Senate Democrats

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Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door
Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door

Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door

Blogger claims health issues mean retirement

(Newser) - Claiming “an impeccable source,” blogger Rich Vail reports tonight that Democrat Barbara Mikulski will follow Evan Bayh’s lead and not seek re-election to her Maryland Senate seat this fall. Vail, a Tea Party supporter behind blog The Vail Spot , says the 73-year-old Mikulski has been slow to...

Evan Bayh Calls It Quits
 Evan Bayh Calls It Quits 

Evan Bayh Calls It Quits

Indiana senator says partisan bickering drove him out of politics

(Newser) - Evan Bayh won’t seek reelection, he announced today, saying he was sick of the partisan rancor in Washington. “My decision was not motivated by political concerns,” the Indiana Democrat said in a statement. “Even in the current challenging environment, I am confident in my prospects for...

Hours Later, Reid Kills New Jobs Bill

Says Baucus measure gives too much ground in trying for GOP votes

(Newser) - Just hours after Max Baucus unveiled an $87 billion jobs bill that had the support of two Republicans on his Senate Finance Committee, Majority Leader Harry Reid shot it down, saying the measure bent over backward to score GOP support, and went beyond the goal of creating jobs.

Al Franken Lashes White House Over Health Care Leadership

Takes David Axelrod to task in closed door meeting

(Newser) - Al Franken flipped out at David Axelrod Wednesday, taking him and the administration to task for failing to provide leadership on the health care bill. The outburst came after President Obama urged Senate Democrats to “finish the job,” but didn’t give them any idea how to do...

Dems in Disarray Over Obama's Shift to the Center

Latest proposals on economy provoke grumbling

(Newser) - President Obama's efforts to send a clear message to voters on the economy are being muddied by infighting among Democrats. His plans to freeze federal spending and use TARP funds for small-business lending are meeting resistance from his party on Capitol Hill, while frustrated House Democrats complain that their Senate...

Obama to Democrats: 'We Still Have to Lead'

President reminds senators they still have a big majority

(Newser) - President Obama implored Senate Democrats today to stay aggressive in pushing their agenda despite the loss of one vital seat, saying: "We still have to lead." Speaking to his party's senators at their strategy conference, Obama reminded Democrats they still hold a 59-41 majority. For Democrats searching for...

Tobacco, Oil, Bank Lobbyists Crowd Dem Senators' Retreat

Miami guest list doesn't quite jibe with anti-'fat cat' rhetoric

(Newser) - Lobbyists for some of the industries most often blasted by Democrats—oil, big tobacco, banks—made up a good chunk of the guest list at a Miami retreat featuring a dozen Senate Democrats. A $30,000 contribution to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is typical, reports Politico , which scored a...

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again
 Health Reform: 
 It's 1994 All Over Again 

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again

Parallels to last time comprehensive legislation died are stark

(Newser) - Even a cursory look at Democrats’ activity on health care reform brings back clear memories of their 1994 failure to pass comprehensive legislation. For instance, write Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates, “the same people who spent months arguing that reform had to be jammed through quickly” are now...

Health Reform Could Proceed on Two Tracks

Pelosi: Congress can work on small tweaks, refine broad plan

(Newser) - Reiterating that there’s no House support for passing the Senate’s version of health-care reform, Nancy Pelosi has a two-pronged strategy for moving forward: Congress should go for small, likely-to-pass tweaks to the system now, while continuing work on an overhaul that can get the necessary votes down the...

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term
Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Boxer, Feingold Oppose Another Bernanke Term

Liberal Democrats join rising tide against Fed chair's reappointment

(Newser) - Two Democratic senators said today they won't vote to reappoint Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman. Barbara Boxer and Russell Feingold added to the groundswell of opposition imperiling a second 4-year term for Bernanke, which requires 60 votes. “Our next Federal Reserve chairman must represent a clean break from the...

In Retreat, Obama Weighs Scaled-Back Health Options

Modest coverage, cost reforms now on horizon

(Newser) - President Obama, chastened by the voter revolt that cost the Democrats their 60th vote in the Senate, is ready to seriously pare down health care reform in an effort to salvage at least some of it. "I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those...

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat
 Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat 

Brown Wins Mass. Senate Seat

Republican upset puts Dems' national agenda at risk

(Newser) - Scott Brown scored an enormous Republican upset today, winning the Massachusetts US Senate seat long held by the late Ted Kennedy by a 52%-47% margin over Democrat Martha Coakley. The loss sunders the Democrats’ filibuster-proof, 60-vote supermajority in the Senate, and throws into doubt the future of health-care reform—along...

Mass. Election Could Seal Fate of Health Reform

Dems' options if Brown wins not looking good

(Newser) - With polls showing the majority of Americans opposed to the Democrats' health care reform bill, a victory for Scott Brown in Massachusetts today could sound the death of the party's yearlong effort at health reform. If Dems try to proceed with the reforms in the wake of a Brown victory,...

Obama to House Dems: Back Cadillac Health Tax

Democrats reluctantly open to compromise

(Newser) - President Obama wants House Democratic leaders to drop their opposition to taxing Cadillac health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for the uninsured, he let them know in a private meeting at the White House yesterday. The health reform bill the House passed raises income taxes on high-income individuals...

Dodd: 'Toughest Political Shape of My Career'

Connecticut senator makes it official: He's retiring

(Newser) - Sen. Chris Dodd, saying he was in "the toughest political shape" of his career, made it official today and announced that he won't run for re-election in November. Speaking outside his home in East Haddam, Conn., Dodd says he's had a tough year. "I lost a beloved sister...

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him
Dorgan Scramble

Sen. Ed Schultz? MSNBC Host Says Dems Want Him

Puts his name in play for Dorgan's ND seat

(Newser) - MSNBC host Ed Schultz wasted little time today getting his name in play to replace Byron Dorgan in the Senate. Schultz said prominent North Dakota Democrats have formally asked him to run, but he hasn't decided whether to do so. "I'm flattered. I'm honored. I can't say I'm even...

Dodd to Join Ritter, Dorgan in Dem Exodus

Connecticut Dem second senator to eschew re-election bid in 24 hours

(Newser) - Embattled Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd plans to announce today that he will not seek re-election this year, ending a 30-year Senate career, according to Democratic sources. Dodd joins Sen. Byron Dorgan who announced his exit less than 24 hours ago, and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, expected to do the same...

Pelosi Rips Obama Over Broken Campaign Promises

House Speaker irked over president's health tax plans

(Newser) - Evidently taking a hard line heading into conferences on Congress’ health bills, Nancy Pelosi ripped President Obama today for breaking campaign promises. Reminded that then-candidate Obama wanted such negotiations to be public, the House Speaker rejoined, “There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail....

ND Sen. Dorgan Won't Run for Re-Election

Term is up this year; move a 'total stunner' to fellow Democrats

(Newser) - In a move one Democratic aide called a “total stunner,” North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan announced today that he won’t run for re-election this fall. Dorgan, 68, says “this decision does not relate to any dissatisfaction that I have about serving in the Senate,” and...

Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly
 Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly

Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly

Congressional Democrats are ignoring public opinion, writes Fred Barnes

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats appear to have confused having the ability to push through any legislation they want with having a mandate to do so, writes Fred Barnes. The Democrats have abandoned bipartisanship and are going ahead with issues like health care reform and cap and trade despite growing public disapproval, Barnes...

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