Second Amendment

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Dozen Gun-Toters Spotted at Obama Event

(Newser) - The man who brought an assault rifle to Barack Obama’s speech yesterday wasn’t alone. Roughly a dozen protesters were seen carrying guns, the AP reports. Phoenix police say the men didn’t need permits, and didn’t commit any crime. In fact, they say they were worried someone...

Another Obama Speech, Another Armed Citizen

Man brings assault rifle, pistol to health-care rally

(Newser) - President Obama's appearance at a VFW convention in Phoenix today was marked by yet another appearance of a man with a gun, the Arizona Republic reports. As separate crowds of protesters for and against health care reform rallied outside the Phoenix convention center, a man with an AR-15 rifle and...

Ky. Church: Praise the Lord, Pack Your Heat

(Newser) - Some 200 pistol-packing parishioners filled a church in Louisville, Ky., yesterday to celebrate the somewhat unlikely combination of freedom of religion and the right to bear arms, reports the Courier-Journal. Church members checked to ensure the weapons were unloaded and holstered before pastor Ken Pagano led the congregation in patriotic...

GOP to Target Sotomayor With Gun Questions

Ruling in favor of gun control laws could rankle red state Dems

(Newser) - Republicans, who've failed to get traction in opposing Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court, finally think they have an issue that might stick: gun control. When the high court struck down Washington’s tough gun control laws as unconstitutional, many wondered if the ruling applied to state laws as...

Obama Still Scaring Up Gun Sales

FBI reports surge in background checks

(Newser) - The surge in gun and ammunition sales that started with Barack Obama's presidency shows no sign of abating, NPR reports. In California, gun sales are up 32% from a year ago, and the FBI has reported a consistent rise in applications for background checks. Gun retailers and consumers continue to...

Sotomayor's Nunchuks Ruling Worries Gun Groups

Gun rights advocates fear nominee may seek to undermine Second Amendment

(Newser) - Ninjas aren't the only people concerned about Sonia Sotomayor's decision earlier this year to uphold New York's ban on nunchuks, or nunchakus, CQPolitics reports. The Supreme Court nominee was on a panel that rejected a man's claim that the ban on the martial arts weapon violated his Second Amendment right...

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns
Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

2nd Amendment 'one issue where I’m red through-and-through'

(Newser) - She supports gay marriage and thinks the Republican Party is out of touch, but on guns, Meghan McCain is “red through-and-through,” she writes in the Daily Beast: “The right to bear arms, and specifically the idea of it being taken away from me, is one of my...

Mexican Cartels Have Little Trouble Getting US Guns

Lax laws, difficult tracing system make smuggling easy

(Newser) - Thanks to lax gun laws that vary from state to state, smugglers providing arms to Mexican drug cartels can move vast quantities of weapons over the border for years without sparking suspicion. The subject may come up when President Obama visits Mexico tomorrow, but the political will to change US ...

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers
Bush's Pardons
Favor Gun Lovers

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers

President restores right to bear arms to convicted felons

(Newser) - Second Amendment enthusiasts seem to have a better-than-average chance of winning a presidential pardon as the Bush presidency nears its end, the Wall Street Journal reports. Of the 14 felons pardoned in the last week, seven are fans of hunting or shooting and five say they specifically mentioned their desire...

Post-Election Gun Sales Spike
 Post-Election Gun Sales Spike 

Post-Election Gun Sales Spike

Some afraid of bans; others expect civil unrest

(Newser) - Gun sales were up before the election, but the numbers have shot through the roof since Barack Obama's win, the Chicago Tribune reports. As stores sell out of assault rifles and enthusiasts stock up on Glocks, people offered a few different reasons for their purchases. Some anticipate new weapons bans;...

Right Opens Fire on High Court's Gun Ruling

2nd Amendment call was a question for states: legal scholars

(Newser) - Last summer's Supreme Court decision that ruled citizens have an individual right to possess guns drew hosannas from the American right wing. But now the court's ruling is coming under attack—from conservative legal scholars. As the New York Times reports, two Reagan-appointed judges have called DC v. Heller the...

NRA Guilty of Poor Aim in Fla. Guns-at-Work Case
NRA Guilty of Poor Aim in
Fla. Guns-at-Work Case

NRA Guilty of Poor Aim in Fla. Guns-at-Work Case

Second Amendment does not trump property rights for private companies

(Newser) - Florida’s "take your guns to work” law seems like it’s upholding the right to bear arms (which is what the National Rifle Association wants us to believe), but in fact it’s a violation of property rights, Steve Chapman argues in Reason. The law allows permit-holders to...

DC Still Defying Court on Guns
 DC Still Defying Court on Guns 

DC Still Defying Court on Guns

City rewords provisions to bog down ownership, though challenges look certain

(Newser) - The District of Columbia is defying the Supreme Court with efforts to preserve the handgun ban deemed unconstitutional last month, Jacob Sullum writes in Reason. A new law changes the wording of the controversial “disassemble and trigger-lock” provision, meaning owners won’t be allowed to keep guns loaded and...

Fight to Bear Arms —in Atlanta Airport

Gun advocates sue to block ban

(Newser) - Atlanta officials are trying to ban guns from the city's international airport—the world's busiest—but incredibly, that may prove difficult, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. A new Georgia law allows gun owners with permits to carry concealed weapons in many public places, including public transportation. Gun advocates say that includes...

Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns
Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns

Mayors Call for Middle Ground on Guns

Bloomberg, Boston counterpart lay out consensus changes

(Newser) - Extremist-driven debate over gun control “made for good political theater,” but it hasn’t accomplished much, mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York and Thomas Menino of Boston write in the Wall Street Journal. Now that the Supreme Court has clarified the issue, it’s time to implement some...

Gun Ruling Will Trigger Barrage of Lawsuits
Gun Ruling Will Trigger Barrage of Lawsuits

Gun Ruling Will Trigger Barrage of Lawsuits

Most state and city laws appear safe, others will challenge

(Newser) - Today's Supreme Court ruling upholding an individual's right to bear arms is unlikely to lead to sweeping changes across the nation, the New York Times reports. Gun laws in most cites and states—putting restrictions on felons and the mentally ill, for example, or banning guns in certain settings—appear...

Gun Ruling a Sea Change for 2nd Amendment
 Gun Ruling a Sea Change
 for 2nd Amendment  

Gun Ruling a Sea Change for 2nd Amendment

Supreme Court's 5-4 decision "takes certain policy choices off the table"

(Newser) - The Supreme Court’s decision today striking down Washington's handgun ban represented a change in interpreting the Second Amendment. The court’s 5-4 vote split down partisan lines, the Post reports, with Justices Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito in opposition to Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer. "The enshrinement...

Court Strikes Down DC Handgun Ban

Justices vote 5-4 in landmark gun rights case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says Americans have a right to own guns for self-defense and hunting, the justices' first major pronouncement on gun rights in US history. The court's 5-4 ruling strikes down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns as incompatible with the Second Amendment, the AP reports. But...

Florida Passes 'Take Your Gun to Work' Law

Biz groups fear increase in office shootings

(Newser) - Florida lawmakers have passed a law that prohibits most businesses from banning employees keeping guns in their cars on company property, Reuters reports. Backers hail the measure as a victory for Second Amendment rights. Business groups, fearing an increase in workplace shootings, are urging the governor to veto the so-called...

Obama Prods Pro-Gun Pa. Voters

Hopeful plays down liberal image to tout individual rights

(Newser) - Barack Obama is aiming to win pro-gun votes in Pennsylvania by touting the Second Amendment, Politico reports. His camp emailed state gun clubs this week about “the right and traditions of sportsmen" as Obama courted Pennsylvania's pro-gun Democratic lawmakers. The NRA fired back at Obama—and Hillary Clinton, too—...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>