Nicolas Sarkozy

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Sarkozy Sues Over Scandal Diary

Intelligence chief's notes on Sarko marriage, financial deals in news mag

(Newser) - France's president Nicolas Sarkozy is at the center of a firestorm over publication of the diaries of a former French Intelligence chief which contain information about several politicians, including details of Sarkozy's personal life, the BBC reports. Yves Bertrand's personal diaries, reported in a news magazine, contain observations about the...

Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs
Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs

Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs

Brown and Sarkozy shine while Bush stalls, says columnist

(Newser) - The financial crisis hasn't just transformed the business world, writes Financial Times columnist Gideon Rachman; it's transformed world politics as well. Who are the winners and losers of the market upheaval?
  • Gordon Brown seems more and more the "improbable savior" of the financial system. The British bailout has been

UK Props Up Major Banks; Fed Offers Cash

Moves to shore up financial system have global markets rising

(Newser) - Governments across the globe are acting with “an enormous amount of congruence” and speed as they pour billions of dollars into rescue plans hoping to keep a sinking banking system afloat, reports the Wall Street Journal. The British government today provided $60 billion to prop up 3 banks, and...

Euro Nations Agree to Snap Up Bank Shares

(Newser) - European leaders emerged from a summit in Paris today and echoed the latest from Washington and London: It's time to buy up the banks, the New York Times reports. None of the 15 nations named an official price, but Germany and France will roll out plans tomorrow to buy equity...

Cop Spied on Sarko's Lovers to 'Smear' Him

'Obsessed' intel chief detailed officials' drug habits, sexual exploits

(Newser) - Tawdry revelations from the diaries of a former intelligence chief are proving yet again that no one does scandal like the French: Authorities are accusing Yves Bertrand of spying on Nicolas Sarkozy’s wives and lovers to smear him before he became president and keep Jacques Chirac in power. Bertrand...

Medvedev Calls for Anti-US Alliance

Tries to drive wedge between Europe and America

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev was in France today, mending bridges with Europe while laying the world’s problems—economic and otherwise—at America’s feet, the Telegraph reports. Medvedev blamed US “economic egotism” for the financial breakdown, and accused it of reviving its Russian containment policy and reigniting the Cold War....

Europe Agrees to Take It One Financial Crisis at a Time

Sarkozy's hopes dashed amid other leaders' opposition

(Newser) - Leaders of Europe’s four biggest economies did not settle on a unified plan for tackling the financial crisis, the Washington Post reports. Instead, each country will deal with banking problems as they crop up. While France’s Nicolas Sarkozy hoped for a Europe-wide plan, British and German leaders were...

French Economy Enters Recession

After Ireland, it's the second EU nation in economic trouble

(Newser) - France has entered a recession. The national statistics agency projects that the economy will contract by 0.1% in the third and fourth quarters of 2008, meeting the generally accepted definition. Finance Minister Christine Lagarde blamed the troubles on high oil prices, the strength of the euro earlier this year,...

Euros Eat Their Words as Own Bailouts Loom

A week after ripping US for crisis, dismissing need for own plan, Brown et al. retool

(Newser) - European leaders are eating their words a week after criticizing the US for allowing its banks to run dry and engineering a system-wide bailout for financial firms, Bloomberg reports. Governments across Europe, including Germany, the UK, Belgium and France bailed out banks across the continent and pledged support for others...

Rice: Russia Aimed for Georgia Overthrow

US broadside comes as Moscow refuses to allow observers into South Ossetia

(Newser) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice blasted Russia today as “increasingly authoritarian at home and aggressive abroad,” accusing Moscow of trying to overthrow the Georgian government during its recent invasion, the Guardian reports. The harshest US condemnation of Russia yet comes as Moscow refuses to allow European observers...

Bruni Meets Up With Metallica
 Bruni Meets Up With Metallica 

Bruni Meets Up With Metallica

French first lady joins heavy metal kings and talks of 'kind' Sarko

(Newser) - France's first lady shared a bill with Metallica on a British music show last night, the BBC reports. Former model Carla Bruni tapped her foot and clapped as the headbangers played—then joined host Jools Holland for a bluesy ballad. Bruni discussed the challenges of living both as a pop...

EU Won't Put Ukraine on Membership Fast Track

Amid worries over Russian ambition, Sarkozy acknowledges 'European destiny'

(Newser) - Ukraine’s president left a summit with European Union leaders today without a firm promise of EU membership, the Guardian reports. While French President Nicolas Sarkozy offered Victor Yushchenko an “association agreement” and affirmed Europe’s commitment to Ukraine’s territorial rights, dissent from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands...

Russia Agrees to Leave Georgia Within Month

But Medvedev says nothing about South Ossetia, Abkhazia trouble spots

(Newser) - Russia promised to remove its troops from Georgia within a month, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced today after meeting with Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev. But Medvedev made no mention of troops in the breakaway regions of South Ossetia or Abkhazia, promising only to remove them from the rest of the...

EU Holds Emergency Summit on Georgia

No sanctions or radical changes expected

(Newser) - European Union leaders gather in Brussels in an emergency session today to review their stance on Russia’s invasion of Georgia. It's the first emergency EU meeting since the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003. With conflicting positions from the UK, France and Germany, analysts say the summit will...

Georgia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Moscow

Nation withdraws embassy staff from 'aggressor nation'

(Newser) - Georgia pulled its diplomats from Moscow today, charging that it cannot engage in diplomacy with an “aggressor country,” the AP reports. A spokesman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the Georgians’ cutting of diplomatic ties would not benefit relations between the two countries. Russian troops remain in Georgia,...

Sarkozy Renews Afghan Support
 Sarkozy Renews Afghan Support

Sarkozy Renews Afghan Support

Visits troops, meets with Karzai

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy reaffirmed his support of the Afghan mission today, in the wake of a Taliban ambush that killed 10 French soldiers and wounded 21 others, the BBC reports. After meeting with Hamid Karzai, Sarkozy told troops to be proud of their “indispensable” work. “We're going to make...

Sarkozy Headed to Afghanistan After French Troop Deaths

10 killed in Taliban attack near Kabul

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy plans to visit Afghanistan after 10 French troops were killed and 21 injured by Taliban fighters in an ambush near Kabul, the Guardian reports. The battle—which began yesterday and continued into today—nearly doubled the number of French soldiers who have lost their lives in...

Promising to Leave, Russia Amps Up Forces in Georgia

NATO divided on response to Moscow

(Newser) - Despite promises from the Kremlin and ultimatums from the American and French presidents, Russia is stalling on its promise to withdraw from Georgia, reports the Guardian. The Russian military has moved ballistic missile launchers into South Ossetia, and its troops remain entrenched near Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. But ahead of...

Russia Pledges to Start Georgia Pullout Tomorrow

Forces said to occupy villages, major highway and power plant

(Newser) - Dimitry Medvedev said today he'll start pulling troops out of Georgia tomorrow, but has no plans to withdraw from the separatist stronghold of South Ossetia, the BBC reports. The Russian president made the pledge after a phone conversation with Nicolas Sarkozy, who had brokered a ceasefire Friday. Despite signing the...

Rice Arrives in Georgia
 Rice Arrives in Georgia

Rice Arrives in Georgia

American, European diplomats push to get Russian troops out

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice arrived in Tbilisi today, where she said her immediate goal was to get Russian troops out of Georgia. The secretary of state stopped over in France to meet with Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president who brokered a ceasefire that Moscow has flouted. Rice's trip follows an American airlift...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>