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President Obama to Pardon Turkeys 'Liberty,' 'Peace' for Thanksgiving

Obama Pardons 'Liberty'

Thanksgiving turkey catches a break

(Newser) - Two lucky ducks, er, turkeys dodged a dark fate this year. Liberty, who is 19 weeks old and weighs 45 pounds, received a presidential Thanksgiving pardon; her alternate, Peace, also got one, USA Today notes. President Obama said it was his latest “executive order” that didn’t require Congressional...

Pricey Gratitude: Thanksgiving Costs Soar

Gas, airfare up 20% from a year ago

(Newser) - Tens of millions of Americans are now on the move for Thanksgiving, but the soaring cost of travel is keeping many others at home. Some 42.5 million Americans are expected to drive, fly, or ride trains over the holiday, and gas prices are up almost 20% from last year,...

Forget Black Midnight: Now It's Black Thursday

And analysts warn more stores will jump on the bandwagon

(Newser) - Black Friday became “ Black Midnight ” this year—but analysts say it’s actually “Black Thursday,” as many stores are planning to open on Thanksgiving itself. Walmart, Toys R Us, and Kmart are among the chains barely giving customers a chance to digest their turkey dinner...

Inside the World's Priciest Thanksgiving Dinner

Plates used by a king, and a 19-pound turducken

(Newser) - Hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 10 this year will set you back about $49.20 , a tab that's 13% more expensive than that of 2010. But when it comes to truly expensive holiday meals, that one pales in comparison to the one dreamed up by . Travers Korch looks...

Turkey Pardon as Barbaric as Death Penalty

Thanksgiving tradition a reminder of 'arbitrary' punishment: Justin Smith

(Newser) - On the surface, the annual presidential pardon of a turkey may be all in fun, but it’s also a disturbing reminder of the continued existence of the death penalty in this country. The pardon makes light of “the strange power vested in politicians to decide the earthly fates...

Target Worker Fights 'Black Midnight' Hours

Shifts start at 11pm on Thanksgiving, to employees' dismay

(Newser) - If you rolled your eyes at the news that some stores are opening at midnight on Black Friday, imagine how the employees of those stores feel. Target parking attendant Anthony Hardwick says that for his Black Friday shift—which starts at 11pm on Thursday—he’ll “have to go...

Busiest Thanksgiving Holiday Airport Will Be Los Angeles International

 The Busiest Turkey Day 
 Airport Will Be ... 
nope, not o'hare

The Busiest Turkey Day Airport Will Be ...

Orbitz issues its annual ranking

(Newser) - The City of Angels is expected to have quite the hellish airport this Thanksgiving holiday. According to an annual ranking by Orbitz, LAX will top Chicago's O'Hare International Airport as the nation's busiest this holiday weekend, from Nov. 23 to Nov. 27. Filling out the top five...

Thanksgiving Dinner: Now 13% More Expensive!

Hosting 10? Get ready to pay $49.20

(Newser) - This Thanksgiving, stuffing yourself requires you empty your wallet a little bit more. The tab for feeding turkey and all the fixings to a group of 10 has surged 13% to $49.20, the American Farm Bureau Federation finds. Last year, it was $43.37. The AFBF included everything from...

Holiday Forecast: Fewer Fliers but Packed Flights

With demand lower, airlines are offering fewer seats

(Newser) - The good news for Thanksgiving travelers is that fewer people are expected to fly this year. The bad news is that your plane is still going to be jam-packed. An industry trade group predicts that 23.2 million people will fly in the 12 days around Thanksgiving, reports CNN . (The...

Stores Turn Black Friday Into Black Midnight

Target, Macy's kicking off holiday shopping season earlier than ever

(Newser) - This year's Black Friday probably won't be the most lucrative for big American retailers—but for some, it will be the longest. For the first time, Macy's and Target are planning to open their doors and kick off the holiday shopping season at midnight on Thanksgiving night,...

Thanksgiving Day Travel Advice: Buy Your Ticket Now
 Tips for Flying on Turkey Day 

Tips for Flying on Turkey Day

Flying will be pricier and more crowded than ever

(Newser) - Thanksgiving means turkey, family, football—and excruciatingly crowded airports. This year could be even worse, because the average ticket price will be $376—a 4% spike from last year—there will be fewer planes with fewer seats up for grabs, and the dismal economy is not discouraging people from heading...

Email Mixup Gives Aussie His First Thanksgiving

James West gets invite from family he doesn't know

(Newser) - An Australian man's excellent American Thanksgiving adventure is just about over. James West flies home tomorrow, having scored an invite to a Florida family's dinner over an email mixup. The Tran family had been mistakenly sending him emails about their holiday meal plans for the last three years. West long...

How to Use Your Leftovers... As Skincare Products

Why eat pumpkin pie when you can put it on your face instead?

(Newser) - Sure, you could just eat your Thanksgiving leftovers ... but doesn't that seem a bit ... pedestrian? AOL News talks to a skin and beauty expert about how you could, instead, use those leftovers as skincare products:
  • Pumpkin pie: Pumpkin is a natural exfoliant, so mix your leftover pie filling or canned

Limbaugh: Indians Scammed Us

Curmudgeonly Rush slams 'casino culture'

(Newser) - Don't expect Rush Limbaugh to sit down with any Native Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving. He's miffed they " scammed us" when they sold us Manhattan because they didn't own it to begin with. And to top it off, European settlers were hardly "idiots" saved by "compassionate" Indians, as...

Dumbest Questions to Butterball's Help Line

How to thaw your turkey while bathing your kids

(Newser) - Nervous about cooking the Thanksgiving bird? Don't be. Butterball employs more than 50 Turkey Talk-Line experts who are ready and waiting to answer your culinary questions. And don't be embarrassed: Your inquiry can't be as embarrassing as these previous ones to be phoned in to 1-800-BUTTERBALL , as reported by Reuters...

Your Holiday Aphrodisiac Is ... Pumpkin Pie?

Men apparently dig the scent, say researchers

(Newser) - From the scientists-with-too-much-time-on-their-hands department: They subjected men to various scents and concluded that the smell of pumpkin pie is the one that gets them in the mood most effectively. Or in researcher-speak: "The number one odor that enhanced penile blood flow was a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie....

Your Turkey May Have Feasted on ... Arsenic

It's a common ingredient in turkey feed

(Newser) - Here's a fun fact to throw around the Thanksgiving table: Lots of turkey farms use arsenic in their feed. Yes, that arsenic, the deadly poison, which can control stomach bugs in turkeys and fatten them up, explains NPR's Shots health blog . It can also show up in the turkey meat...

Obama: Let's Be Thankful... and Start Cooperating

President uses Thanksgiving address as a call for unity

(Newser) - President Obama gave his weekly address a few days early in order to wish the country Happy Thanksgiving—and call for bipartisan cooperation, CNN reports. Today, the first family will give thanks for “the God-given bounty of America and the blessings of one another,” he said, adding that...

Relax: 3 Thanksgiving Travel Myths

It's not as busy as you think

(Newser) - If you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, you’re likely bracing yourself for major delays on the road, rails, or in the sky. But take courage: your worries may be unfounded—or at least exaggerated. NPR provides some turkey-related travel myths:
  1. It’s the busiest time of year to travel.

Obama Spares Turkeys 'Shellacking'

Birds will head to George Washington's estate

(Newser) - It's official: President Obama has pardoned the National Thanksgiving Turkey. Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, Obama issued pardons today to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, “Cider.” The two 21-week-old, 45-pound turkeys were raised on a California farm. Obama said it “feels pretty good...

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