Netflix is in cost-cutting mode after a drop in subscribers, and one of the early casualties is Pearl, an animated series created by Meghan Markle. The show about a 12-year-old girl inspired by extraordinary women from history was being executive-produced by Markle and David Furnish, Elton John's husband, Vanity Fair reports. "Like many girls her age, our heroine Pearl is on a journey of self-discovery as she tries to overcome life’s daily challenges," Markle said last year.
The show would have been the first animated series from Markle and Prince Harry's Archewell Productions, which signed a multiseries deal with Netflix in 2020. Insiders tell Deadline that Pearl was still in the development stage and Netlix is moving forward with other Archewell projects including documentary series Heart of Invictus. Netflix's share price plunged last month and is now down more than 65% since January. The company axed two other animated series last week: Dino Daycare and Boons and Curses. It also canceled Space Force, which starred Steve Carell, after two seasons. (More Meghan Markle stories.)