New Jersey

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More Flights Canceled Ahead of Nor'easter

United grounding 500; other airlines considering

(Newser) - The upcoming nor'easter sounds yet more ominous: Airlines are once again canceling flights in the Northeast in anticipation of the coastal storm, just a week after canceling more than 23,000 flights in the same area because of superstorm Sandy. United Airlines is canceling around 500 flights out of...

Robocall to Florida Voters: Vote Tomorrow

And more voting problems

(Newser) - Hopefully Pinellas County residents weren't paying too much attention to robocalls they received this morning telling them they had until 7pm tomorrow to vote. The polls actually close tonight, of course, and anyone trying to vote tomorrow won't have their ballot accepted. But more than 12,000 calls...

Chris Christie: Springsteen Hugged Me and I Wept

Governor a huge fan, despite political differences

(Newser) - They're both Jersey boys, but when it comes to politics, Republican Chris Christie and hardcore Obama campaigner Bruce Springsteen couldn't be more different. Still, that didn't stop the Boss from hugging the governor during NBC's Hurricane Sandy concert on Friday. "We hugged and he told...

Voters Form Long Lines Around the Country

Candidates cast their ballots, too

(Newser) - Americans flocked to the polls this morning, forming long lines in many places around the country. USA Today counted 75 people in line at one DC polling place. Here are some of the stories filtering in nationally:
  • Some problems have already cropped up in Virginia, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. One

Nor'easter Poised to Wallop NJ, NY Tomorrow

Wind gusts expected to hit 60mph could mean more power outages

(Newser) - That's it, Mother Nature: You're off New York and New Jersey's Christmas card lists. The National Weather Service is now warning that a brewing nor'easter could bring sustained winds of up to 40mph and gusts of up to 60mph to the storm-battered region, causing yet more...

Confusion Surrounds New Jersey's Email Vote

New Yorkers allowed to vote anywhere

(Newser) - The storm-battered people of New Jersey are the first large group of domestic voters to be allowed to vote by email , but the move is causing plenty of confusion, Politico finds. The state's top election official now says people who vote by email or fax will also need to...

In Face of Gas Woes, Great News at the Pump

Gas prices falling everywhere else, but crisis persists in worst-hit areas

(Newser) - More steps in the effort to ease the post-Hurricane Sandy fuel crisis: UPI reports that the EPA lifted clean diesel regulations in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and NYC area, allowing vehicles to use heating oil for emergency response purposes, while the Energy Department said it was working with the Pentagon...

What Election? Sandy Recovery Continues

Marines head to Staten Island, Queens

(Newser) - Sure, it's Election Day tomorrow—but to plenty of families still reeling from Sandy's effects, civic duty is a secondary concern, the Washington Post reports. "Everyone’s trying to live. They got kids. How’s anybody gonna go out and vote?" says a Manhattan school lunch helper....

Sandy Knocks Banks Back to Pre-Electric Era

Ledgers make a comeback in hard-hit areas

(Newser) - Superstorm Sandy has sent banks in some of the hardest-hit areas back to a level of technology their 19th-century customers would have been familiar with, the Wall Street Journal finds. Some of the hundreds of banks operating in New York and New Jersey have closed all their branches, but others...

Sandy Relief Concert Hauls in $23M

Springsteen, Bon Jovi & Co. rake in cash for storm victims

(Newser) - NBC says its star-studded benefit concert for Hurricane Sandy victims raised a hefty $23 million for Red Cross relief efforts, in an explosion of website and phone traffic that the Red Cross says topped telethon activity from the previous five years combined. The one-hour broadcast featured New Jersey sons...

2.5M Without Power as Cold Snap Looms

Superstorm Sandy recovery still patchy in NY, NJ

(Newser) - A million customers have regained electricity in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, but a cold snap is coming while 2.5 million homes and businesses remain in the dark, report Reuters and the New York Times . From today's stories:
  • All but roughly 5,800 people have power in Manhattan

Feds to Public: 1st Free Gas Isn't for You

Lights back on in most of Manhattan, not so elsewhere in region

(Newser) - A little bit of post-Sandy normalcy is creeping back into New York City and New Jersey, though some areas remain slammed:
  • Free gas: The US military is setting up free fuel-dispensing stations at five spots around New York City, with a 10-gallon limit per person, reports the New York Post

New Jersey Begins Gas Rationing Today

When you can get gas depends on your license plate number

(Newser) - Help may be on the way , but there's still nowhere near enough gas to around in New Jersey. As a result, drivers will have to check their license plates before filling up: It's gas-rationing time, a la the 1970s, reports . Starting today, drivers with license plates...

Military to Deliver 24M Gallons of Fuel

White House tries to stem crisis with emergency delivery

(Newser) - Facing political peril and a humanitarian crisis, the White House today approved the Defense Department to deliver 24 million gallons of fuel to the region pummeled by Superstorm Sandy, the New York Times reports. The Defense Department plans to coordinate with FEMA to resupply gas stations where lines seem endless...

Guns, Robbery, More Death: Sandy's Woes Mount

Toll rises to at least 90 in wake of superstorm

(Newser) - More sobering news on the superstorm Sandy front, from continuing power woes to rising death tolls to major frustration over gas shortages. The latest:
  • Officials yesterday reported that the death toll has jumped to at least 90, reports the Wall Street Journal . The AP puts faces to that number, recounting

Next Up: A Nor'easter Next Week?

Potential storm could bring nasty weather for Election Day

(Newser) - More good news for New Jersey and the coast: A nor'easter could be on its way next week, bringing more wind, rain, and possibly snow, the Star-Ledger reports. Fortunately, early forecasts suggest it won't be anything like Sandy: "If it does form, it’s going to be...

Video Shows Devastation of Jersey Shore

Seaside Heights in particular is devastated

(Newser) - Chris Christie called the damage to the Jersey Shore "unthinkable," and the video and photos emerging show what he means. CNN takes note of a video from GeoEye images with before-and-after photos from Seaside Heights, and AP rounds up the destruction here , including battered amusement parks and the...

2 Caribbean Women: NJ Senator Paid Us for Sex

Women point finger at Democrat Bob Menendez

(Newser) - Two women from the Dominican Republic tell the Daily Caller that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez gave them money in exchange for sex at a resort in that country this spring, in a report getting picked up by conservative blogs. In interviews given via translator, the two, who asked to...

Sandy&#39;s Death Toll Jumps to 72
 Sandy's Death Toll Jumps to 72 

Sandy's Death Toll Jumps to 72

6M still without power; New Jersey hardest hit

(Newser) - The death toll from Hurricane Sandy has spiked to at least 72 in eight states, the Wall Street Journal reports, a figure that is of course expected to rise as cleanup efforts continue. At least 30 of those deaths occurred in New York City, according to Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Most...

Christie, Obama Get Aerial View of Damage

President travels to New Jersey

(Newser) - President Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie surveyed the damage from Sandy by helicopter today, then traded praise afterward. “I want to let you know that your governor is working overtime,” Obama told people at a community center, reports the New York Times . Christie, who has been...

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