flip flop

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Obama's Iraq Stance Sparks Sunday Battle

McCain backers say he's retreating from pullout plan

(Newser) - Senatorial supporters of Barack Obama and John McCain dueled on talk shows today over Obama's latest remarks on Iraq, Politico reports. Sen. Joe Lieberman called Obama a flip-flopper on This Week for his plan to "refine" Iraq pullout plans. On Face the Nation, Sen. John Kerry accused McCain backers...

Obama Might 'Refine' 16-Month Iraq Timeline

He'll reevaluate policy after meeting with commanders in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama today appeared to soften his oft-stated pledge that he would pull troops out of Iraq in 16 months, the New York Times reports. Obama, while inisting that his policies had not changed, said he would consider the opinions of military commanders as he continues to “refine his...

Flip-Flops Don't Always Give Us Blisters
Flip-Flops Don't Always Give
Us Blisters

Flip-Flops Don't Always Give Us Blisters

Take a closer look at policies candidates are changing minds about

(Newser) - Flip-flops are an easy summer target for media covering the presidential campaign, Ruth Marcus writes in the Washington Post. But, she notes, it's important to remember that the issues are more important than the candidates' changing views on them. "We in the media risk becoming the enablers of inanity...

McCain Ultra Conservative on Women's Issues
McCain Ultra Conservative on Women's Issues

McCain Ultra Conservative on Women's Issues

His views on abortion, sex education often surprise voters

(Newser) - John McCain is far more conservative on abortion, sex education and other issues than most voters believe, writes Joe Conason in Salon. He says McCain's voting record and views—as opposed to his moderate image in the mainstream press—often infuriate women, especially because he wants to overturn Roe v....

Dean: 'Mitt Was the Candidate I Feared Most'

Cites Romney's money, willingness to 'say anything' to win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney would have been a better GOP candidate than John McCain, Howard Dean told the press yesterday—with unlimited cash resources and a willingness to “say anything” to win. “I know him from New England,” the top Dem said, and he “was the candidate I...

Clinton, Obama Equally Adept at Policy Shifts

Flip-flopping can kill a campaign, but everyone does it, say experts

(Newser) - They've escaped the dreaded "flip-flopper" label, but both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have changed positions on various issues in the course of their campaigns. Appearing absolutely consistent is especially hard for senators, reports the Washington Post, because they have thousands of votes to explain, and many are the...

Four Takes on Mittmentum's End
Four Takes on Mittmentum's End

Four Takes on Mittmentum's End

Scribes get out their Romney eulogies

(Newser) - Pundits won’t have Mitt Romney to kick around anymore after his withdrawal today from the Republican race. Here are four final jabs:
  • Romney fell because he turned his positions inside out, Newsweek's Howard Fineman says, relying “bad, cynical advice.” Above all, “voters know a phony.”

Who Wins the Flip-Flop Primary?
Who Wins the Flip-Flop Primary?

Who Wins the Flip-Flop Primary?

Romney and McCain spar over mind-changing label

(Newser) - John McCain and Mitt Romney are calling each other flip-floppers in new online ads that mimic a cutting anti-John Kerry 2004 campaign commercial, the Post’s Michael Dobbs reports. The ads copy its use of the "Blue Danube" Waltz to mock each other's changing views on tax cuts—but...

Giuliani Spins Lack of Fla. Endorsements

Romney, McCain swap accusations of liberal flip-flopping

(Newser) - Grasping for good news on the eve of the Florida primary, Rudy Giuliani released a video today touting his failure to win endorsements from the Tampa Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, and New York Times. “He’s not endorsed by any of the liberal newspapers,” the voice-over...

Romney Passed Trial By Torch
Romney Passed
Trial By Torch

Romney Passed Trial By Torch

Candidate learned from running 2002 Games, but also drew flip-flop rap

(Newser) - Mitt Romney built his persona and political team as chief executive of the 2002 Winter Olympics, but also grew a reputation for playing to his audience. In turning around the scandal-plagued Salt Lake City Games, the GOP presidential hopeful gained poise unseen in his failed 1994 Senate run, the New ...

Flip-Floppers See Light—Or Just Want Job

Romney and Kerry stand in long line of political mind-changing

(Newser) - Maybe Mitt Romney and John Kerry should hold their flip-flopping heads high: Changes of mind have furthered the causes of abolition and civil rights over the centuries. Ronald Reagan defiantly claimed his biggest reversal—promising feet “in concrete” about raising taxes, then singing “the sound of concrete cracking”...

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