
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Gaza Militants Agree to Cease-Fire With Israel: Hamas
 Gaza Militants 
 OK Israel Cease-Fire 

Gaza Militants OK Israel Cease-Fire

Egypt brokers deal to stop escalating violence

(Newser) - Gaza militants agreed to a cease-fire with Israel to stop spiking violence, a Hamas official said today, after a deadly attack across the Egyptian border on Israeli vehicles set off a three-day round of rapidly escalating Israeli airstrikes and rocket barrages from Gaza. The sudden flareup also threatened Israel-Egypt relations,...

Gaza Fires Rockets as Israeli Airstrikes Continue

Situation continues to escalate after deadly attacks

(Newser) - The situation continues to get uglier in Gaza and southern Israel: Gaza militants launched rockets into Israel this morning in the latest move following yesterday's coordinated attacks against Israelis. Israel had initially retaliated against those attacks, which killed eight, with an airstrike yesterday that killed five. Israel continued those...

Israel Retaliates, Kills 6 in Gaza

... after 7 Israelis were killed in morning attacks

(Newser) - Israel retaliated over terror attacks earlier today by launching airstrikes into Gaza that claimed the lives of six people, CNN reports . Palestinian authorities say the strikes, just west of Rafah near Egypt's border, killed five members of Popular Resistance Committees and the son of one member. Israeli defense forces...

Israel to OK 4.3K More Homes in East Jerusalem

Palestine not happy with latest announcement

(Newser) - Israel's interior minister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed east Jerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials say, detailing a plan that could complicate diplomatic efforts to dissuade Palestinians from declaring statehood at the United Nations. The announcement drew immediate criticism from...

Israel Jails Over 800 Palestine Youth In Five Years
 Israel Jails 
 Palestinian Kids 

Israel Jails Rock-Tossing Palestinian Kids

Treatment disproportionate to the crime, says group

(Newser) - Israel's military has detained and tried more than 800 Palestinian youths and children over the past five years for throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers, jailing most of them, said a report released today. The Israeli rights group B'Tselem counted 835 minors who were charged with rock throwing from...

4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash
 4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash 

4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash

Unrest marks anniversary of Arab defeat in 1967 war

(Newser) - Israeli troops opened fire across the Syrian frontier today to disperse hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters who stormed the border of the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, reportedly killing four people in unrest marking the anniversary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 Mideast war. The Israeli military accused Syria of instigating the...

Israel Braces for Border Clashes

Military expects protests to mark anniversary of 1967 war

(Newser) - With another round of Facebook-organized protests to mark the anniversary of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Israeli military is bracing for violence, seeking to avoid a repeat of the unrest from two weeks ago, reports AP . The army will set up "red lines" for demonstrators, not allowing them to...

Netanyahu Objects to Obama's Backing of 1967 Borders

Prime minister says the old lines are 'indefensible'

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has tweeted its response to President Obama’s Middle East speech —and the prime minister isn’t happy with Obama’s support for a peace plan based on Israel’s 1967 borders. “The viability of a Palestinian state ... cannot come at the expense of...

Egypt Bolsters Relations With Iran, Hamas

Government will end Gaza blockade

(Newser) - As Egypt regroups after Hosni Mubarak’s exit, it is realigning its diplomatic ties: Officials plan to end the Gaza border blockade and forge closer ties with Iran and Hamas. As elections approach, officials say they’re working toward policies that better fit public opinion; meanwhile, they hope to regain...

Netanyahu to Unveil Peace Plan in US Speech

Move designed to counter push for Palestinian state

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu will unveil Israel’s version of a Middle East peace plan in a speech before the US Congress next month, he and John Boehner each announced yesterday. The plan is seen as an attempt to push back against Palestine’s current campaign to be recognized as a state...

Israel, Hamas Reportedly Agree to Ceasefire

The deal comes after weeks of increasing violence

(Newser) - After weeks of increasing violence, the likes of which has not been since since the end of the Gaza war in 2009, Israel and Hamas have agreed to step back from a major confrontation. A weekend of attacks left 19 Palestinians dead, including six civilians, and 65 injured. In addition,...

Facebook Yanks Intifada Page
 Facebook Yanks Intifada Page 

Facebook Yanks Intifada Page

Page 'called for violence,' says company

(Newser) - Facebook has yanked an "Intifada" page urging a Palestinian uprising against Israel. The site, the Third Palestinian Intifada, was pulled for promoting violence after Israel complained, said Facebook officials. Some 350,000 people were following the page, which called for an uprising following Muslim prayers on May 15. "...

US Slaps Israel Settlement Plan

West Bank settlements 'illegitimate,' says embassy

(Newser) - The US Embassy is “deeply concerned” about Israel’s plans to expand its West Bank settlements, a decision the country made following an attack this weekend on a settler family, the AP reports. Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said: “They murder, we build.” To wit, Israel has approved the...

Irate Abbas Supporters Ransack al-Jazeera Studio

Protesters elsewhere upset at network's coverage of 'Palestine Papers'

(Newser) - Al-Jazeera is feeling the wrath of Palestinians upset with its coverage of leaked papers related to negotiations with Israel. The documents—dubbed the Palestine Papers by the Arab channel—have proven to be an embarrassment to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas because they allege his team has offered big concessions to...

'Leaked' Palestinian Peace Offer Sparks Uproar

Israel nixed offer that East Jerusalem settlers could stay: al-Jazeera

(Newser) - A surprising peace offer from Palestinian negotiators reportedly allowing Israel to keep disputed areas has been leaked to the public and is sparking an uproar. The documents suggest the Palestinians agreed to allow Israel to keep large parts of East Jerusalem—an offer Israel apparently rejected, reports the BBC . The...

Nazi Email Haunts King's Speech Before Oscars

George VI didn't want Jews to emigrate to Palestine during WWII

(Newser) - Golden Globes Best Actor Colin Firth could be headed to a big Oscar win for The King's Speech. But his chances and the film's may be clouded by an email circulating now about the alleged Nazi sympathies of the beloved stuttering British king Firth portrays in the critically acclaimed movie....

Obama, Mideast's Onetime Savior, Now More a Pariah

Transcendence runs right into hard reality of stalemate

(Newser) - When Barack Obama entered office, he was seen as the fresh new hope for peace in the Middle East—but now, he’s seen as a part of the problem, Politico interviews with Israelis and Palestinians suggest. After Obama finally got Israel to temporarily freeze West Bank settlement-building, there’s...

Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'
Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'
Christopher HItchens

Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'

PM appeasing government's extreme right, writes Christopher Hitchens

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu is a hostage to the extreme right of Israel’s government, and the Obama administration is trying to appease him—a decision the US “will come to regret.” The US offer of “ security incentives and fighter jets ” following a proposed temporary freeze in settlement-building...

Netanyahu Will Push for Settlement Freeze

Official gives details of proposed deal

(Newser) - Despite the angry-sounding words recently exchanged between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over planned Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, Netanyahu has reportedly agreed to push for a new settlement freeze. Under the proposed deal, Netanyahu will ask his cabinet to freeze construction for just 90 more days...

Israel Considers Leasing East Jerusalem

Israel would keep land for 40 to 99 years

(Newser) - Israel and the Unites States are secretly discussing a deal in which Israel would lease lands in East Jerusalem from a new Palestinian state for a period of 40 to 99 years, according to a report from Asharq al-Awsat, an Arabic language London paper, summarized in Haaretz . In exchange, Palestine...

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