New Jersey

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>

86-Year-Old Senator Gaga for Lady Gaga

Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey is a big fan

(Newser) - Have you ever wanted to hang out with an 86-year-old US senator while watching a 24-year-old dance around in bizarrely artsy stripper costumes? Then hurry, because tickets for “Senator Frank R. Lautenberg & Lady Gaga—The Monster Ball Tour” are almost sold out, according to an email sent to...

NJ City Plans to Close Public Libraries

Broke Camden can't afford library system

(Newser) - A budget crisis is forcing Camden, NJ, to shut down its public library system, MyFox New York reports. Unless emergency funding can be secured, Camden's three branch libraries will close at the end of this year, and the 106-year-old system's collection of 187,000 books will be liquidated. "We're...

Parents Lose Custody of Hitler
 Parents Lose Custody of Hitler 

Parents Lose Custody of Hitler

Pair with Nazi-named kids 'psychologically disabled'

(Newser) - New Jersey parents have lost custody of a son they named Adolf Hitler, as well as daughters Jocelynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. The Appeals court ruling overturned a family court decision, and found that the parents suffer from unspecified physical and psychological disabilities. Heath and Deborah Campbell were...

Democrats' Real Problem: Chris Christie
Democrats' Real Problem:
Chris Christie
peggy noonan

Democrats' Real Problem: Chris Christie

New Jersey governor is 'going to break in a big way'

(Newser) - The Democrats have a genuine problem on their hands, and it's not the Tea Party. It's Chris Christie, the blunt-talking New Jersey governor who "just closed an $11 billion budget gap without raising taxes," writes Peggy Noonan. He's one of the only GOP leaders willing to eschew the...

Bankrupt Housewife's Junk Up for Auction

Oh my gawd

(Newser) - Fuhgeddaboutit, spitfire Teresa Giudice might say now about her foreclosed home. But it's gotta hurt when the Jersey mom of four watches her over-the-top glitzy Italian palazzo furniture auctioned off next month to pay off her family's creditors. A trustee in their bankruptcy case last month charged that the Real ...

Jersey Gov: Snooki Is All NY's Fault
 Jersey Gov: 
 Snooki Is 
 All NY's 


Jersey Gov: Snooki Is All NY's Fault

Christie: Show is 'negative for state'

(Newser) - Jersey Shore is bad for New Jersey, especially because most of its cast are from out-of-state, Gov. Chris Christie told ABC’s This Week. "What it does is it takes a bunch of New Yorkers," Christie complained, "drops them at the Jersey Shore and tries to make...

Bear Hunt to Protect Suburban New Yorkers

Growing bear population takes to eating garbage

(Newser) - Suburban New Yorkers have been bumping into New Jersey residents a lot scarier than the cast of Jersey Shore: black bears. The animal's growing population has lead the state to approve a six-day bear hunt, its first in 5 years, this December. Officials plan to issue up to 10,000...

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes
 The 50 States' Grossest Dishes 
that's a doughnut bun

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes

From reindeer fat ice cream to 2-foot-long hot dogs

(Newser) - Some states are pudgier than others—here's looking at you, Texas—but none escapes this list of beloved yet fat-filled dishes. tracked down the worst offender in each of the flabby 50:
  • Alaska: Eskimo Ice Cream, a mix of blackberries and salmon berries—in reindeer fat and seal

Melrose Place Star Kills Woman While Driving Drunk: Police

Amy Locane charged with vehicular homicide

(Newser) - Actress Amy Locane, better known as Sandy from the original Melrose Place, has been charged with vehicular homicide, New Jersey police tell the Star-Ledger . The actress, whose married name is Locane-Bovenizer, allegedly struck another vehicle last night, killing the passenger and seriously injuring the driver. The actress is also accused...

Jersey Beaches to Go (More) Topless?

Asbury Park may allow nude sunbathers

(Newser) - Want to go nude or topless at the beach in New Jersey? You have to go to a remote section of Sandy Hook where the feds run the beach and allow it. But now Asbury Park is thinking of allowing topless sunbathing. "Why not?" asked Deputy Mayor and City...

Chris Christie for VP in 2012

 for VP 
 in 2012 

Chris Christie for VP in 2012

He's making a name for himself among conservatives

(Newser) - Chris Christie is waging such an aggressive war against "entrenched liberalism" as governor of New Jersey that he's making a name for himself in national conservative circles, writes David Weigel. So much so that Weigel has him down as the "clear frontrunner" to be the GOP's vice-presidential candidate...

New Jersey: Hey, We Don't Stink
 New Jersey: 
 Hey, We Don't Stink 

New Jersey: Hey, We Don't Stink

Website launches to combat the stereotypes

(Newser) - Don't believe everything you see on Jersey Shore: Tired of boorish comments and jokes about New Jersey, residents and business people have created a website to express their Garden State pride. The site——is designed to rally those who are tired of the putdowns about pollution, wisecracks about...

Jersey Jihadist Wanted to 'Mutilate Gays'

Alessa radicalized in early teen years

(Newser) - Mohamed Mahmood Alessa at 14 was already talking about mutilating homosexuals, blowing up his school, and subordinating women in the name of Islam. During his teen years the Jersey jihadist was kicked out of a string of schools, where "he was exhibiting this crazy, radicalized behavior," and officials...

Shopaholic NJ Housewife Teresa Bankrupt
 NJ Housewife 
 Teresa Bankrupt 

Shopaholic NJ Housewife Teresa Bankrupt

Economy sucked, Teresa Giudice points out

(Newser) - Oops. Looks like those multi-thousand-dollar shopping sprees with her little daughters finally caught up with Real New Jersey Housewife Teresa Giudice. The mom of 4 and her hubby, Joe, are officially bankrupt since revealing in court documents that they racked up nearly $9 million in debt with only $2 million...

NJ 'Jihadist': 'A Lot of People Need to Get Killed, Bro'

Pair aimed to outdo Fort Hood shooter: cops

(Newser) - The two young men busted at JFK Airport allegedly on their way to join the al-Shabaab terrorist group in Somalia were dangerously serious about their plan to wage jihad—even if they did talk like a couple of two-bit punks from the Jersey shore, cops say. "A lot of...

2 Busted at JFK on Terror Charges

Pair allegedly planned to join terror group in Somalia

(Newser) - Two New Jersey men who allegedly intended to kill American troops were arrested yesterday at John F. Kennedy International Airport before boarding flights to join a jihadist group in Somalia, the Newark Star-Ledger reported. Mohamed Hamoud Alessa, 20, and Carlos Eduardo Almonte, 26, were charged with conspiring to commit an...

Bundle Up: Super Bowl Coming to New Jersey

New Meadowlands will host 2014 championship

(Newser) - Break out the parkas—the 2014 Super Bowl will be held in New Jersey and it won't be indoors. NFL owners have voted to put the championship game in the new $1.6 billion Meadowlands stadium that's about to become home to the New York Jets and Giants. And no,...

Cross-Dressing Teen Wins Fight to Wear Dress to Prom

After a fight, New Jersey high school says yes to Derrek Lutz

(Newser) - Here’s a story with a very different outcome than Constance McMillen's : Derrek Lutz’s school told him he couldn’t wear a dress and heels to the prom—but after friends started a petition and a supportive Facebook page, he was allowed in, dress and all. “Yea, I’...

Teen Charged After Telling Blacks to Leave Whole Foods

In copycat incident, 14-year-old girl grabs store's microphone

(Newser) - A New Jersey 14-year-old may need a reminder that no one likes a copycat—or a racist: The teen girl grabbed the microphone at a Whole Foods in Edgewater on Saturday and told all blacks to leave the store, much like a 16-year-old boy did at a Wal-Mart in the...

Jersey Cops Arrest 5 in Gang Rape of 7-Year-Old

Two adults and three juveniles are accused

(Newser) - Two adults and three juveniles have been charged with gang raping a 7-year-old girl who was sold by her 15-year-old stepsister during a party at a crime-ridden apartment building in Trenton, NJ. Prior to today's announcement of new arrests, the 15-year-old had been charged with promoting prostitution. She allegedly sold...

Stories 921 - 940 | << Prev   Next >>