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Trump Has Advice for NRA After Big Lawsuit

Move to Texas, he suggests

(Newser) - As its future began to look even more litigious Thursday, President Trump had a suggestion for the National Rifle Association. "I think the NRA should move to Texas and lead a very good and beautiful life," he said. "And I've told them that for a long...

New York Sues to Dissolve the NRA
New York Sues 
to Dissolve the NRA

New York Sues to Dissolve the NRA

State attorney general Letitia James alleges widespread fraud

(Newser) - New York's attorney general filed a lawsuit Thursday that calls for the dissolution of the NRA. Letitia James sued the National Rifle Association, seeking to put the powerful gun advocacy organization out of business over allegations that high-ranking executives diverted millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts...

Before Burying Sergeant, Chief Slams Senators, NRA

Houston's top cop blasts Cruz, Cornyn for stalling Violence Against Women Act

(Newser) - Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo laid into the National Rifle Association and Texas politicians Monday, minutes before he escorted the body of a slain officer from the medical examiner's office to a funeral home. Sgt. Christopher Brewster, 32, was shot Saturday after responding to a call about a domestic...

Russian Operative Heads Home
Butina's Next Stop: Russia

Butina's Next Stop: Russia

Russian operative will be deported after being freed from prison

(Newser) - Maria Butina, the Russian who pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as a clandestine foreign agent by making connections with the Trump administration, NRA, and other conservative heavy-hitters, has been freed from federal prison. She was turned over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation Friday, NPR reports. Butina...

NYT: NRA Chief Told Trump to 'Stop the Games' on Gun Laws

NRA confirms meeting took place, denies Wayne LaPierre offered 'special arrangements' to Trump

(Newser) - A scathing Senate report claiming the National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia wasn't the only headline the gun lobby group ended up in this week. The New York Times reports that NRA chief Wayne LaPierre met with President Trump on Friday at the White...

Senate Report Calls NRA a Russian Asset for Election

Democratic investigation finds group might have broken tax laws

(Newser) - A Democratic senator charges in a new report that the National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the run-up to the 2016 election, and that NRA insiders provided access to the American political system to advance personal business interests. The report by Oregon Sen. Ron...

NRA Sues San Francisco Over 'Terrorist' Designation

'We will never stop fighting,' says Wayne LaPierre

(Newser) - The NRA is upping its fight against San Francisco's Board of Supervisors after the group labeled it a "domestic terrorist organization." A resolution passed Sept. 3 by the board—accusing the NRA of promoting "extremist positions" and inciting "acts of violence"—is intended "...

NRA Incensed Over Move by San Francisco

City's board of supervisors labels group a 'domestic terrorist organization'

(Newser) - The NRA has plenty of critics, but San Francisco's board of supervisors just one-upped them all. The board on Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution labeling the gun rights group a "domestic terrorist organization," reports the BBC . The measure cites the recent mass shootings in the US—including...

'Intelligent' Background Checks Get Thumbs-Up From Trump

NRA opposition won't be an issue, president says

(Newser) - "This isn't a question of NRA, Republican or Democrat," President Trump said Friday in talking about passing gun-control legislation in response to the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. "We need intelligent background checks." Trump said Mitch McConnell now is "totally on board,...

A $6M Mansion for the NRA's CEO Was ... Whose Idea?

The NRA and its former ad agency tell conflicting stories

(Newser) - That NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre scoped out a $6 million Dallas mansion as a possible new residence isn't being contested. What is: Whose idea it was and where the money was going to come from. The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post are out with stories about the potential...

Reaction to New NRA Upheaval: 'Don't Let the Door Hit You'

3 board members resign, claiming group stymied their efforts to investigate alleged wrongdoing

(Newser) - The hits keep coming for the NRA. In recent months, the gun rights group has been accused of improper expenditures and eyebrow-raising payments to some board members, and in June it even shuttered its NRATV . Now Talking Points Memo reports that three board members are stepping down, claiming their efforts...

NRA Abruptly Shuts Down NRATV
NRA Abruptly
Shuts Down

NRA Abruptly Shuts Down NRATV

Gun lobby to cut ties with ad firm, shutter live production on NRATV: 'NYT' report

(Newser) - It appears that the NRA's news outlet has aired its last live show. Based on interviews and internal documents, the New York Times reports the gun rights group is shuttering production on NRATV, operated by the Ackerman McQueen ad agency it's been battling with . "Many members expressed...

NRA Board Is Unpaid. But Money Still Flows to Members

'Washington Post' finds that 18 of 76 board members have been well paid for services

(Newser) - The NRA has been hit with a slew of negative headlines of late over internal fighting and exorbitant spending , and this probably won't help on either front. A Washington Post investigation finds that the group has been directing big-money payments to members of its own board. The newspaper reports...

Leaked Documents Add to Drama at NRA

They detail large spending on clothes and travel by chief exec Wayne LaPierre

(Newser) - The leadership drama at the NRA just got worse with leaked documents. Among other things, they detail large expenditures on clothing and travel by chief executive Wayne LaPierre, reports the Wall Street Journal . For instance, $39,000 for a single day of shopping at a clothing shop in Beverly Hills,...

Wayne LaPierre Fends Off NRA Backlash

He was re-elected as CEO despite internal strife

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association, facing internal turmoil over its financial management, increasingly partisan tone, and legal threats from government regulators, beat back efforts to overhaul its operations Monday. Wayne LaPierre, the public face of the gun lobbying group for decades, fended off a backlash and was re-appointed as the gun...

Trump Calls Investigation of NRA Finances Illegal

New York looks into tax-exempt status

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association is "under siege," President Trump said Monday in response to New York state's decision to investigate the organization's status as a tax-exempt nonprofit, the AP reports. The Republican president accused state Attorney General Letitia James and her fellow Democrat, Gov. Andrew Cuomo,...

Amid NRA's Rift, NY Announces Investigation

AG Letitia James says her office is investigating organization's finances

(Newser) - New York state's attorney general has begun an investigation into the finances of the National Rifle Association, reports the AP . "The Office of New York State Attorney General Letitia James has launched an investigation related to the National Rifle Association (NRA)," her rep said Saturday. "As...

Putin: &#39;It&#39;s an Outrage&#39;
Putin: 'It's an Outrage'

Putin: 'It's an Outrage'

Russian leader speaks out against Maria Butina's prison sentence

(Newser) - One person isn't too thrilled with a Russian operative's prison sentence : Vladimir Putin. "It's an outrage," he said Saturday of Maria Butina's 18-month sentence, per the Guardian . "It's not clear what she was convicted of or what crime she committed. I think...

Oliver North: I&#39;m Not Coming Back
Oliver North:
I'm Not
Coming Back

Oliver North: I'm Not Coming Back

The NRA's president says he won't seek a second term

(Newser) - Retired Lt. Col. Oliver North said Saturday that he will not serve a second term as the president of the National Rifle Association amid inner turmoil in the gun-rights group, the AP reports. In a statement read to members of the group Saturday, North said he believes a committee should...

NRA CEO Slams 'Offer I Couldn't Refuse' From NRA President

Wayne LaPierre says Oliver North is trying to extort him

(Newser) - Wayne LaPierre says he was recently made "an offer I couldn't refuse"—but "I refused it." Per the Wall Street Journal , the CEO and executive vice president of the National Rifle Association delivered a stunning letter to the NRA's board Thursday, one that revealed...

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