Bob Dylan

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Dylan Gives Concert Crowd a Choice: Listen or Take Photos

Singer stops mid-song in Vienna

(Newser) - Bob Dylan proved to fans that he means it when he says no photos allowed when he's onstage. In fact, if fans had a pool Tuesday night in Vienna, the answer to "During what song would he stop singing and scold the crowd?" was "Blowin' in the...

Bob Dylan Accused of Using SparkNotes for Nobel Lecture

Writer finds 20 strong similarities in Moby Dick portion

(Newser) - Bob Dylan delivered what was described as an "eloquent" lecture this month as part of his Nobel prize requirements—but one writer says he may have approached the task like a high school student with an overdue project. Dylan discussed three favorite works from childhood and Andrea Pitzer at...

Bob Dylan Delivers 'Eloquent' Nobel Prize Lecture

The musician's speech reflects on music's ties to literature

(Newser) - Bob Dylan has completed his Nobel course requirements. The Swedish Academy announced Monday that it has received the mandatory lecture from the 2016 literature winner, enabling Dylan to collect $922,000 in prize money, reports the AP . Spokeswoman Sara Danius described Dylan's talk in a news release as "...

Dylan&#39;s &#39;Tambourine Man&#39; Is Dead at 78
Dylan's 'Tambourine Man'
Is Dead at 78

Dylan's 'Tambourine Man' Is Dead at 78

Musician Bruce Langhorne inspired the song

(Newser) - "In the jingle jangle morning, I'll come following you." Plenty of people could identify that as a line from Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man," but how many know the man who inspired the song? As it turns out, his name was Bruce Langhorne, and...

Bob Dylan Finally Has His Nobel Prize

Nearly 6 months after his win was announced

(Newser) - Bob Dylan finally has his hands on his Nobel Literature diploma and medal, almost six months after his win was announced. Klas Ostergren, a member of the Swedish Academy, said the 75-year-old American singer-songwriter received his award during a small gathering Saturday afternoon at a hotel next to the conference...

Bob Dylan Finally Gets Around to His Nobel

He'll stop by Stockholm to pick up that Literature prize he won months ago

(Newser) - Bob Dylan will be knockin' on the Swedish Academy's door this weekend to finally pick up his Nobel Prize in Literature. Rolling Stone reports that the singer-songwriter, who famously didn't reply right away upon learning he'd won the prize in October—and who sent singer Patti Smith...

Bob Dylan Reveals What Sinatra Told Him About Blue Eyes

Dylan gave a rare and lengthy interview this week

(Newser) - Bob Dylan opened up about his music and songwriting and discussed his relationships with Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and others in a rare and lengthy interview posted to his website Wednesday, the AP reports. In the Q&A with author Bill Flanagan, Dylan recalls Sinatra telling him, "You and...

Patti Smith Blanks on Dylan's Lyrics

Singer needed 2 takes on 'A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall,' apologizes for her nerves

(Newser) - In perhaps a reminder that no good deed goes unpunished, Patti Smith showed up Saturday at the Nobel Prize awards to perform in the stead of the elusive Bob Dylan on the occasion of his unprecedented Nobel for Literature —and needed a couple of tries to get his lyrics...

Bob Dylan Picks His Stand-In for Nobel Ceremony

None other than Patti Smith, who will perform

(Newser) - Bob Dylan says he's too busy to attend the Nobel ceremony in Stockholm on Dec. 10 to pick up his literature prize , but he's sending quite the stand-in. Rock legend Patti Smith will be there in his place and will perform Dylan's "A Hard Rain's...

Dylan Leaves Nobel Academy Twistin' in the Wind

Singer/songwriter says he has 'other commitments,' but is 'incredibly honored'

(Newser) - Bob Dylan was oddly silent about his Nobel Prize win, and now he's officially let the Nobel academy know that while he is "incredibly honored" by the literature prize, he won't be at the ceremony in Sweden to actually pick it up. His letter blamed "other...

Bob Dylan Finally Opens up About Nobel Prize Win

'Whoever dreams about something like that?'

(Newser) - Stop the presses and forget the emails : We finally know what Bob Dylan thinks about winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. "Isn't that something?" he tells the Telegraph in an exclusive interview. Surprisingly, Dylan said even more than that on the topic after nearly two weeks after ignoring...

To Understand Dylan&#39;s Nobel Silence, Read Sartre
To Understand Dylan's Nobel
Silence, Read Sartre

To Understand Dylan's Nobel Silence, Read Sartre

It's about 'bad faith,' explains an op-ed

(Newser) - One member of the Nobel academy thinks it's "arrogant" that Bob Dylan won't acknowledge his literature prize. Poet and critic Adam Kirsch thinks it's "wonderful," and he explains why in a New York Times op-ed. He notes that philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre refused his own...

Nobel Academy Member: Dylan Is 'Impolite and Arrogant'

The musician still hasn't publicly responded to winning the Nobel Prize

(Newser) - Bob Dylan still hasn't acknowledged being given the Nobel Prize for literature, and it sounds like some members of the academy behind the prize are starting to get a bit fed up, the Guardian reports. "It's impolite and arrogant," says writer Per Wastberg, a member of...

Bob Dylan Acknowledges Nobel Win, Ever So Briefly

His website includes a line about the win, then removes it

(Newser) - Bob Dylan acknowledged his Nobel Prize win—but only momentarily. The musician has been oddly quiet about winning the literature prize, but a fan noticed that his official website added a line to this page that said "Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature." But by Friday morning,...

Nobel Panel to Dylan: You Win! Dylan to Nobel Panel: ...

Singer's answer is still apparently off blowin' in the wind

(Newser) - On Thursday, the Swedish Academy dropped a culture bomb in the form of a Nobel in Literature for Bob Dylan for his "poetic expressions." It is now Monday, and Dylan has yet to respond, poetically or otherwise, and the Nobel Committee is somewhat publicly throwing up its hands....

Leonard Cohen Profile Offers Rarity: Bob Dylan, Music Critic
Leonard Cohen Is
Putting His House in Order
in case you missed it

Leonard Cohen Is Putting His House in Order

'New Yorker' profiles 82-year-old

(Newser) - Leonard Cohen is 82 now, and fans will not be thrilled to learn in a lengthy New Yorker profile that he's almost certainly done touring—his body just isn't up to the rigors. But he's still making music, and an album out this month is classic Cohen...

Trainspotting Author on Dylan's Nobel: 'Ill Conceived'

Irvine Welsh does not think music and literature should mix in picking prize recipients

(Newser) - "Bob Dylan" was one of the top Twitter trends Thursday thanks to the troubadour taking home the Nobel Prize for Literature . But while most of social media is beaming at his newest honor, Scottish author Irvine Welsh, who wrote the novel Trainspotting, isn't terribly pleased, the AP reports....

And the Nobel for Literature Goes to: Bob Dylan

For his 'poetic expressions'

(Newser) - Sometimes the Nobel winner in literature is an obscure writer little known to mainstream audiences. And then there's this year's winner: Bob Dylan. The Nobel panel chose the 75-year-old "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," it announced in a press...

Vast Unknown Archive of Bob Dylan Material Emerges

Sells for up to $20M, will be made available to music scholars

(Newser) - Big news for Bob Dylan fans: A massive "secret" archive of his work—old notebooks with lyrics, letters, photos, tape reels, recordings, etc—has been sold for about $20 million and will eventually be made available to music scholars and less formal "Dylanologists," reports the New York ...

Bob Dylan May Have Inadvertently Coined a Phrase

'I can't even,' he complained in 1966

(Newser) - "I can't even" may be a millennial catchphrase, but it seems Bob Dylan got there first a half-century ago. As Chris Willman points out in his Billboard review of the newly released Bootleg Series box set, the scene took place during a January 1966 recording session as Dylan...

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