Nicolas Sarkozy

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Paris Divorce Fair Thrives on Breakups

Get legal advice and plastic surgery for life's next phase

(Newser) - The annual Paris Marriage Fair has spawned a modern offspring—a Divorce Fair. “Divorce has lost its stigma,” says its organizer; nearly 50% of French marriages, including two of Nicolas Sarkozy's, don't last. Booths at the fair offered services from divorce lawyers, tarot card readers, self-esteem coaches, and...

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall
 Germany Hails 
 Anniversary of  
 Berlin Wall's Fall  
party like it's 1989

Germany Hails Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall

Dominoes, fireworks, music help mark 20 years

(Newser) - Hundreds of foam dominoes will fall today in Berlin, symbolizing the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has called Nov. 9, 1989, "the happiest day in recent German history," will lead the festivities....

Anthropologist Levi-Strauss Dead at 100

French ethnologist introduced structuralist theory

(Newser) - Claude Levi-Strauss, widely considered the father of modern anthropology for work that included theories about commonalities between tribal and industrial societies, has died. He was 100. The French intellectual was regarded as having reshaped the field of anthropology, introducing structuralism—concepts about common patterns of behavior and thought, especially myths,...

Sarko's $400K Shower Steams French
 Sarko's $400K 
 Shower Steams French 

Sarko's $400K Shower Steams French

French president's turn as EU chief cost double the usual amount

(Newser) - The French Senate is perhaps understandably miffed at the outrageous price tag of Nicolas Sarkozy’s 6-month stint as president of the European Union. The half-year job of hosting meetings and events appears to have cost $262 million, which is borne mostly by the host nation, an official tells the...

'Prince Jean' Sarkozy Drops Bid for Post

Nearly-law-grad vows to continue in politics, denies nepotism

(Newser) - Nicholas Sarkozy's son Jean has dropped his bid to run France's most important business district. The 23-year-old law student, whose move to take over the $150,000 Paris job sparked accusations of nepotism and street protests, announced he didn't want a "tainted" victory. Sarkozy said his "passion for...

Post for Sarko Son Sparks Howls of Protest

Law student tapped to run huge, lucrative business district

(Newser) - It's not every day that a 23-year-old law student is tapped to manage the largest office park in Europe, but when you are Jean Sarkozy, anything's possible. The son of the French president, who already has a local government post, has the ruling party's official backing to run La Dé...

Six People Irked by Obama's Nobel Prize

What do Sarkozy, Clinton and the Taliban have in common?

(Newser) - The decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize has clearly made some people unhappy, writes Katie Connolly for Newsweek. Here are six of the most peeved:
  1. Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president was also up for the honor but was passed over for someone he’s described as “

Sarko to French Pols: Put Down the Croissants

French government gets the fitness bug after president loses 15 pounds

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy has lost 15 pounds since he married Carla Bruni, subsisting on a diet of cottage cheese, fruit compote, and bottled water—and he's not the only one in the French government who's slimming down. As the Times of London reports, Sarkozy is pressuring his ministers to lose weight,...

Fan Crush Crashes Bruni's New Website

Showcase for 'ultimate modern woman's' charity work collapses under onslaught

(Newser) - A much-hyped website showcasing Carla Bruni's work as France's first lady crashed within minutes of its launch yesterday after receiving thousands of hits. Administrators at said the site—which describes the ex-model as "the ultimate modern woman"—couldn't cope with the demand and advised visitors to...

French, Swiss Battle Over Polanski

Director's lawyer vows to fight extradition

(Newser) - The French and Swiss government bickered angrily over Roman Polanski yesterday as the film director's arrest strained diplomatic relations. France's culture minister said he was “stupefied” by the arrest, while President Nicolas Sarkozy called for a “rapid solution”—presumably one that involved letting Polanski return to France....

Leak Forced Obama's Hand on Iran Nukes

(Newser) - Yesterday's surprise announcement at the G20 summit of the existence of a hidden Iranian nuclear enrichment facility wasn't the way President Obama planned to handle the information, Politico reports. His hand was forced by a reporter who learned of a letter in which Iran notified the UN's nuclear watchdog agency...

Obama Demands Inquiry Into Iran Nuke Plant

US, France, Britain threaten sanctions

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain demanded today that Iran fully disclose its nuclear ambitions "or be held accountable" to an impatient world community. They threatened new sanctions after the disclosure of a secret Iranian nuclear facility. "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must...

Sarkozy Oversteps in Rancorous Trial With Foe

Howls as French president calls Villepin 'guilty' in TV interview

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy may have crossed the line in the continuing trial of his political foe Dominique de Villepin, the former French prime minister accused of waging a smear campaign against him in 2004. During a TV interview in New York, Sarkozy called Villepin and his co-defendants "the guilty parties"...

Sarkozy Buses In Short People to Look Taller

Height-challenged plant workers were chosen to stand behind French prez

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy looked particularly imposing during a televised speech last week—because he bused in specially vetted very short people to stand behind him, reports the Telegraph. The speech was held at a Faurecia motor technology plant in southern France. TV cameras caught buses bringing in 20 workers...

Too Much Exercise Is Gross, Dangerous

Intense celeb workouts take toll on Elle, Sarko

(Newser) - Madonna’s sinewy arms, Elle Macpherson’s “saggy knees,” Nicolas Sarkozy's collapse: Extreme exercise regimes are taking a noticeable toll on some celebrity bodies, highlighting the negative effects of an overly heavy workout, the Times of London reports. Experts say too much exercise does nothing to make us...

Right Wing Stokes Hatred of 'Euroweenies'

(Newser) - Europeans may have longer lives and longer vacations, but red-blooded Americans don't want their socialist ways on this side of the ocean, right wing media mouths are eager to remind everyone, MIchael Freedman writes in Newsweek. Underlying much of the opposition to health care reform is the fear that it's...

World's Dirtiest Old Men
 World's Dirtiest Old Men 

World's Dirtiest Old Men

(Newser) - Some men age like a fine wine. Others age like these guys. The Independent lists the most embarrassing old goats in the public eye:
  • Silvio Berlusconi, 72: “What with claims he's spent the summer consorting with call girls and teenagers at wild parties, has Berlusconi simply forgotten his age?”

French Leaders Keep Health Hush-Hush

(Newser) - Don't expect French President Nicolas Sarkozy to talk about being rushed to the hospital after he collapsed during a jog yesterday. If he's anything like his predecessors, he'll probably say nothing at all, reports AFP. Since 1974, when President Georges Pompidou died while in office from leukemia, French leaders have...

'Faint' Sarkozy Hospitalized After Jog

French prez 'felt faint,' undergoing medical tests

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy “felt faint” during his usual morning jog today, reports the Guardian, and was admitted to the hospital where he was under observation and undergoing further tests. Elysee Palace declined to comment further, saying it would release further details this afternoon. The energetic French president is known as...

France Bloomin' Mad Over Brukozy's Daily $1K Fleur Tab

(Newser) - French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy just loves her fleurs and she's often photographed arranging blooms in the Elysée Palace. Problem is, the flowers are costing French taxpayers $1,100 a day, and they want the spending nipped in the bud. The blooming bills were revealed in the first state...

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