Democratic nomination

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The Long, Slow Breakup of Wright-Obama

The Long, Slow Breakup of

The Long, Slow Breakup of Wright-Obama

Why the coolly focused candidate fumbled his toughest test

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a very long fuse, the New York Times notes, and so his break-up with his pastor and surrogate father has been playing out in slow motion, since even before the day he launched his presidential campaign. It took Jeremiah Wright's direct assault on Obama's credibility in his...

Ex-DNC Chair Switches to Obama Camp

Andrew abandons Clinton, tells superdels to 'heal the rift'

(Newser) - Joe Andrew, a superdelegate and the Democratic Party chair during Bill Clinton's presidency, has switched his allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, reports the AP. Andrew had endorsed Hillary on the day she announced her candidacy, but in a lengthy letter to other superdelegates he says they must rally...

Pastor Strife Forces Obama to Get Tough

Forceful break with Wright signals change in tone at crucial juncture

(Newser) - Barack Obama's angry break with his former pastor marks a dramatic change in tone for the Democratic hopeful—and the party's superdelegates are paying close attention, the New York Times reports. Obama's forceful handling of the furor has impressed many but the revival of thorny racial issues ahead of next...

'Change' Falls Flat With Hoosiers

Voters clinging to 'traditional values' could require Democrats to tweak approach

(Newser) - Despite the ubiquitous use of “change” as a rallying cry in the Democratic primaries, the New York Times notes, the candidates might want to reconsider using it ahead of Indiana's May 6 primary. Although they’re dissatisfied with the economic toll taken by the decline in manufacturing, voters generally...

Race Looms Large After Obama Loss
Race Looms Large After Obama Loss

Race Looms Large After Obama Loss

Dems start asking whether a black candidate can win

(Newser) - Until recently, Barack Obama seemed to have quashed concerns about the chances of an African-American winning the White House. But as he inches closer to the nomination, more Democrats are beginning to ask whether white and other non-black voters will elect a black man in November. The question has taken...

Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker
Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker

Hillary Win Leaves Dems Unmoved, Barack Weaker

Pennsylvania primary changed nothing, party operatives agree

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's 10-point win in Pennsylvania leaves the Democratic Party in the same quandary it was in before the primary, writes Carolyn Lochhead in the San Francisco Chronicle, but with the pressure ratcheted up. While the race did not much improve Clinton's chances, it did expose Barack Obama's possible weaknesses...

Dream Ticket Is the Candidates' Worst Nightmare

Obama, Clinton bitter enemies; but stranger things have happened

(Newser) - Despite Democratic dreams of a shared ticket, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton may not be able to stand each other long enough to share a campaign. It’s been the first question in several debates, and will be for either as the freshly crowned nominee, but when the Times privately...

The Boss Thinks Barack Rocks
 The Boss Thinks
 Barack Rocks 

The Boss Thinks Barack Rocks

Springsteen deems Obama 'head and shoulders above the rest'

(Newser) - Rocker Bruce Springsteen endorsed Barack Obama today, calling the candidate “head and shoulders above the rest.” The Boss cited Obama’s leadership on the war, economic and racial justice, and the environment, the New York Times reports; he also criticized the “bitter” flap, saying Obama's opponents were...

Voters Back Fight to the End
 Voters Back
 Fight to the End 

Voters Back Fight to the End

Obama opens 10-point lead, but Dems want both to keep running

(Newser) - The majority of Democrats want Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to battle to the bitter end rather than concede, a Washington Post-ABC News poll has found. The poll also shows Obama has opened a national10-point lead over Clinton among Democrats, and most say he is now the more electable of...

Penn Ties Still Hurting Clinton in Pa.

Pro-Obama unions attack Hillary for not dumping strategist

(Newser) - The demotion of Mark Penn in Hillary Clinton's campaign hasn't ended the problem the errant consultant is causing her in Pennsylvania, Bloomberg reports. Unions supporting Barack Obama have pounced on the strategist's advocacy of a Colombian free-trade deal, calling him pro-business and anti-worker. "She has to sever completely with...

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?
Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Dems don't have top pick yet, but talk persists about No. 2

(Newser) - John Kerry was mulling a pick for vice president at this time 4 years ago, but Democratic hopefuls today refuse to name a running mate. Still, Politico’s Ben Smith has an early roundup of who could be Clinton’s and Obama’s first choices in the No. 2 slot.

Obama Loses Ground: Poll
 Obama Loses Ground: Poll 

Obama Loses Ground: Poll

Support softens, lead among men falls

(Newser) - Barack Obama's popularity has slipped in the past month, especially among men and rich voters, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. His favorability rating dropped 7 percentage points to 62% during the fallout over inflammatory remarks from his pastor, but the dropoff appears to have leveled off, the...

Can Howard Dean Keep the Dems Together?

Bruising Clinton- Obama race tests low-key party chairman

(Newser) - Since his crash-and-burn run for president four years ago, Howard Dean has served as a decidedly low-key Democratic Party chairman, slowly building up state organizations while staying out of the limelight. Yet as the Clinton-Obama race wears on, many are wondering if Dean has the political acumen—or even the...

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt
 Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt 

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt

Aides explain much of it as paperwork matter

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had $8.7 million in debt at the end of February, including roughly $300,000 in unpaid health insurance invoices for her staff and $3,100 from her own high school alma mater, where she held a campaign event. Barack Obama notched only $625,058 in debt, reports...

Bill to Dems on Primaries: Chill!

Let primary process continue, he urges party faithful

(Newser) - Former President Bill Clinton told California Democrats to "chill out" and let the long, bruising battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination continue. "We are going to win this election if we just chill out and let everybody have their say," Clinton told...

Leahy to Clinton: You're Out
Leahy to Clinton:
You're Out

Leahy to Clinton: You're Out

Influential Democrat wants peace; Dean suggests deadline

(Newser) - Continued sniping with Hillary Clinton is hurting Barack Obama's chances of winning the White House, and "she ought to withdraw and she ought to be backing Senator Obama," Sen. Pat Leahy told Vermont Public Radio in an interview aired today. The harsh assessment coincided with a suggestion from...

Superdelegates Ask: Which Candidate Has the Coattails?

Undecided Pa. Dems look to own reelection

(Newser) - Ten of Pennsylvania's superdelegates have yet to back a Democratic presidential candidate ahead of the April 22 primary. And while Clinton is expected to win the balloting, Bloomberg writes, some—especially several freshman congressmen up for reelection—are concerned that her "high negatives" might inspire more Republicans to come...

Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll
Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll

Clinton Slips to New Low in Poll

37% approval rating worst of campaign; Obama appears to weather pastor storm

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suffering some of the worst poll numbers of her political career, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Clinton chalked up a personal approval rating of just 37%, the lowest since March 2001, two months after her election to the Senate. And of Clinton, Barack Obama, and...

28% of Hillary Fans Would Pick Mac Over Obama

And, poll finds, 19% of Barack-backers would rather go Republican

(Newser) - In a troubling sign for Democratic odds of overcoming the primary bloodbath, a poll finds 28% of Hillary Clinton supporters say they would vote for John McCain over Barack Obama, and 19% of Barack boosters would go GOP over Clinton. It’s great news for the crossover-friendly Republican, the Chicago ...

Superdelegates Should Hold Superprimary: Tenn. Gov.

Superdelegate says Democratic party needs to settle nomination soon

(Newser) - Democrats should hold a superdelegate superprimary to settle the race before the summer, says Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen. “You’re going to spend this whole summer—and lots of money and time and effort—trying to convince people that whoever isn’t eventually nominated, isn’t electable,” says...

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