
Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>

Porn Spammers Hit YouTube
 Porn Spammers Hit YouTube 

Porn Spammers Hit YouTube

(Newser) - YouTube removed hundreds of pornographic videos posted to the site today in a coordinated attack, the BBC reports. The offending files, uploaded under names such as the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana, started innocently enough before turning graphic. “I'm 12 years old and what is this?” went a comment...

Hackers Expose Holes in Air Traffic Safety

Vulnerabilities abound ahead of planned $20B FAA upgrade

(Newser) - Civilian air traffic computer networks are riddled with security holes, and hackers have breached them several times in the past few years, the Wall Street Journal reports. Intruders could gain access to operational systems by first hacking into administrative areas using 763 separate “high risk” holes in those systems,...

Hackers Cook Time's Most- Influential Poll; Mag Shrugs

(Newser) - The results of Time’s online “world’s most influential person” poll have fallen victim to shenanigans, TechCrunch reports. Moot, leader of the devious web forum 4Chan, sits atop Time’s leaderboard, above Barack Obama and other usual suspects. And the first letters of the top 20 spell out...

Prez's Pimped-Out BlackBerry Nearly Ready

The NSA begins final tests on encryption software this month

(Newser) - President Obama’s super-secure, high-powered new BlackBerry could soon get the thumbs-up from the National Security Agency, which is about to begin final tests on its encryption software. The president could be texting, emailing, calling and Facebooking other high-security personnel—like Michelle O.—within months, the Washington Times reports,...

Pentagon to Create New Cyber Command

Four-star general will lead efforts to fight digital attacks

(Newser) - The Obama administration is about to create a new military command to bolster American offensive powers in cyberwarfare and to coordinate defenses against digital attacks, reports the Wall Street Journal. A four-star general will lead the new command, which will have responsibility for protecting the country from attacks by hackers,...

Hackers Bidding 5 Figures for Old Phone Raises Eyebrows

(Newser) - Phonemaker Nokia is flummoxed as to why hackers are offering more than $32,000 in underground forums for old handsets, NetworkWorld reports—though bank fraud is a distinct possibility. “We have not identified any phone software problem that would allow” misuse, the company said. But a 2003 model manufactured...

Cyberspies Steal Pentagon's Jet-Fighter Plans

Hackers, possibly Chinese, download specs for Joint Strike Fighter

(Newser) - Cyberspies believed to be working from China repeatedly penetrated the computers of one of the Pentagon's most important weapons programs, reports the Wall Street Journal. Hackers broke into the system for the Joint Strike Fighter Project—the Defense Department's most expensive program ever at $300 billion—and downloaded several terabytes...

US Seeks 'Ethical Hackers' to Combat Cyber Threats

(Newser) - To combat the rising threat of attack on the nation’s computer networks, the US government is turning to the dark side for help, the AP reports. A call has gone out for so-called “ethical hackers” who “think like the bad guy” to work with Homeland Security to...

McCartney's Web Site Hacked
 McCartney's Web Site Hacked 

McCartney's Web Site Hacked

Malware allowed hacker access to fans' computer data

(Newser) - Paul McCartney's official web site was infected with malware that allowed hackers to access computer data of fans who logged on, reports the Telegraph. An internet security surveillance firm spotted the LuckySpoilt invasion early this week and purged the site. It's unclear how many users may have been affected. Hits...

Conficker Worm Threat Lingers
 Conficker Worm Threat Lingers 

Conficker Worm Threat Lingers

27 tech giants have banded together to fight it

(Newser) - April Fools’ Day passed without major incident, but the Conficker computer worm is still contacting 500 websites daily from millions of infected computers, reports PC World. A conglomerate of 27 tech heavyweights—including Microsoft, Facebook, and AOL—have managed to limit the peer-to-peer worm’s communicability. But Conficker is still...

Hackers Breach Monster.com

4.5M compromised in UK; jobs site unsure how many of 75M worldwide may be affected

(Newser) - Hackers have illegally accessed Monster.com and stolen personal details from an uncertain number of its 75 million users, Bloomberg reports. The hackers snatched user IDs, passwords, contact information and more, though resumes weren’t accessed. Users should be on the lookout for bogus e-mails that appear to come from...

New App Helps Users Unlock iPhone
New App
Helps Users Unlock iPhone

New App Helps Users Unlock iPhone

It's now pretty easy for those who want to shed AT&T

(Newser) - Got that shiny new iPhone 3G for Christmas but don’t want to bail on your non-AT&T service plan? A new application to unlock the iPhone 3G is here, PC World reports. At this point, "even a cat" can get the trick done. Yes, there's always a chance...

Malware Hijacks Obama Emails
 Malware Hijacks Obama Emails 

Malware Hijacks Obama Emails

Spammers launch massive 'Obama Trojan' malware campaign to capitalize on victory

(Newser) - Malicious hijackers have hitched a ride on the Barack Obama bandwagon, ChannelWeb reports. "Obama Trojan" emails offer a link to an amazing Obama speech or election results, but when the link is opened, it infects computers with malware that sends the user's personal data to a command center and...

Microsoft Releases Emergency Security Patch

Unplanned patch addresses critical weakness

(Newser) - Microsoft has discovered a Windows security vulnerability dangerous enough that it's released an “out-of-cycle” security patch for the first time since April 2007, reports the Tech Herald. The weakness could allow a computer worm to spread malware around networks.

Hackers Hit Sarko's Bank Account

The timing isn't great for leader calling for financial system overhauls

(Newser) - Small amounts of money began disappearing from Nicolas Sarkozy's bank account in September, and prosecutors now confirm that an ongoing investigation has not yet identified the "swindlers." The hackers are thought to have obtained the French prez's account information and password, reports the Telegraph. The theft comes at...

Al-Qaeda's Top Web Sites Disappear
Al-Qaeda's Top Web Sites Disappear

Al-Qaeda's Top Web Sites Disappear

Militants experiencing technical difficulties since hacker attack

(Newser) - All but one of al-Qaeda’s main message boards have disappeared, the Washington Post reports, and militants seem unable to get them back online. All five major al-Qaeda portals went down September 10, putting the kibosh on the group’s much-hyped Sept. 11 anniversary video. Only one of the sites...

Hackers Breach Palin's Email

(Newser) - Hackers broke into the Yahoo! email account that Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska's governor and posted some content on the Internet. The group Anonymous claimed credit but did not explain its motives. The FBI and Secret Service are investigating. Palin has taken criticism for using private email...

'Biohackers' Push DIY Science in the Basement

Movement aims to capitalize on American passion for invention

(Newser) - Just as individual computer experts can create new programs and technological movements from home, a new generation of scientists wants to make do-it-yourself biology a household activity. Sessions such as those teaching laypeople how to extract DNA show "how much science can be about duct tape and having a...

Hacker Cops to Role in $400M ID-Theft Ring

Stealing data from Barnes & Noble, BJ's could mean 30 years

(Newser) - A 23-year-old man with an eighth-grade education pleaded guilty yesterday to a role in stealing more than $400 million via identity theft, the Boston Globe reports. Damon Patrick Tooey was part of an 11-man ring, with members from China to the Ukraine, which brought laptops into retail stores like Barnes...

Cyber Attack on Georgia Preceded Russian Tanks

Hackers brought down government websites

(Newser) - Russian hackers targeted Georgia’s online infrastructure weeks before the ground invasion began, the New York Times reports. Some experts say attempts to deface and overload Georgian websites began as early as July 20, though exactly who is responsible remains unclear. The Georgian government has pinned the rash of cyberwarfare...

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