
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

No. 2 Health Insurer Anthem Suffers Historic Hack

'10s of millions' of Anthem customers have details stolen

(Newser) - In what is believed to be the biggest-ever health care data breach and one of the biggest data breaches anywhere, Anthem says hackers may have stolen the details of tens of millions of customers. The company—America's second-biggest health insurer—says hackers broke into a database that held the...

Taylor Swift: Good Luck Finding Nude Pics, Hackers

Singer's Twitter account gets hacked

(Newser) - Apparently there is at least one celebrity who doesn't take nude pictures: Taylor Swift. Her social media accounts were hacked yesterday by the Lizard Squad, a group that's claimed responsibility for a number of other recent cyberattacks . The group threatened to release nude photos of Swift, but she...

Hackers Hit Malaysia Air: '404 - Plane Not Found'

'Lizard Squad' says it swiped passenger data, 'ISIS will prevail'

(Newser) - A hacker group that's claimed responsibility for PlayStation and Xbox network outages in recent months has hit a new target. Hackers claiming to be from "cyber caliphate" Lizard Squad took over Malaysia Airlines' website for at least seven hours today, replacing the homepage with an image of a...

Hackers: We Brought Down Xbox, PlayStation Services

Gamers frustrated by Christmas outages

(Newser) - Thousands of people who got new Xboxes or PlayStations for Christmas were left frustrated yesterday as both networks suffered major disruptions. The problems began Christmas Eve and persisted through the next day, with Microsoft and Sony telling users they were aware of the issues and were doing their best to...

Obama: Hack Was 'Cyber Vandalism,' Not 'Act of War'

Says US reviewing whether N. Korea should be returned to state terror list

(Newser) - With the FBI confirming that North Korea was behind the Sony hack , President Obama tells CNN in an interview airing today that "it was an act of cyber vandalism that was very costly, very expensive," not "an act of war." Nevertheless, he says that the US...

Sony Hack Suspects Send FBI a Video: 'You Are an Idiot'

Studio says it's looking at alternatives for releasing The Interview

(Newser) - The hackers allegedly behind the hack of Sony Pictures are congratulating the FBI on its work and offering the bureau a "Christmas gift." "The result of investigation by FBI is so excellent that you might have seen what we were doing with your own eyes," a...

North Korea Demands Joint Hack Inquiry With US

... or else

(Newser) - North Korea swears it had nothing to do with the hack of Sony no matter what President Obama or the FBI thinks, and it has now called for a joint investigation with the US, reports Reuters . But it did so in typical North Korean fashion: "Without resorting to such...

Sony CEO: 'We Have Not Backed Down'

Michael Lynton suggests Obama isn't clear on what happened

(Newser) - Sony is bristling at President Obama's view that the company "made a mistake" in canceling next week's release of a movie after hackers' threats. "We have not backed down," CEO Michael Lynton tells Fareed Zakaria of CNN . "The president, the press, and the public...

FBI: Yes, It Was North Korea
 FBI: Yes, It Was North Korea 

FBI: Yes, It Was North Korea

Agency links Pyongyang to Sony hack

(Newser) - The FBI today formally blamed North Korea for the massive Sony Pictures hack, reports NBC News . The bureau says its investigation turned up "links to other malware that the FBI knows North Korea actors previously developed," reports the Washington Post . North Korea's moves "were intended to...

What the Hackers Have Done to Hollywood
 What the Hackers 
 Have Done to Hollywood 

What the Hackers Have Done to Hollywood

Given it a reason to stick to 'more predictable fare'

(Newser) - We already know what Mitt Romney thinks Sony should do about The Interview (release it online for free). What do other people think? Pundits are weighing in:
  • At the Verge , Bryan Bishop is with Romney, mostly. He wants to see it put online, stat. "Take the threat of attacking

US Investigators Pin Sony Hack on North Korea

Multiple reports says US is ready to blame Pyongyang

(Newser) - It was North Korea. Or at least that's what federal investigators looking into the massive hack of Sony Pictures have concluded, reports NBC News . The AP and CNN have the same scoop, with the latter saying that a formal announcement could come tomorrow. All of the reports are based...

Sony Hackers' 'Christmas Gift': Eerie 9/11 Threat

'Guardians of Peace' have decidedly unpeaceful threats for 'Interview' premiere

(Newser) - The so-called Guardians of Peace have apparently released the beginning of their promised and also so-called "Christmas gift," and it consists of the personal emails of Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton and a dark threat for anyone with plans to go see the Christmas release of The Interview....

Ex-Employees Sue Sony
 Ex-Employees Sue Sony 

Ex-Employees Sue Sony

Class-action lawsuit hits entertainment giant for failing to protect data

(Newser) - The hits just keep coming for Sony Pictures Entertainment: In the wake of threatening legal action against media outlets who publish data from the November hack, the entertainment giant is now being sued itself—by two former employees, for not protecting their data. As the Los Angeles Times reports, the...

Sony to Media: Stop Using Hacked Documents

Studio threatens legal action over 'stolen information'

(Newser) - Sony is calling on news organizations to stop publishing the mountain of information coming out of hackers' breach of company data. After the emergence of material ranging from Hollywood pay to personal attacks on Angelina Jolie , a letter to the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Gawker, and other media...

Sony Hackers Vow 'Christmas Gift,' Swiped 007 Script

Plus, much more from Amy Pascal's email archive

(Newser) - The Sony hackers apparently also stole an early version of the script to the latest Bond movie, titled Sceptre, according to the BBC , and the movie's producers say in a statement they're "concerned that third parties who have received the stolen screenplay may seek to publish it...

North Korea: Sony Hack 'Righteous,' But Not Ours

Pyongyang not amused with being blamed by 'South Korea puppet group'

(Newser) - North Korea had nothing to do with the massive hack on Sony, thank you very much, but Pyongyang is totally down with whoever did the deed: In a long-on-drama statement to state-run KCNA , a government spokesman says that the Sony hit "might be a righteous deed of the supporters...

Email Threatens Lives of Sony Workers' Families

FBI is investigating

(Newser) - Whoever hacked Sony late last month has been releasing sensitive information about the company and its employees, including salaries and Social Security numbers. But things took a scarier turn yesterday when employees got an email threatening the lives of their families, reports Variety . The message in broken English asks the...

Did North Korea Hack Sony Over a Seth Rogen Film?

Country has pledged 'retaliation' if 'The Interview' is released

(Newser) - Sony Pictures was recently hacked, and investigators are looking into whether North Korea might have had something to do with it, insiders tell Re/code . The country has expressed outrage over an upcoming movie starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, which features the pair trying to assassinate Kim Jong Un. North...

'Almost Peerless' New Malware in Use Since 2008

Source of Regin is unclear, says Symantec

(Newser) - The same Symantec researchers who tracked down the Stuxnet worm four years ago have discovered another potent piece of malware, Re/code reports. The Trojan program is called Regin, and it offers "a powerful framework for mass surveillance," Symantec says in a blog post that calls out "a...

Latest Federal Hacking Victim: State Department

Senior officials say unclassified email, public websites shut down for fixes

(Newser) - The good news: The hackers that recently accessed the State Department's computer networks got their hands on unclassified information only. The slightly more worrisome news: The State Department is the fourth federal agency to fall prey to computer security breaches over the past couple of months, joining the White...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>