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eBay Takes on Craigslist
eBay Takes on Craigslist

eBay Takes on Craigslist

Online auction giant launches US version of classifieds website

(Newser) - With no fanfare, eBay has launched a challenge to Craigslist, the colossus of the online classified ad market. Kijiji classifieds, which have already been successful abroad, quietly expanded into the US last week. Kijiji knows what it's up against: eBay bought 25% of Craigslist in 2004 to get an inside...

eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads
eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads

eBay Shuts Window on Google Ads

Auction site drops search giant's marketing tools after weeklong spat

(Newser) - Online auction powerhouse eBay broke a multi-million-dollar "keyword" advertising deal with Google, ostensibly after the search engine threw a party in Boston that crowded an eBay conference. But the boycott on search-driven spots also comes as Google's online payment feature Checkout elbows in on eBay-owned PayPal's territory.

Google Flunks Privacy Probe
Google Flunks Privacy Probe

Google Flunks Privacy Probe

"Don't be evil" motto questioned after search giant rated worst on web for user protection

(Newser) - Google ranks dead last among Internet sites for protecting user privacy, a new study by watchdog group Privacy International concludes. In its 6-month analysis of top e-commerce, social networking, e-mail, and search sites, PI singled out Google for what it called a "entrenched hostility to privacy," citing fuzzy...

Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B
Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B

Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B

Deal shores up Microsoft's flailing online advertising presence

(Newser) - Microsoft will plunk down $6 billion for aQuantive, a leading digital marketing agency. The $66.50 per share offer—nearly double aQuantive's closing price yesterday—comes on the heels of WPP's 24/7 Real Media purchase. It's Microsoft's biggest acquisition ever, reflecting its growing desperation to regain its status as a...

News Outlets Bid Up Search Word Prices

"Virgina Tech Shooting" peaked at $5 before dropping to six cents

(Newser) - Online news outlets, usually the ones selling sponsored links to advertisers, are also buying them, to compete for traffic, especially during major news events like the Virginia Tech massacre. From CNN to Fox to the New York Times, news organizations are bidding on Internet keywords at auction from search engines,...

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