Protect America Act

5 Stories

Forget Prism: NSA Is Tapped Straight Into the Internet Pipeline

Prism is just part of a much broader spying program, says the AP

(Newser) - The existence of Prism has shocked many Americans, but perhaps it shouldn't have, because the program is a direct result of two things we already knew about, the AP says in an extensive new report. Firstly, the NSA is tapped straight into the fiber optic cables that carry a...

Wiretaps Continue Under Lapsed Law
Wiretaps Continue Under Lapsed Law

Wiretaps Continue Under Lapsed Law

Nervous phone firms agree to cooperate with government

(Newser) - US spy agencies are continuing wiretap surveillance despite the fact that a law re-authorizing the administration's controversial program failed to pass a divided legislature last weekend. Telecommunications companies are cooperating with the government despite concerns, Reuters reports. Wiretaps will resume under the current law "at least for now,"...

Bush Chides House Dems for Law Expiration

Eavesdropping measure expires at midnight

(Newser) - With a law that expands the government's power to eavesdrop due to expire at midnight, President Bush scolded Congress today for sitting idly by and allowing it to happen. Bush said Congress' failure to act could cause the US to “lose a vital lead that could prevent an attack,...

GOP, Bush Hammer Dems on Terror Bill

Republicans walk out in protest; Pelosi won't back off on recess

(Newser) - House Democrats are sticking to plans to begin a one-week recess starting tomorrow without renewing a terrorist surveillance bill set to expire when their vacation begins—to the dismay of President Bush and House Republicans, the Washington Post reports. Bush, set to leave for Africa, said the decision imperils national...

Bush Presses Congress for Snooping Law

Says current law should be expanded and made permanent

(Newser) - Bush pressed lawmakers for extra snooping rights today, the AP reports. Yet many Dems already regret the current law, which allows Feds to spy on some Americans without a warrant. One senator says that "the law did provide authority for collection, but it did not include sufficient protections for...

5 Stories
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