campaign contributions

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DeLay Verdict May Change Campaign Finance

Prosecutors expected to target corporate fundraising

(Newser) - Prosecutors—and politicians—around the country are paying close attention to Tom DeLay's conviction on money laundering charges . The former House majority leader was found guilty of funneling corporate cash to fellow Republicans, thereby violating Texas laws that ban companies from contributing to candidates' campaigns, and legal experts expect the...

'Morning Joe' Suspended Over Political Contributions

Scarborough gets two-day penalty after eight $500 donations

(Newser) - Move over, Keith. MSNBC's "Morning Joe" has been suspended for two days for making eight $500 contributions to political campaigns, Politico reports. Joe Scarborough reportedly gave the money to friends and family running in local races near his home in Pensacola. "I recognize that I have a responsibility...

Cuomo Raked in Millions From Special Interests

He did vow to 'take them on' during campaign

(Newser) - When Andrew Cuomo vowed to "take on" special interests in his race to be New York governor, what he didn't say is that he was taking them on as campaign partners. Records show Cuomo accepted millions from health care providers, real estate firms, lawyers, bankers, contractors, lobbyists and PepsiCo...

Olbermann Refused to Give On-Air Mea Culpa

Another reason MSNBC suspended him

(Newser) - Another reason behind Keith Olbermann's suspension: The Countdown anchor refused to apologize for his actions on-air, insisting that he didn't know any prohibitions on campaign donations existed, Mike Allen over at Politico posits. Olbermann is presently paid $7 million annually and holds a primetime MSNBC spot, but he may have...

Olbermann's Far From the Only Offender

Fox doesn't have rules against campaign donations; MSNBC requires permission

(Newser) - OK, so Keith Olbermann donated to three liberal candidates, and he shouldn't have: But the episode underscores exactly how common an occurrence political donations are in the realm of cable news. Politico takes its investigation a step further and finds that Olbermann is far from the only offender: Fox analysts...

Corporate Cash Won't Ruin American Democracy
Corporate Cash Won't Ruin American Democracy

Corporate Cash Won't Ruin American Democracy

Supreme Court's ruling on political spending matters less than thought

(Newser) - Barack Obama and many others would have you believe that the flood of corporate money that was unleashed after the "Citizens United" ruling will drown American democracy. But just how valid is all their moaning? Not very, writes the Economist in its Lexington column. Though special interests are spending...

Big Donors Bank on Boehner Over Pelosi

He's pulled in more than double her campaign donations

(Newser) - John Boehner stands a decent chance of being the next House speaker, and he's got some deep-pocketed friends trying to improve the odds. Boehner has pulled in $7.1 million for his campaign and leadership committees, way ahead of Nancy Pelosi's $2.9 million. And that's not counting another $2...

Crist's GOP Donors Still Fighting to Get Their Cash Back

Appeal ruling denying class-action status

(Newser) - Republicans who donated to see Charlie Crist become the next GOP senator from Florida are keeping up the fight to get their money back now that he's decided he wants to be the state's next independent senator. A lawyer for a pair of donors said today he'll appeal a court's...

Scott Brown Got Late Push From Wall Street

Financial firms poured $450,000 into his Senate campaign

(Newser) - In the 6 days before the special election for US senator from Massachusetts, employees of financial companies gave a whopping $450,000 to Scott Brown. The donations came just after President Obama proposed a fee on Wall Street’s biggest players to help pay back lost TARP funds. The influx...

Palin's PAC Chalks Up $1.4M
Palin's PAC
Chalks Up $1.4M

Palin's PAC Chalks Up $1.4M

Besides book, PAC bucks go to law firm, like-minded candidates

(Newser) - The $63,000 that went to buy up Sarah Palin's book was part of $1.4 million raised by her political action committee in the second half of 2009, documents show. Most of that was raised after Palin resigned as governor of Alaska. Another $65,000 was paid to an...

GOP Set to Cash In On Campaign Spending Ruling

Obama promises 'forceful response' to Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's decision to lift a ban on direct corporate campaign spending will be a bonanza for the Republicans and another blow to the Democrats ahead of this year's elections, analysts say. Business lobbies that had been persuaded to back President Obama's initiatives are now taking stock of the...

Will the Real Chris Dodd Please Stand Up?
Will the Real Chris Dodd Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Chris Dodd Please Stand Up?

Senator part populist, part bank ally

(Newser) - Chris Dodd is a man of contradictions, writes David Whitford for Fortune. The Democratic senator portrays himself as a populist; he’s passed consumer-protection and family-issues laws, and he staunchly opposed the bankruptcy bill. But he’s also received loads of cash from financial companies, including AIG, and played a...

Obama Gives Stanford Money to Charity
Obama Gives Stanford Money to Charity

Obama Gives Stanford Money to Charity

Alleged fraud artist donated to many pols, including McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama has donated the $4,600 in campaign contributions he received from R. Allen Stanford to charity, the LA Times reports. Obama is one of many politicians the alleged fraudster courted; another was John McCain, who promised yesterday that he too would return or donate the funds. Stanford was...

Google Will Have the President's Ear

Company may capitalize on the benefits of backing a winner

(Newser) - Google may be the company that needs to do the least searching for influence with the new president, reports the Los Angeles Times. The company was one of the biggest contributors to Barack Obama's candidacy, and four Google execs were on the transition team. The search giant's agenda—widening high-speed...

Obama Will Give Aunt Her Money Back

'Auntie Zeituni' found to be living illegally in US

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign will return donations made by his aunt, who was outed yesterday as an illegal resident in the US, the Washington Post reports. Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of the candidate’s late father, lives in a Boston public housing unit and gave $265 to her nephew’s...

Get the Most Bang for Your Activist Buck

(Newser) - There are a scant 27 days left to dedicate your blood, sweat, and tears to your candidate of choice. But some activists' moves are better than others. Christopher Beam runs down the best way to put your limited resources to good use in Slate: Got time to kill?
  1. Knock on

Goldman Sachs Is DC's Top Sugar Daddy
Goldman Sachs
Is DC's Top
Sugar Daddy

Goldman Sachs Is DC's Top Sugar Daddy

$43M since '89 on lobbying, donations greases bailout wheels

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs has given Washington plenty of reasons to help it out—43 million reasons, to be precise. Goldman bankers have been the nation’s biggest campaign contributors this year, and have poured more than $43 million into lobbying and campaign war chests since 1989, ABC News reports. “They...

The Long Island Rabbi Who Toppled Olmert

Close friend or just another donor, Talansky was key player in Israeli PM's downfall

(Newser) - Morris Talansky counted Ehud Olmet as a true friend, and he says his devotion was returned. The nature of the longstanding relationship between the Long Island rabbi and the Israeli prime minister varies according to who’s describing it, Steve Fishman writes in New York. But what everyone agrees on...

Obama Pulls in Record $66M in August

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised more than $66 million in August, besting his past fundraising record and pulling in the best monthly tally in US political history, says an aide. Topping February's $55 million, the take "demonstrates how the increasingly heated, nasty race has energized Obama's fundraising," writes Ben Smith...

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts
Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

'Nonresident contributors donate for expressive purposes,' study shows

(Newser) - Candidates running for Congress are increasingly using affluent ZIP codes outside their own districts as "political ATM machines" to fund their campaigns, a new study finds. In the majority of House races in 2004, almost three-quarters of contributions came from donors outside a lawmaker's district—often from Hollywood, Manhattan's...

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