Doctors Without Borders

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As Accusations Swirl, MSF Shuts Bombed Hospital

US claims it was responding to Taliban threat

(Newser) - Doctors Without Borders on Sunday closed its bombed-out hospital in the Afghanistan city of Kunduz and evacuated its personnel, amid no shortage of controversy over the US-led airstrikes that killed 19 at the trauma center Saturday. The medical charity known by French initials MSF did not go quietly, reports the...

Suspected US Strike on Hospital Kills 16, Including Children

Doctors Without Borders says US knew where Afghan clinic was

(Newser) - The international charity Doctors Without Borders says at least nine local staffers and seven patients—including three children—were killed when its clinic came under "sustained bombing" Saturday in the northern Afghan city of Kunduz, where Afghan officials say helicopter gunships had returned fire from Taliban sheltering in the...

MSF: We're Running Out of Snakebite Treatment

Doctors Without Borders says manufacturer halted key anti-venom

(Newser) - Doctors Without Borders says the world will run out of one of the most effective treatments for snakebites next year, risking the lives of tens of thousands of people, mostly in developing countries. In a statement today, the medical charity warned that existing stockpiles of the anti-venom Fav-Afrique produced by...

NYC Doctor Tests Positive for Ebola

Craig Spencer reportedly was out bowling before falling ill

(Newser) - New York City has its first Ebola case: A doctor who recently returned from West Africa has tested positive for the disease, reports the New York Times . Craig Spencer, who had been working in Guinea with the group Doctors Without Borders, is now in isolation at Bellevue Hospital. City health...

The 7 Grimmest Numbers Tied to Ebola

WHO puts death rate at 70%

(Newser) - Recent news on the Ebola outbreak paints a bleak portrait of the disease by numbers:
  • 70%: The current death rate from the disease, the World Health Organization again confirmed today. That's an increase from the initial 50% cited by WHO, the AP reports.
  • 10,000: The number of new

How You Can Help in Ebola Fight

Relief agencies need donations

(Newser) - Hand-wringing isn't going to help stop the world's Ebola outbreak, but money might. The New York Times offers a list of groups trying to keep the disease in check in West Africa and elsewhere, along with links for those interested in donating:
  • Doctors Without Borders: Ways to help

In Places Scrubbed of Ebola, Virus Rears Its Head

Health officials warn Ebola's erratic spread is out of control

(Newser) - Just months ago, Doctors Without Borders was packing up its bags and leaving an Ebola-free region in Guinea; that site, Macenta, is now the hotbed site of 30 new cases, in what the AP reports is a sign of the virus' resurgence. Health officials are declaring, once again , that the...

World 'Losing' Ebola Battle: Doctors Without Borders

Top doc tells UN world has done nothing to stem spread

(Newser) - The picture of Ebola in West Africa is apocalyptic: Infected bodies decompose in the street, 150 health workers have died, overflowing clinics turn away the sick, to say nothing of food shortages and riots. And the disease is spreading at an unprecedented rate , Doctors Without Borders President Joanne Liu told...

WHO Labels Ebola Outbreak Rare Global Emergency

Requires 'extraordinary response' by world community

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has ratcheted up the alarm over Africa's Ebola epidemic. More than 900 deaths across Liberia, Nigeria, Guinea, and Sierra Leone mean this is now an "international emergency" that requires an "extraordinary response," reports the BBC . The move is just the third time...

Scale of Ebola Epidemic 'Unprecedented'

At least 80 dead so far in Guinea, neighboring countries

(Newser) - The scale of the Ebola epidemic that has now killed at least 80 people in Guinea is "unprecedented," according to Doctors Without Borders. "We are facing an epidemic of a magnitude never before seen in terms of the distribution of cases in the country," says a...

355 Dead, 3K Sick in Syria Chemical Attack: Aid Group

Doctors Without Borders says patients show 'neurotoxic symptoms'

(Newser) - While the Syrian government and rebels argue over who is using chemical weapons on whom , and the US government weighs what, if anything, it should do about it, Doctors Without Borders (AKA Medecins Sans Frontieres) has added weight to the allegations that chemical weapons were indeed used in the attack...

Doctors Without Borders Exits Somalia, Slams Leaders

Group leaving after 22 years after repeated attacks on aid workers

(Newser) - The aid group Doctors Without Borders said today it is pulling out of Somalia after 22 years there because of attacks on its staff. In a scathing indictment of Somalia's leaders, the group, also known by its French initials as MSF, said the decision is the result of "...

Doctors' Group: Syrian Forces Commandeer Hospitals

Wounded can't get proper care, says international agency

(Newser) - Many Syrian civilians who have been wounded in their country's violence are unable to get adequate medical treatment—in part because security forces have taken over many public hospitals, an international aid group said today. Doctors Without Borders released a video in Paris showing interviews with 10 wounded Syrians...

2 Doctors Without Borders Workers Shot in Somalia

At least one killed: report

(Newser) - At least two Doctors Without Borders workers were shot at the aid group's office in the Somali capital today, and at least one person was killed. An employee of the group lost his job yesterday, and came back today to carry out the attack, according to another employee. The...

As Help Scales Up, So Does Haiti's Nightmare

Survivors increasingly desperate for aid

(Newser) - The staggering scope of Haiti's nightmare came into sharper focus yesterday as authorities estimated 200,000 dead and 1.5 million homeless in the quake-ravaged heart of this tragic land. In one step to reassure frustrated aid groups, the US military agreed to give aid deliveries priority over military flights...

Anger Erupts at US Takeover of Haiti Airport

France, Brazil, Red Cross furious at flight diversions

(Newser) - The global relief effort in Haiti has devolved into a nasty power struggle, with countries and aid agencies furious at the US takeover of emergency operations. France, Brazil, which runs the UN peacekeeping operation in Haiti, Doctors Without Borders, and the Red Cross all lodged complaints after their aid shipments...

In Coup-Torn Guinea, Women Raped in Public

Cell phone images harden opposition to military junta

(Newser) - In the west African nation of Guinea, where a military junta seized power in 2008, 50,000 people attended a political demonstration in a stadium last week, where they were attacked by soldiers who shot and killed at least 157 unarmed people, according to human rights groups, and raped at...

Poor Nations Pick Up Tab as Obama Woos Big Pharma

(Newser) - The Obama administration is thwarting poor countries' access to affordable drugs in order to win Big Pharma's support for health care reform, according to Doctors Without Borders and other NGOs. As the Los Angeles Times reports, governments from Asia to Latin America are feeling pressure from Washington on their use...

Sudan Invites Aid Groups Back to Darfur

After getting the boot in March, NGOs to return to troubled region

(Newser) - The Sudanese government says it will invite new aid groups to work in Darfur and let the UN and other agencies expand their operations in the region. The announcement comes two months after Sudan expelled 13 NGOs, including Doctors Without Borders, in the aftermath of the International Criminal Court's indictment...

Darfur: Mass Bloodshed May Not Be Genocide

Despite the violence, Sudan crisis may not fit legal definition

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of people have died or been displaced in the years-long conflict in Darfur, which presidents Bush and Obama have both called a genocide. But while nobody denies the seriousness of the violence, organizations from Doctors Without Borders to the International Criminal Court say that the Sudanese government's...

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