Jimmy Carter

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Jimmy Carter Lands in Cuba
 Jimmy Carter Lands in Cuba 

Jimmy Carter Lands in Cuba

He may push for release of American prisoner

(Newser) - In a bid to thaw tense US-Cuba relations, former President Jimmy Carter arrived in Cuba today for a three-day stay. Carter was invited by the Cuban government and will meet with President Raul Castro; the Carter Center calls the trip a "private, nongovernmental mission." But Politico notes that...

Jimmy Carter: It's Time for Direct Talks With N. Korea

Pyongyang keeps sending us the same message

(Newser) - Time after time, North Korea has relayed the same message: if the US will hold direct talks with Pyongyang, North Korea is “ready to conclude an agreement to end its nuclear programs, put them all under IAEA inspection and conclude a permanent peace treaty,” writes Jimmy Carter in...

Jimmy Carter Will Remain in Hospital

He cancels scheduled book signings

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter will stay in the hospital a second night for observation . Carter, who is promoting his book White House Diary, canceled all events scheduled for today. He was hospitalized yesterday after developing an upset stomach during a flight to Cleveland. A woman who saw him tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

Jimmy Carter Hospitalized

 Jimmy Carter 
maybe just air sickness

Jimmy Carter Hospitalized

He falls ill on flight to Cleveland

(Newser) - Looks like nothing more serious than a case of air sickness for Jimmy Carter: The former president, just days shy of his 86th birthday, was taken to a hospital in Cleveland today immediately after his plane touched down, reports WOIO . Carter "developed an upset stomach" during the flight and...

Carter's Big Health Care Villain: Ted Kennedy

Former president blasts his former political rival in interview, book

(Newser) - For a man with the Nobel Peace Prize on his mantel, Jimmy Carter sure can hold a grudge. In an interview with 60 Minutes airing Sunday, he goes after Ted Kennedy—who challenged the incumbent president for the Democratic nomination in 1980—on two fronts, reports the Boston Globe :
  • Health

North Korea Is Talking: Let's Listen
 North Korea 
 Is Talking: 
 Let's Listen 

jimmy carter

North Korea Is Talking: Let's Listen

Pyongyang sending 'strong signals' it wants to deal

(Newser) - Now that he's back from North Korea, Jimmy Carter says Kim Jong Il is showing "clear, strong signals" that he's ready to deal (again) on his nuclear arsenal. Kim delivered the same message to Beijing, writes Carter, which is why China is pushing for the resumption of six-party talks....

Put Jimmy Carter's Solar Panels Back on White House

Obama can make an important symbolic gesture

(Newser) - A group of environmentalists has spent the past week carting a relic back to the White House—one of the solar panels Jimmy Carter installed on the roof in 1979. And President Obama should stick it back up there, along with more modern ones, as an important public gesture—and...

Freed American Arrives Home From N. Korea

Carter Mum on Kim Jong-Il meeting

(Newser) - The American citizen sentenced to hard labor by North Korea and then freed with the help of Jimmy Carter (click here ) arrived back in the US today, CNN reports. Aijalon Mahil Gomes took a private plane back with the ex-president, meeting his family on the runway of Boston's Logan...

Jimmy Carter Flying Home With Freed American
 Jimmy Carter Frees American 

Jimmy Carter Frees American

Pyongyang mission a success

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter's mission to Pyongyang has been a success. The former president flew out of North Korea today with Aijalon Mahil Gomes after securing the American citizen's release yesterday, the AP reports. Kim Jong Il released Gomes at the request of Carter, who was traveling as a private citizen, said...

Report: Kim Jong-Il Goes to China
 Kim Jong-Il 
 Goes to China 

Report: Kim Jong-Il Goes to China

Leaving Jimmy Carter in the lurch

(Newser) - On Day 2 of the Jimmy Carter rescue mission to North Korea, there is still no sign that jailed American Aijalon Gomes will be freed ... and no sign of Kim Jong-Il, for that matter. The Dear Leader reportedly took a jaunt to China with his son. Teachers in a northeastern...

Jimmy Carter Headed to N. Korea to Free American

Ex-president might just go 'off the reservation' again

(Newser) - Another August, another white-haired ex-president heads off to North Korea to collect an American prisoner, reports Foreign Policy. This time it's Jimmy Carter, who has reportedly decided to travel—as a private citizen, so as not to undermine White House policy toward the Hermit Kingdom—to Pyongyang to negotiate the...

Righty Bloggers Pick 25 Worst Americans

Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, and FDR take top spots

(Newser) - Ask 43 conservative bloggers to name the worst Americans of all time, as Right Wing News did, and the results aren't kind to Jimmy Carter. The top 5:
  1. Jimmy Carter
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  4. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
  5. (tie) Woodrow Wilson, Benedict Arnold

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help
 Democrats, Blaming 
 This Guy Won't Help 

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help

Angry voters are going to blame the guy in charge

(Newser) - President Obama and Democrats are harping on a new theme as the midterm elections approach: voting for Republicans is the same as voting for a return of the ruinous policies of George W. Bush. They're wasting their breath, writes Steve Kornacki for Salon . Democrats will get trounced no matter what...

If History Is a Guide, McChrystal Is Gone

Generals who question presidents often get the boot

(Newser) - If you're placing bets on whether Stanley McChrystal will be out of a job tomorrow, history suggests he'll be fired. NPR rounds up examples:
  • Abraham Lincoln: He finally had to relieve George McClellan of his duties because the general refused again and again orders to attack. McClellan also called Lincoln

Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

peggy noonan

Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

The president's 'mystique' is suffering

(Newser) - Bad news for President Obama: "He's starting to look snakebit," writes Peggy Noonan, who sees similarities in the plight of Jimmy Carter. It's not Obama's fault the oil rig blew, just as it wasn't Carter's fault that Americans got kidnapped in Iran. No matter. Carter botched the handling...

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'
 Democrats, Snap Out 
 of Your 'Malaise' 
EJ dionne

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'

They've accomplished much but are losing all the arguments

(Newser) - EJ Dionne raises the dreaded specter of "malaise" afflicting Democrats, with a quick qualification: "President Obama is not Jimmy Carter, not even close," he writes in the Washington Post . His speech was "good and sensible" but not a "home run." And that's Dionne's point—...

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter
Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

President can learn from his forebears for his speech tonight

(Newser) - Expectations are running high for President Obama's Oval Office speech tonight. James Fallows of the Atlantic proposes three presidential examples with which to evaluate it:
  • Himself: Obama has proven he knows how to use a big speech to "shift political momentum" and introduce long-term thinking about a policy problem.

Jimmy Carter's Grandson Wins Ga. Senate Race

Jason brings Carter name back to Georgia politics

(Newser) - The Carter name is back in Georgia politics for the first time since the '70s. Jason Carter, grandson of Jimmy Carter, was elected to the State Senate for a suburban Atlanta seat in a special election to fill the seat vacated when David Edelman was appointed US ambassador to Singapore....

Latest ‘Miss Me Yet' Billboard: Jimmy Carter

'We need a good laugh after the theft of our liberty'

(Newser) - Following on the heels of the mysterious billboard with a photo of George W. Bush and the caption “Miss Me Yet?”, a blog unfriendly to President Obama’s expansive spending—and his health-reform plan, in particular—is claiming credit for a new one, this featuring Jimmy Carter. “We...

A History of Political Cussing
 A History of Political Cussing 
it's not just you, joe

A History of Political Cussing

Joe Biden will go down in history with these other respected figures

(Newser) - Quite a big deal has been made over Joe Biden dropping the F-bomb . “But America has a long and honorable tradition of top elected officials using salty language,” writes John Dickerson on Slate . Allow him to educate you:
  • Barack Obama: Famously called Kanye West a “jackass.”

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