
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Visa Dumps Processor After 1.5M Numbers Breached

Customer names, Social Security numbers reportedly safe

(Newser) - Visa has made credit card processor Global Payments persona non grata after some 1.5 million numbers were breached in a massive hack announced Friday , and the New York Times notes that the figure could be as high as 3 million. Global Payments has been removed from Visa's list...

Internet Protectors Brace for Anonymous Attack

Today's the day, though the betting is nothing will happen

(Newser) - If the Internet today reverts back to speeds of the dial-up days, there might be an explanation: Last month, Anonymous threatened to go after its backbone, the Domain Name System, on March 31, reports the New York Times . It's probably a safe bet that nothing much will happen, but...

FBI: The Hackers Are Winning
 FBI: The Hackers Are Winning 

FBI: The Hackers Are Winning

US companies failing to fend off intruders

(Newser) - If US businesses are in a war with computer hackers, the FBI's top cyber cop has bad news: "We're not winning." In an interview with the Wall Street Journal , Shawn Henry, who is leaving the bureau for a private cybersecurity gig, says the nation's current...

ScarJo Hacker Pleads Guilty
 ScarJo Hacker 
 Pleads Guilty 

ScarJo Hacker Pleads Guilty

Christopher Chaney also hacked Christina Aguilera, Mila Kunis

(Newser) - The man responsible for bringing naked photos of Scarlett Johansson to the World Wide Web has pleaded guilty to nine felonies, including unauthorized access to a computer and wiretapping, reports TMZ . Christopher Chaney, 35, also accessed email accounts belonging to Mila Kunis and Christina Aguilera, and had forwarded other, less...

Anonymous&#39; Latest Target: Pope
 Anonymous' Latest Target: Pope

Anonymous' Latest Target: Pope

Websites attacked to protest 'political' visit

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI begins a trip to Mexico and Cuba today, but Mexicans searching for information about his visit may find Anonymous standing in the way. The Mexican branch of the hacking collective has crashed at least two websites for the papal visit, claiming that the visit is a political...

LulzSec Leader Was Really, Really Eager to Help FBI

'Sabu' readily joined feds, pulled all- nighters for them

(Newser) - LulzSec leader Sabu didn't need to be asked twice to partner with the FBI. When the feds arrested him last June, Hector Xavier Monsegur immediately agreed to work for them, court papers show. He pulled all-nighters to help the government track down fellow top members of hacking groups LulzSec...

Hackers Crash Vatican Website

Italian branch of Anonymous takes credit

(Newser) - Hackers infiltrated the official website of the Vatican today and crashed it, and the culprits were an Italian branch of Anonymous, reports Reuters . According to a statement on group's Italian site, the hackers targeted the Vatican because of the Catholic Church's extensive history of "corruption." The...

LulzSec Hackers Nabbed, Thanks to Own Leader

Hector Xavier Monsegur turned witness after the FBI got him

(Newser) - In a twist that sounds custom-made for the movies, agents in the US and UK arrested three LulzSec hackers this morning—thanks to information dished out by their very own leader. Fox News reports that Hector Xavier Monsegur, aka Sabu, turned FBI witness in June after the bureau tracked him...

25 Anonymous Hackers Busted in 4 Countries: Cops

Interpol targets group's Latin American operations

(Newser) - Some 25 suspected members of the Anonymous hacking collective have been arrested in Europe and South America, according to Interpol. The international police agency says 250 items of IT equipment were seized in raids in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain, the BBC reports. The suspects—including "Pacotron," the...

Google Offers Hackers $1M to Find Chrome Bugs

Challenge issued ahead of security conference

(Newser) - Google is challenging hackers to find holes in its Chrome browser—with a sweetener. The company is offering a total of $1 million in prizes to people who can find bugs or vulnerabilities in Chrome at next week's CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, reports Wired . Hackers stand to win...

Anonymous Could Shutter Power Grid: NSA Honcho

Ability to launch attack is still a few years off, though

(Newser) - Hacking collective Anonymous has taken on the FBI and the CIA , among others—and soon the group could be making its presence known in your living room. The National Security Agency director warns that within the next one to two years, Anonymous could launch a cyberattack that results in a...

Anonymous Hits CIA, Alabama Websites

Hackers seek revenge for state's crackdown on immigrants

(Newser) - It's been another busy Friday for the hackers of Anonymous: They're claiming credit for taking down the CIA website (again) and for hacking into police and government websites in Alabama, reports CNN . The hackers say they stole the personal information of 46,000 people, with the city of...

Hacker Releases Symantec Code After Extortion Fails

Anonymous-linked hacker tried to extort $50K from antivirus firm

(Newser) - A hacker has made good on a threat to release the source code for Symantec's pcAnywhere tool after failing to extort $50,000 from the antivirus company. The release raises fears that other hackers could find security holes in the product, but Symantec says it was prepared for the...

Anonymous Leaks Oakland Officials' Personal Data

Hackers angry over Occupy crackdown

(Newser) - Hackers operating under the "Anonymous" banner have posted the home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and even birthdays of several top Oakland officials online, in retaliation for what they see as brutality against Occupy protesters . The mayor, police chief, city council, and city administrator were among those targeted, KGO...

Hacked Home Security Cams Link to Bedroom Scenes

Web users accessing Trendnet cams without passwords

(Newser) - Feeds from an extensive network of home security cameras have been breached, and videos, including scenes from children's bedrooms, are being watched and linked to online. "Someone caught a guy getting naked in Denmark," noted one blogger. Another remarked: "Baby spotted. I feel like a pedophile...

Anonymous Taps FBI Call
 Anonymous Taps FBI Call 

Anonymous Taps FBI Call

Hack indicates that hackers have access to bureau's email

(Newser) - Anonymous thumbed its nose at the FBI today, posting a 16-minute recording of a recent conference call between its cybercrime investigators and their counterparts at Scotland Yard. The conversation isn't heavy on revelations or details, but the fact that Anonymous released it indicates that the hackers have access to...

Hackers Hit Internet Giant VeriSign

Firm is responsible for delivering people to more than half of all websites

(Newser) - Hackers managed to break into the servers of a crucial web company responsible for delivering users to more than half the websites in the world. VeriSign doesn't believe the attackers infiltrated its Domain Name System network—which is responsible for directing traffic to .com, .net, and .gov addresses on...

Senator's Twitter Feed Hacked—by Anonymous?

Hacker posted anti-SOPA tweet on Chuck Grassley's feed

(Newser) - In answer to a Twitter query about who Anonymous should hack next: Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley had his Twitter feed hacked with an anti-SOPA message today, Gizmodo reports. The first hacked tweet: "Dear Iowans, vote against ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA, because this man, Chuck Grassley, wants YOUR internet censored...

Online Hacking Group 'Anonymous' Deletes CBS Website, Takes Down Universal Music Site
 Anonymous Deletes CBS Site 

Anonymous Deletes CBS Site

Hackers also take down Universal Music again

(Newser) - Those pesky online pirates known as Anonymous struck again today, knocking CBS.com offline for "a good period of time" and deleting all of its files, Gizmodo reports. Unlike earlier strikes this week against the Justice Department and the Motion Picture Association of America, the hackers actually deleted everything,...

Is India Spying on US With Help From RIM, Apple?

Leaked memo from India’s Military Intelligence suggests so

(Newser) - An internal memo from India’s Military Intelligence posted online by hackers contains some disturbing allegations: It claims RIM, Nokia, and Apple provided the Indian government with backdoor access to their mobile devices in exchange for "Indian market presence." The story was initially picked up by Manan Kakkar,...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>