Senate Democrats

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Three Freshmen Dems Balking at Immigration Bill

Opposition of centrists could sink measure

(Newser) - Three Senate Democrats--all newly elected in close races--are lining up against  the controversial immigration bill championed by President Bush and Democratic leaders. They and eight other Democratic naysayers could be crucial in determining the fate of the bill, reports the New York Times. A vote in the Senate could come...

Democrats Don't Live Up to Hype
Democrats Don't Live Up to Hype

Democrats Don't Live Up to Hype

New majority's accomplishments are few, and mostly symbolic

(Newser) - Seven months after wresting control of Congress from Republicans, Democrats have failed to make good on their promises, writes the Economist. Almost none of the bills introduced in the first "100 hours" has become law, AG Alberto Gonzalez still has a job, and an Iraq pullout is nowhere in...

Congress OKs New Iraq Bill
Congress OKs New Iraq Bill

Congress OKs New Iraq Bill

Sans timetable, Bush expected to sign; Clinton and Obama say nay

(Newser) - Congress approved $95 billion to pay for the war in Iraq—without a timetable for troop withdrawal. The bill, which Bush says he'll sign, passed both houses last night, ending a long and bitter struggle between Democrats and a veto-ready White House over bringing the troops home. Aspiring presidents Clinton...

Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork
Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork

Dem Congress Still Dishing Out Pork

The new majority is not as kosher as they claim to be

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress pledged to cut the pork out of appropriations bills, but the new majority is already cheating on the diet, reports the  Washington Post. Using a technique called "phonemarking," congressmen are contacting federal agencies directly and asking them to fund their pet projects, all while boasting...

Dems, President Get Serious On Iraq Compromise

A day of pomp and American flags leads back to the drawing board

(Newser) - After a day of partisan theatrics—what the Politico notes may rank as the Capitol's most celebrated sendoff for a doomed bill—work gets serious on a compromise war spending bill that may include benchmarks but no timelines. Bush meets with congressional leaders to begin formal negotiations today, even as...

Big Business Turns Blue
Big Business Turns Blue

Big Business Turns Blue

Companies fill Dems' war chests, seeking traction with ruling party

(Newser) - Corporate America is shifting campaign contributions from GOP soulmates to Democrats, eager to bond with new legislative gatekeepers. Coffers aren't swelling across the board, though; a Wall Street Journal analysis shows pro-business Dems are pulling in most of it. General Dynamics, Honeywell International, Home Depot. and Aflac are among those...

Reid Declares War Is Lost
Reid Declares War Is Lost  

Reid Declares War Is Lost

Rhetorical bombshell fires up pundits, but will policy consequences follow?

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has upped the ante in the Dems' rhetoric on Iraq, saying the U.S. has "lost" in Iraq, and warning that, "the surge is not accomplishing anything." But he stopped short of threatening to pull funding from the war, the biggest gun...



Does Barack Obama make white people feel safe?

(Newser) - As if Barack Obama did not face enough obstacles, the junior senator from Illinois with Oval Office aspirations is likened to a "magic negro" by David Ehrenstein. The "magic negro" is a cultural and cinematic racial stereotype exemplified by some of the characters played by Sidney Poitier, Scatman...

Stories 301 - 308 | << Prev