Olympic Games

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Team USA Uniforms to Be Made in USA —Next Time

Designer Ralph Lauren announces switch for 2014

(Newser) - The long, sartorial nightmare is nearly over. The US Olympic team will wear uniforms made in the US-of-A starting with the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, reports the AP . Ralph Lauren, who designs the team's outfits, announced the change yesterday. It's too late to change them this...

Runner Speaks Out After Dead-Heat Controversy

Jeneba Tarmoh thinks 100-meter results should have been handled better

(Newser) - Jeneba Tarmoh is heartbroken over the "dead heat" controversy that kept her from a spot on the Olympic 100-meter team , she tells the New York Times . Tarmoh felt cheated after being unofficially declared the third-place winner, then not learning that the result had been changed to a tie with...

London Olympics Forecast: Wet

Organizers attempting to prepare for lots of rain

(Newser) - Massive downpours, double the average rainfall, record-setting wet weather, flash floods … not exactly the weather London Olympics organizers were hoping for in the weeks leading up to the summer games. We're less than three weeks out now, and forecasts indicate that though the rains probably won't be...

Team USA Uniforms Made ... in China

And they weren't even cheap

(Newser) - The Team USA uniforms for this summer's London Olympics are quite patriotic, with one tiny exception: They were made in China. The red, white, and blue uniforms, designed by Ralph Lauren, will be worn by US athletes at the opening ceremony. ABC News was shocked to discover "Made...

Olympic Torch Bearer Proposes During Relay

David State stopped mid-relay and handed off torch

(Newser) - Olympic torch bearers probably don't often stop in the middle of their relays, but David State had good reason: He got down on one knee today between England's Marske-by-the-Sea and Loftus, handed the torch to a security official, and proposed to his girlfriend Christine Langham. She said yes,...

Putin to Snub London Olympics

Medvedev to attend instead

(Newser) - Even though Russia will be hosting the next Winter Olympics in 2014, Vladimir Putin will snub this summer's games in Great Britain, reports the Guardian . Apparently Russia's recently re-elected president is unhappy with Britain for a range of reasons—being accused of human rights abuses, British MPs blocking...

Romney's Fishy Olympic Past Still Pays Off

Players in bribery scandal became big Mitt supporters

(Newser) - We all know Mitt Romney ran a pretty good Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City 10 years ago. But few recall the bribery scandal that preceded him, or know that its major players have become significant Romney supporters, the Daily Beast reports. Businessman David Simmons, who pleaded guilty on tax...

Olympic Flame Lit in Greece
 Olympic Flame Lit in Greece 

Olympic Flame Lit in Greece

Torch begins first leg of its journey

(Newser) - The Olympic flame has been lit and is on its 1,800-mile journey around Greece before it makes its way to London next week. A “high priestess” (read: actress) ignited the flame by catching the sun’s rays in a mirror at a ceremony in Olympia’s Temple of...

London Cabbies Sitting Out Olympics

Some 40% of drivers to strike over city rules

(Newser) - London is planning travel restrictions for some 109 miles of its streets during the Olympics; a third of that distance will be reserved for athletes, members of the press, and officials. London cabbies aren't happy about it: Some 40% of the city's 23,200 black-cab drivers plan to...

UK to Olympians: Stay Healthy, Don&#39;t Shake Hands
UK to Olympians:
Don't Shake Hands

UK to Olympians: Don't Shake Hands

Athletes urged to dodge bugs by shunning handshakes

(Newser) - Athletes at this summer's London Olympics may find their British counterparts a bit standoffish. The British Olympic Association's chief doctor has told the country's 550 athletes to avoid handshakes in order to minimize the risk of picking up bugs, AP reports. "The greatest threat to performance...

Armed Robbers Loot Greek Olympic Museum

Priceless artifacts from ancient Games stolen

(Newser) - As if Greece didn't have enough problems: A pair of armed robbers have stolen dozens of artifacts from a museum located at the birthplace of the Olympic Games, the BBC reports. The stolen items, mostly bronze and clay statuettes, were of "incalculable" value, officials say. Police say the...

London Olympics Blasted for Using Endangered Wood

Team USA will use basketball court for training

(Newser) - At next year’s London Olympics, the US basketball team will train on some pretty rare ground. The court is being made from eucalyptus wood logged in a 1,000-year-old Tasmanian forest that's home to endangered species such as the Tasmanian Devil, activists allege. The UN World Heritage Committee...

US Won't Bid on 2020 Summer Olympics
 US Won't Bid on 2020 Olympics 

US Won't Bid on 2020 Olympics

Economic climate, lingering revenue dispute prevent bid

(Newser) - The 2020 Summer Olympics may be nine years away, but one thing's for sure: They won’t be happening here. The US Olympic Committee won’t seek to host the Games in any American city, an official tells the Chicago Tribune . The USOC has long been at odds with...

USOC Threatens 'Redneck Olympics' With Lawsuit

Apparently they're not happy about the name...

(Newser) - The Redneck Olympics, held last weekend in Hebron, Maine, may be forced to change its name. Not the "redneck" part, the "Olympics" part. Harold Brooks, who held the three-day event on his land, got a call from the US Olympic Committee's legal division Monday telling him if...

South Korea Gets 2018 Olympics

Pyeongchang wins bid in first round

(Newser) - Pyeongchang, South Korea, won the 2018 Winter Olympics in the first round of voting, the International Olympic Committee announced today. Pyeongchang was up against Munich, Germany, and Annecy, France, but was the favorite and had even been speculated to win in the first round. It was the first time since...

2012 London Olympics Logo Still Hideous
2012 London Olympics Logo Still Hideous

2012 London Olympics Logo Still Hideous

Design has not 'grown on us,' despite organizers' promise

(Newser) - When organizers unveiled the logo for the 2012 London Olympics, they said people would learn to love it. Well, that was 3 years ago, and "tastes do change," so let’s check in. Yeah, still hideous, writes graphic designer Alice Rawsthorn in the New York Times . “Far...

Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect
Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect

Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect

People assume Norwegians 'born on skis,' have it easy

(Newser) - The country that has won the third-most 2010 Olympic medals so far at 17—and the second highest number of golds—is one you probably haven’t given much thought to. But not only does Norway lay claim to these stats, it also has more Winter Games medals than any...

6 Awesome YouTube Olympic Events
 6 Awesome YouTube 
 Olympic Events 
hipster olympics, anyone?

6 Awesome YouTube Olympic Events

Hipster Olympics, office Olympics, redneck Olympics, and more

(Newser) - Just can’t get into curling? Maybe you’d be more interested in the real Olympics if the Games incorporated some of the fake Olympics found on YouTube. Chris Mathias lists his six favorites, including beer belly flops, on Nerve .

Hipster Style Invades Olympics
 Hipster Style Invades Olympics 
ironic mustaches, leggings

Hipster Style Invades Olympics

From the fake mustache to the faux denim leggings

(Newser) - Gawker uncovers a disturbing fashion trend at the Winter Olympics: hipster clothes. Maureen O'Connor unveils the “leggings-esque faux denim, a surfeit of plaid, and the world's most ironic mustache.” Take a tour in the gallery.

Meet 25 Olympic Hotties
 Meet 25 Olympic Hotties 

Meet 25 Olympic Hotties

Lindsey Vonn and Bode Miller aren't the only attractive athletes

(Newser) - Sure, the thrill of competition is one reason to watch the Olympics—extremely attractive athletes is another reason. Eiseley Tauginas lists 25 of the hottest on BlackBook :
  1. Lacy Schnoor: This "sexpot" American freestyle skier was featured "rather provocatively" in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue.
  2. Chris Drury: Captain of the

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