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Delta Cut Ties With NRA. Now Republicans May Penalize Delta

Georgia lawmakers want to kill tax break

(Newser) - Now that Delta Air Lines has ceased offering discounted fares to National Rifle Association members, some Republican lawmakers in Georgia say the airline should be punished. The group of Republicans, led by Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, the frontrunner in this year's gubernatorial election, have threatened to torpedo a measure...

NRA Slams 'Cowardice' of Companies Severing Ties

'Law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing to do with the failure' Florida school's security

(Newser) - As companies continue to sever ties with the National Rifle Association , the gun lobby is hitting back with a statement that says "the law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that school's security preparedness ... or the cruel failures of both...

2 More Companies Are Cutting Ties With NRA

Delta, United will no longer offer discounts on airfare

(Newser) - Delta and United Airlines are cutting ties with the NRA, the latest major companies to do so following the deadly shooting at a Florida high school earlier this month, the AP reports. Both Delta and United said Saturday they will no longer offer discounted fares to NRA members to attend...

More Companies Respond to Boycott Threats Over NRA Ties

MetLife, Symantec, Best Western, Wyndham Hotels distance themselves from NRA

(Newser) - An online push to boycott companies affiliated with the NRA in the wake of the Parkland shooting appears to be having its intended effect. As previously reported , First National Bank of Omaha and Enterprise Holdings—which encompasses rental-car outfits Enterprise, Alamo, and National—cut their ties with the NRA on...

'Customer Feedback' Leads to Cut Ties With NRA

First National Bank of Omaha ditches NRA Visa card; Enterprise also bails

(Newser) - The nation's largest privately owned bank holding company and a major car rental chain are stopping promotions aimed at National Rifle Association members. The Nebraska-based First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract to issue the group's NRA Visa card, spokesman Kevin Langin said in a...

NRA: 'Harden Our Schools,' Fear 'Socialist' Democrats

NRA breaks silence after Parkland, targets media, gun-control advocates

(Newser) - "Many in legacy media love mass shootings," NBC News quotes NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch as saying Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "You love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold." A week after 17 people were killed at a school shooting in...

Parks and Rec Stars Not Happy NRA Used Amy Poehler GIF

Cast, creator tweet angrily at the NRA

(Newser) - Amy Poehler is no fan of the NRA, so she and her Parks and Recreation colleagues were less than pleased when the organization used a GIF showing Poehler's character from the show. "[T]hank you for being the voice of over 5 Million #NRA members," the NRA's...

Rubio, NRA Spokeswoman Jeered at Florida Town Hall
Victim's Father Calls
Rubio 'Pathetically Weak'

Victim's Father Calls Rubio 'Pathetically Weak'

Senator, NRA spokeswoman jeered at an emotional town hall

(Newser) - Sen. Marco Rubio and NRA national spokeswoman Dana Loesch encountered the raw emotion of school shooting survivors and the parents of victims at a town hall meeting in Sunrise, Fla., Wednesday night. In one of the most heated exchanges, Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime died in the Parkland shooting, told...

After School Shootings, Russian Bots Hijacked Gun Debate

'The bots focus on anything that is divisive for Americans'

(Newser) - For Russia-linked Twitter accounts and bots linked to Russian propaganda campaigns, last week's horrific school shooting in Florida was just another opportunity to sow division among Americans, security researchers say. Within an hour of the shooting, hundreds of automated Twitter accounts with suspected Russian links began sending out tweets...

NRA Says No to Banning Bump Stocks

Stephen Paddock used the device to murder 58 people

(Newser) - Any hopes that the NRA would be supporting legislation banning so-called "bump stocks" following the massacre last week in Las Vegas were likely dashed when representatives from the group told the Sunday political shows that their group is merely open to "regulating differently" the device that allows a...

NRA&#39;s Concession May Not Be as Big as Thought
NRA's Concession May Not
Be as Big as Thought
the rundown

NRA's Concession May Not Be as Big as Thought

Group supports restrictions on bump stocks, but requests ATF review, not congressional ban

(Newser) - The NRA made a surprise announcement Thursday that it supported government restrictions on "bump stocks," the devices that effectively turned Stephen Paddock's semiautomatic rifles into more lethal automatic weapons. The group called on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to review its rules on the...

NRA Makes Big Move in Wake of Vegas Massacre

Calls for federal review of bump stocks

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association announced its support Thursday for regulating " bump stocks ," devices that can effectively convert semi-automatic rifles into fully automated weapons and that were apparently used in the Las Vegas massacre to lethal effect. It was a surprising shift for the leading gun industry group, which...

Rosanne Cash: Time for Country Artists to Rebuff the NRA

Group 'funds domestic terrorism,' singer writes in 'NYT' op-ed

(Newser) - Rosanne Cash has long been an advocate of tougher gun laws, but the shooting in Las Vegas has her making a special plea to her fellow artists in country music. It's time for them to disavow the NRA, she writes in the New York Times . Country artists in particular...

Trump to NRA: '8-Year Assault' on Gun Rights Is Now Over

Trump is 1st sitting president to address NRA since 1983

(Newser) - On Friday—his 99th day in office—President Trump did something no sitting president has done in more than 30 years: He spoke at an NRA conference. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," NBC News quotes Trump as saying Friday...

Employee Accidentally Shoots Self at NRA Headquarters

The 46-year-old's gun went off during firearm training

(Newser) - An NRA employee was hospitalized Thursday after accidentally shooting himself during firearms training at NRA headquarters in Virginia, NBC Washington reports. According to the Fairfax County Police Department , the 46-year-old man was holstering his pistol when it fired. He suffered a minor injury to his lower body. Officers discussed the...

Guinness Shoots Down NRA's World Record Attempt

Gun-rights people are really feeling themselves post-Election Day

(Newser) - Guinness World Records refused to acknowledge a potential world record by the NRA, but after the week it's had, the NRA doesn't really care. USA Today reports more than a thousand people from 16 states traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, on Monday to take part in the "1000...

Trump Under Fire for &#39;2nd Amendment&#39; Remark
 Trump Under Fire for 
 '2nd Amendment' Remark 

Trump Under Fire for '2nd Amendment' Remark

'Give me a break,' he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is once again on damage control, this time over remarks that critics say hinted at Hillary Clinton's assassination . His comment that "Second Amendment people" could "maybe" do something about Clinton picking Supreme Court justices if she wins was widely condemned Tuesday, though he...

NRA Makes $2M Pro-Trump Benghazi Ad Buy

Marine Corps vet who fought against Libyan assault featured in 'Stop Clinton' promo

(Newser) - One of the biggest political ads for Donald Trump yet is being released, and none other than the National Rifle Association is behind it, USA Today reports. The NRA's Political Victory Fund PAC put up $2 million to back the 30-second spot , the association's first ad campaign of...

Senate Answers Orlando With Gridlock on Gun Curbs

Two proposals fall short of needed 60 votes

(Newser) - A divided Senate blocked rival election-year plans to curb guns on Monday, eight days after the horror of Orlando's mass shooting intensified pressure on lawmakers to act but knotted them in gridlock anyway—even over restricting firearms for terrorists, the AP reports. In largely party-line votes, rejected were one...

Trump May Be Breaking With GOP, NRA on Gun Control

He wants to talk about keeping people on terror watch lists from buying guns

(Newser) - Someone check Hell for ice cubes because it appears Donald Trump has broken with the GOP to side with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The Atlantic reports Trump is seeking to meet with the NRA about keeping people on terror watch lists from buying guns. “If Con Man Don...

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