hearing loss

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Singer Discovers Tiny Spider in Her Ear
 Singer Discovers 
 Tiny Spider in Her Ear 
in case you missed it

Singer Discovers Tiny Spider in Her Ear

Katie Melua had unwittingly hosted critter for a week

(Newser) - Georgian-British singer Katie Melua went to the doctor complaining of a repetitive shuffling noise in her ear and worried there was something wrong with her hearing. Closer inspection revealed she'd been housing a tiny spider for a week—likely having come from a pair of earbuds she likes to...

&#39;Sleep Machines&#39; Can Harm Babies&#39; Hearing
 'Sleep Machines' Can 
 Harm Babies' Hearing 
study says

'Sleep Machines' Can Harm Babies' Hearing

Parents may not want to use them at top volume: researchers

(Newser) - If you bought a "sleep machine" that makes soothing sounds in an effort to help your baby slumber, be careful: At top volume, such machines can actually hurt infants' hearing, researchers say. Sleep machines, which often emit nature sounds or white noise and sometimes come inside stuffed animals, are...

Pop a Viagra and ... Go Deaf?
 Pop a Viagra and ... Go Deaf? 
new study

Pop a Viagra and ... Go Deaf?

Studies suggest danger in anti-impotence medicines

(Newser) - Could Viagra make you, ahem, hard of hearing? Researchers are uncovering evidence that it and other anti-impotence drugs may do just that. The FDA has been warning about possible hearing complications associated with anti-impotence medicine since 2007, but two new reports are raising concerns. UK researchers who surveyed drug watchdogs...

Beached Dolphins Often Deaf: Study Shows Dolphins With Hearing Loss May Be Getting Lost, Going Hungry
 Many Beached 
 Dolphins Are Deaf 
study says

Many Beached Dolphins Are Deaf

Hearing loss can cause dolphins to get lost, go hungry

(Newser) - In an undersea world where hearing is as valuable—sometimes more valuable—than sight, being deaf can be a death sentence. New research finds that many dolphins stranded near shore have hearing loss, and researchers theorize that loss could explain why they're beached. Without the ability to hear, dolphins can't...

'Time Traveler' Likely Using Hearing Aid

Rumors of cell-phone use in 1928 film off-base, say experts

(Newser) - A clip of what appears to be a woman chatting on a cell phone—in 1928—has made waves across the Internet, but experts say she’s probably just using a hearing aid. The filmmaker who presented the clip ruled out such a device because of its shape, but...

1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss
 1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss 
Study says

1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss

Are earbuds to blame?

(Newser) - Oh no, mom was right: It looks like those always-blaring headphones actually are hurting our ears. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that one in five American teens now suffer some form of hearing loss, a 31% rise since researchers studied the phenomenon...

Your Skin Can Help You Hear, Study Finds

Subjects identify sounds better when paired with touch

(Newser) - What you feel can influence what you hear, a new study suggests. People were better able to identify aspirated sounds—those requiring a puff of air, like “pa” or “ta”—when the sound was paired with a puff of air on the back of the hand or...

College Kids' iPod Volume Hurts Hearing

Most subjects in study set volume to damaging level

(Newser) - Most young people listen to their iPods at levels that will damage hearing over time, a new study shows. Researchers measured the output of an iPod while college-age students listened to music in a lab setting, and they found 55% of the subjects set the volume higher than 85 decibels—...

Say What? Convertibles Harm Hearing

Noise can reach damaging 90 decibels at 50 mph

(Newser) - Tearing down the road in a convertible with the wind whipping at your ears exacts the same kind of hearing damage as listening to a pile driver, scientists warn. Noise from the engine, road, traffic and wind can be as high as 90 decibels at speeds of 50 mph and...

Jamming to the iPod Is Making Us Deaf

A generation of adults will suffer hearing loss well ahead of its time

(Newser) - The popularity of iPods and similar devices may leave a generation of adults with impaired hearing decades ahead of their time, the Boston Globe reports. Sensory cells in the ear can only take so much bombardment, and frequent, pulsing music causes irreparable damage. New research also shows that boys often...

Stem Cells Could Cure Deafness

Researchers believe breakthrough will help reverse hearing loss

(Newser) - Stem cell researchers have made a breakthrough they believe could someday cure deafness, the Times of London reports. The British team, working with stem cells from the inner ear, have successfully grown early versions of the cells that enable hearing and now aim to create functional cells that can be...

Americans Face Hearing Loss 'Epidemic'

Hearing impairment far more common than expected

(Newser) - Americans are likely to face an epidemic of hearing impairment in coming years as the use of personal listening devices soars and the population ages, Reuters reports. A third of adults already has hearing loss to some degree and the proportion is expected to rise significantly. White Americans, men, and...

US Troops Lose Hearing at Alarming Rates

Aural damage from Iraq, Afghanistan wars reaching epidemic levels

(Newser) - US troops are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with epidemic rates of hearing damage, AP reports, with 128,000 disabled by permanent hearing loss or tinnitus, ringing in the ears. The nature of the current conflict is part of the problem, with roadside bombs and sudden ambushes giving troops...

Cell Phones Linked to Hearing Loss
Cell Phones Linked to Hearing Loss

Cell Phones Linked to Hearing Loss

Study finds hour a day on cell phone caused progressive damage

(Newser) - Extensive cell phone use can cause progressive hearing loss, according to a new study presented at a scientific conference in Washington. The study, conducted by researchers in India, found high frequency hearing loss among users who talked for more than an hour a day for four years on their cell...

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