"I didn't hurt anybody. I didn't endanger anybody's life." That's what Texas man Brett Sanders tells NBC-DFW to explain his indignation over a $220-plus speeding ticket he recently received while driving near his Frisco home. Sanders was fined for driving 9 miles over the limit, and because cops made such a big deal about his transgression, he decided to make a big deal about paying for it. "I just decided I may as well pay with pennies and … make a big spectacle of it," he says. In a caption for the YouTube video he posted about the incident, entitled, "How to pay a speeding ticket" (it's already racked up more than 1 million views), Sanders notes he was convicted for going 39mph in a 30mph zone, that he's "not a big fan of extortion," and that he had to pay the $212 (plus a processing fee) facing "the barrel of a gun" (which we're assuming is metaphorical).
The video shows Sanders unrolling the approximately 22,000 one-cent pieces he retrieved from a local bank and dumping them into two large buckets labeled "Extortion Money," per Today.com. He lugged the buckets to the city's municipal court, where he proceeded to unload his coinage onto a clerk's counter. The New York Daily News says it took the clerks three hours to count and roll the pennies back up. "It felt really great," Sanders says, per NBC. The kicker to his stunt, which technically isn't illegal, is that he overpaid: The city now owes him a grand total of $7.81, though he says he's cool with them holding onto the change. "I'm just going to go ahead and let them keep that," he notes. (A grocery store wouldn't let this woman pay in quarters.)