
Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev 

Vegans Turn to Bodybuilding
 Vegans Turn to Bodybuilding 

Vegans Turn to Bodybuilding

Animal-free dieters find ways to bulk up competitively

(Newser) - A new trend is sprouting in the sport of bodybuilding: veganism. A burgeoning group of competitive weight-lifters are turning to an all animal-free diet, reports the New York Times . It's a challenge because the vegan diet can be dauntingly limited for bodybuilders, who need a sufficient amount of amino...

Why We Stopped Being Vegetarians
 Why We Stopped 
 Being Vegetarians 

Why We Stopped Being Vegetarians

A butcher, hunter, and rancher discuss the ethics of eating animals

(Newser) - For long stretches of their lives, Nicolette Niman, Tovar Cerulli and Joshua Applestone were all vegetarians or vegans. Now, they’re a rancher, a hunter, and a butcher, respectively, who “firmly believe food from animals can be healthful, environmentally appropriate, and ethical,” they write in the Atlantic . Their...

Guilty Verdict Stands for Vegans Who Starved Baby

Couple's baby died after being fed only soy milk, apple juice

(Newser) - In April 2004, the 6-week-old son of Jade Sanders and Lamont Thomas starved to death, and Georgia’s top court today upheld the couple’s murder convictions and life sentences from 2007. A court initially found the first-time parents guilty of murder after investigators discovered they fed the boy mostly...

5 Claims About Vegans That Just Aren't True

They aren't rich, obsessive sissies

(Newser) - Vegans are rich, obsessive sissies, right? Not exactly, writes Carol J. Adams for the Washington Post . She lays out five myths surrounding the 0.5% of Americans who abstain from everything animal.
  1. Vegans have so many rules: It's the trickiness of avoiding all animal products that make this claim

Why Bill Clinton Is Veganism's No. 1 Buddy
Why Bill Clinton Is
Veganism's No. 1 Buddy

Why Bill Clinton Is Veganism's No. 1 Buddy

PETA pick shows need for 'indulgent' vegans

(Newser) - Most people snickered when PETA named Bill Clinton its person of the year , but it was a genius pick, writes Mary Elizabeth Williams on Salon . Most people also know the benefits of veganism, but what it lacks is a guy who can make it "seem realistic, accessible and, frankly,...

Denny's New Burger Cheered by ... Vegans?

They're mostly happy about getting a menu entry

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise. In an age of KFC Double Downs and footlong cheeseburgers, Denny's has put a "bona fide vegan burger" on its menu, writes Jason Best at Slashfood . Granted, it also has a Bacon Slamburger, he notes, but his survey of vegan blogs finds that people seem genuinely excited...

Meet Bill Clinton... Vegan?!

It would appear so, based on last night's interview

(Newser) - Well, vegans , get excited: None other than Bill Clinton , famous McDonald’s lover, appears to have joined your ranks. No more Big Macs for Bubba: He’s now on a “plant-based diet,” he told Wolf Blitzer last night on CNN . “I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit....

For Some, Veganism Hides an Eating Disorder

Those who undertake diet to lose weight are at risk

(Newser) - For most vegans, their diet is a way to avoid animal products, but for some, it’s become a way to avoid food—period. Veganism is becoming more popular in America, where 5% of the population follows the no-animal-products diet. Most of those people are making a healthy choice, writes...

Hey, Vegans, Plants Have Feelings, Too
 Hey, Vegans, Plants 
 Have Feelings, Too 

Hey, Vegans, Plants Have Feelings, Too

It's time we give them the same due we give animals

(Newser) - It's hip these days to banish meat from the diet, chow down instead on the plant world, and congratulate ourselves for our enlightened morals. But what about the poor plants? They "no more aspire to being stir-fried in a wok than a hog aspires to being peppercorn-studded in my...

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?
 Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Debate over bee explotation risks deluting animal rights message

(Newser) - Although many vegans view buttered toast and milk as sacrilegious snack fare, a growing “flexitarian” attitude could loosen up the menu to include honey, writes Daniel Engber for Slate. Vegan hardliners argue consumption of the beekeeping byproduct amounts to supporting forced labor, while nectarous proponents counter that such logic...

Stories 21 - 30 | << Prev