Jimmy Carter

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Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President
 Jimmy Carter,
 Rogue Ex-President 

Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President

Carter's ideas and initiatives, slammed by old guard, resonate with youth

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter does things his own way, pursuing peace initiatives in the Middle East and South America whether Washington likes it or not, and generally redefining what it means to be an ex-president. So it’s no wonder “his mind-set and his policies seem to jibe so well with...

Admit It: Carter Was 100% Right
Admit It:
Carter Was
100% Right

Admit It: Carter Was 100% Right

Energy conservation sounds like a pretty good idea about now

(Newser) - “Misunderstood, mocked and maligned” though he was, Jimmy Carter was exactly right about our energy problems and their solutions, Joseph Wheelan writes in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Way back in 1979, "Carter outlined a program for achieving energy independence." In 2008, "It turns out that Carter was...

Like the Gipper, Obama Need Only Look Decent to Win

Pat Buchanan mocks tack to center, but says Dem is on the right track to victory

(Newser) - The campaign most comparable to today's, Pat Buchanan writes on Real Clear Politics, is 1980's, with John McCain playing the part of Jimmy Carter—and Barack Obama, like Ronald Reagan, in pole position and needing only to look reasonable to win the White House. Just as Reagan shook his right-wing...

Carter to Endorse Obama
 Carter to Endorse Obama 

Carter to Endorse Obama

Former president will make it official when polls close tonight

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter will endorse Barack Obama when the polls close tonight in South Dakota and Montana, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Carter will be among a slew of big-name superdelegates officially giving their blessing to Obama today, the last day of the primary season. In fact, the AP reports that Obama...

'Celebrity of Power' Lured McCain From Navy to Capitol

'Smitten' Republican passed up chance for admiral's star that was family tradition

(Newser) - When Capt. John McCain turned down a chance to be admiral in 1981, deciding to run for Congress instead, he’d spent four years as the Navy’s Senate liaison, developing an appetite for what one observer called “the glamor of … political combat.” The New York Times ...

Obama Pledges Support for Israel to Fla. Jews

Seeks support in Jewish community

(Newser) - Barack Obama sought to quell skepticism about him in the Jewish community yesterday by addressing a tough audience of older Jewish voters in a Conservative synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida. He asked the audience not to judge him by his 'funny name' or his skin color, to ignore the erroneous...

Carter Aide Hamilton Jordan Dead at 63
Carter Aide Hamilton Jordan Dead at 63

Carter Aide Hamilton Jordan Dead at 63

Architect of Carter's White House run succumbs to cancer

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter's former chief of staff, Hamilton Jordan, has died at the age of 63 after battling cancer for more than 20 years, AP reports. Jordan was at the core of Carter's "Georgia Mafia," and helped propel the Democrat into the White House in 1976. "He was...

Carter: Rice Is Fibbing, Didn't Nix Hamas Meet

Secretary of state and former president at odds over warnings

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter continued a war of words with Condoleezza Rice today over whether he was officially warned against meeting with Hamas leaders last week—insisting through reps that, “perhaps inadvertently, she is continuing to make a statement that is not true.” The Secretary of State said yesterday a...

Rice Refutes Carter, Says US Advised Against Trip

She clarifies opposition to Hamas meeting

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice says the US explicitly advised Jimmy Carter not to meet with Hamas, refuting claims by the former president that no one in the government told him to scrap the trip, the Washington Post reports. "I just don't want there to be any confusion," Rice said. "...

Hamas Would Accept Peace With Israel: Carter

Militant faction would follow Abbas-led deal if put to vote

(Newser) - Hamas would accept a peace deal brokered by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas if  Palestinian voters favored the agreement, Jimmy Carter said after talks with a Hamas leader in Damascus. "There's no doubt that both the Arab world and the Palestinians, including Hamas, will accept Israel's right to live in...

Carter Meets With Hamas Chief

Ex-president draws widespread criticism for talks with Palestinian group

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter met today with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal despite protests from the US State Department and the Israeli government. A Hamas deputy told the AP the agenda would include strategies to calm tensions between Israel and Hamas, as well as the fate of a kidnapped Israeli soldier. Carter has...

Carter Meets With Former Hamas Minister

Ex-prez defies Israel, Bush, and lays wreath on Arafat's grave

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter traveled to the West Bank today to meet a former Hamas minister, ignoring strenuous objections by Israeli leaders. Carter also laid a wreath on Yasser Arafat’s tomb, a customary gesture of respect President Bush pointedly avoided on his last visit, Reuters reports.

Israel Won't Help Protect Carter
Israel Won't Help Protect Carter

Israel Won't Help Protect Carter

Stonewalling by Olmert's security force 'unprecedented' breach: Secret Service

(Newser) - Israeli leaders won’t meet with Jimmy Carter, and Israeli security won’t help protect him on his trip through the country, Reuters reports. As Israel’s Shin Bet and the Secret Service sparred over whether the Americans asked for help, a source called the security snub “unprecedented.”...

Bill's Bills Cost US a Record $8M

Clinton costs twice as much as Carter

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is costing taxpayers significantly more in publicly funded perks than the two other surviving former presidents, reports Politico. From 2001 through the end of this year, $8 million will be spent on Bill Clinton, compared with $5.5 million for George H. W. Bush and $4 million for...

Carter to Meet Hamas Leader Despite White House Policy

State Dept. 'counseled against' Syrian trip

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter plans to visit leaders of Palestinian extremist group Hamas in Syria next week despite warnings by the State Department that the rendezvous violates the Bush administration’s policy of isolating terrorist organizations, Reuters reports. Carter has scheduled talks with Khaled Meshaal, who heads Hamas’ Syrian branch and claims...

Nepal Set to Abolish 240-Year-Old Monarchy

Voters out in droves for first election in 9 years

(Newser) - Voting is under way in Nepal's parliamentary elections, where citizens of the Himalayan nation are expected to endorse parties that will oust the 240-year-old monarchy, reports AFP. UN observers have commended a high turnout despite eight deaths in protests ahead of today's polling, the centerpiece of a peace deal between...

Carter Closer to Backing Obama
 Carter Closer to Backing Obama 

Carter Closer to Backing Obama

Former president, superdelegate coy in dangling endorsement

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter all but endorsed Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential nominee, Reuters reports. His home state of Georgia went to Obama, Carter reminded a Nigerian newspaper, and his children and their families support the Illinois senator. "As a superdelegate,” he continued, “I would not disclose who...

Jimmy Carter: President, Activist... Woodworker?

His homemade pieces fetch big dollars

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter’s built a pretty good post-presidential resume, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, monitoring elections, and working tirelessly for his Carter Foundation charity. But Carter has a quieter passion, the Wall Street Journal reports: He’s an accomplished woodworker. Tonight, Carter is auctioning off his latest piece, a 6-foot...

Liberal Baptists Meet With Focus on Unity

Conservative SBC group absent from Carter-led gathering

(Newser) - Organized by Jimmy Carter and other leaders, thousands of Baptists begin a three-day meeting in Atlanta today to show that the denomination encompasses a broad range of viewpoints and can work together despite differences. Social issues are a focus, the Christian Science Monitor reports, though leaders of the conservative Southern...

Carter Backs Obama, Almost
Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Ex-president won't endorse, but calls senator 'extraordinary and titillating'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter came tantalizingly close to endorsing Barack Obama in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, calling the Illinois senator's campaign "extraordinary and titillating for me and my family." While he's officially neutral, the former president and Nobel Prize winner heaped praise on Obama, predicting that he...

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