new Placed Insights service, sought to determine which businesses Americans visit most. Fast food dominates the list, but...

Griping About Work Online Is (Mostly) Protected

Employees have a right to band together, say recent rulings

(Newser) - Companies have been overstepping their authority by restricting workers' online comments, say federal officials who are moving to fix the issue. Labor regulators have deemed some firings over social-network discussions illegal, arguing that companies' rules regarding online speech are far too broad, the New York Times reports. A lot of...

Target: OK, We'll Match Amazon Prices

Will also match prices of,

(Newser) - Target is sick and tired of you walking out of its stores without buying anything—because you looked on your smartphone and found Amazon was cheaper. So its CEO today announced a new price-matching policy to combat the practice (known as " showrooming "), MarketWatch reports. Now, customers who...

Whole Foods, Stop & Shop Join Peanut Butter Recall

List of affected products reaches 101

(Newser) - A national peanut butter recall just keeps growing, with stores from Whole Foods to Target to Stop & Shop now affected—and it's not just peanut butter that's causing salmonella concerns. Sunland, the company behind the recall, is adding cashew butter, blanched and roasted peanut products, and tahini...

In Price War With Walmart, Target Pulls Ahead

Cuts in food prices give Target biggest lead ever

(Newser) - Watch for falling prices, Walmart—they might hit you. Target had lower prices than its arch-rival this month for the first time since October, research from Bloomberg has concluded. Indeed, Target won out by the largest margin yet seen in the two years Bloomberg has been tracking the numbers. The...

SEC Moves to Stop ... Central African Bloodshed

New rule to require companies to disclose 'blood minerals' use, eventually

(Newser) - The SEC voted yesterday to impose a new rule forcing companies to reveal their use of so-called "blood minerals" ... eventually. The rule, which was mandated by the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, requires companies to disclose their use of gold, tin, tungsten, and tantalum mined in and near the Democratic...

Coming to Cities: Mini Target, Petite Walmart

Major retailers open up tiny, urban-friendly outlets

(Newser) - Major chains are starting to think outside the big-box, at least where cities are involved. Stores like Walmart, Target, and Office Depot are willing to do what it takes to follow young adults who grew up in the 'burbs to their new urban homes, even if that means shrinking...

Neiman Marcus Joins Forces With ... Target

Rodarte, Derek Lam among designers participating

(Newser) - Move over Oscar and Felix: There's a new odd couple in town. Neiman Marcus and Target yesterday announced that they're teaming up this holiday season, with plans to offer 50-plus limited-edition items from big name designers like Diane von Furstenberg and Marc Jacobs, reports the Wall Street Journal ...

Peeved at Amazon, Target Yanks Kindle

Chain sick of customers checking out products before buying them on Amazon

(Newser) - In a sign of rising tension between online stores and their bricks-and-mortar counterparts, Target says it is going to stop selling Amazon's Kindle products. The company, one of the biggest offline sellers of Amazon's e-readers and tablets, has become fed up with shoppers using its stores as a...

Walmart Pepper Spray Suspect Surrenders

And Target shopper dies, ignored by Black Friday shoppers

(Newser) - A woman who may have pepper-sprayed Walmart shoppers over an Xbox purchase yesterday turned herself in last night but refused to discuss the details, the AP reports. Hours after pepper spray was used in the "competitive shopping" incident, an unidentified woman showed up at an LA-area police station—and...

McDonald's, Target Drop 'Cruel' Egg Supplier

Undercover video showed chickens being abused, harsh conditions

(Newser) - McDonald's and Target have both dropped a major egg supplier after an animal rights group released an undercover video last week showing animal cruelty and harsh conditions at five of the supplier's facilities, reports AP . "Having been made aware of the unacceptable conditions in the company's...

Target Worker Fights 'Black Midnight' Hours

Shifts start at 11pm on Thanksgiving, to employees' dismay

(Newser) - If you rolled your eyes at the news that some stores are opening at midnight on Black Friday, imagine how the employees of those stores feel. Target parking attendant Anthony Hardwick says that for his Black Friday shift—which starts at 11pm on Thursday—he’ll “have to go...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>